
The phoenix domain master jumped up from the chair suddenly.

His eyes locked on something in Yueqing Ling's palm, he was shocked and distressed.

In Yue Qingling's hand, it was the ancient toad scale armor with a strange fire glow!

"It's so nonsense!"

Zhou Baiyu was furious, and he came to Yue Qingling in a flash, and angrily said: "Who made you move the beast of the phoenix domain master?"

I can't help feeling proud.

Just now, the Phoenix Territory Lord's words were too full.

Yue Qingling was the little disciple he loved the most, but the master of the Phoenix Region looked down on him, saying that no matter what she said, she couldn't touch the ancient toad at all.

Isn't this too arrogant?

what's the result?

The slap came so fast.

Xiao Ling'er not only moved, but also moved very well.

Who said that our Shenyi Medicine Sect can only hide in the rear and feed people medicine? Biqu library

Well, Xiao Ling'er did a good job!

And that disciple surnamed Li, did a great job!

Zhou Baiyu seemed furious, but he dodged in front of Yue Qingling, maybe he meant to protect her.

In order to prevent the phoenix domain master from attacking him in a fit of rage.

After reprimanding Yue Qingling, she turned around and said sincerely to the ashen-faced Phoenix Lord, "Huangyu Lord, this is due to the lax discipline of this old man, and I will definitely explain to you afterwards!"

Master Huang's chest heaved violently, but he glanced at Ye Changsheng, gritted his teeth and said, "Forget it, it's just this small piece, it won't affect my toad very much."

"Thank you, Phoenix Territory Master Haihan!"

Zhou Baiyu bowed to express his thanks.

It's just that the hand that bowed and saluted slightly shook, but also thanked Ye Changsheng in.

He knew that if Ye Changsheng were not here today, this matter would be difficult.

Ye Changsheng smiled slightly: "Actually, it's all just a misunderstanding. According to the old way, the most important thing is to save people."

Yue Qingling was awakened by one word, and immediately said with tears: "Master, let's go and save Senior Brother Li!"

Zhou Baiyu originally had the same intention. It is rare that someone from his own sect can fight, so how could he not save him?

He said: "Tell me first, which elder's disciple is Senior Brother Li?"

Yue Qingling said anxiously: "He is not from our sect, but a senior from Tai Dao Sect!"

As soon as this remark came out, not only Zhou Baiyu was stunned, but Ye Changsheng was also stunned.

"A Taoist disciple?"

Ye Changsheng couldn't help being at a loss, and turned around to look around.

No, he came to Shenyi Medicine Sect this time, didn't he bring all the disciples behind him?


Bai Yu also didn't expect that the fire would suddenly burn on Tai Dao Sect, so he quickly reprimanded: "What nonsense are you talking about, this is the Immortal Master of Tai Dao Sect!"

"How did his disciple get mixed up with you!"

Is it the real Changsheng? !

Yue Qingling was shocked, and then overjoyed.

She didn't beg her grumpy master any more, she knelt down towards Ye Changsheng, and said urgently: "It's true! Senior Brother Li is the closed disciple of Daoist Changsheng, and I ask Daoist to save him quickly. That's too late!"

Ye Changsheng was also dumbfounded, "The old Taoist didn't mean to accept disciples, where did the closed disciples come from?"

Yue Qingling stomped her feet anxiously, can you save people?

He said anxiously: "It's not this closed disciple, it's that closed disciple!"

Zhou Baiyu said angrily: "What a mess!"

Yue Qingling cried again, "Brother Li, he is responsible for closing the door every night when Daoist Changsheng is sleeping, he is the disciple who closes the door!"

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of everyone in the hall suddenly became strange.

The Lord of the Phoenix Region also took another look at Ye Changsheng, and said in his heart, you old man Ye, you are living a good life!

Ye Changsheng was numb.

"The old Taoist sleeps... he always closes the door by himself, and the disciple does not need to be responsible for this matter."

"No, Senior Brother Li said so!"

On Yue Qingling's side, Senior Brother Li took one bite at a time. What everyone present didn't notice was that the expression on the person behind Ye Changsheng became more and more ugly.

This person is Xu Qiushuang.

Brother Li!

The previous she was called by Senior Brother Li, but the result was...

She couldn't bear it anymore, and said behind Ye Changsheng: "This junior sister, I don't know what is the full name of the senior brother Li you are talking about?"

Yue Qingling was extremely helpless, she understood that if she didn't speak clearly today, they would not save people.

He could only say: "Brother Li's full name is Li Erniu."


Ye Changsheng got up suddenly, his elegant Taoist temperament disappeared instantly, and his complexion changed drastically.

Behind him, Xu Qiushuang could no longer control her body and began to tremble violently.

Li Erniu!

No matter what, Xu Qiushuang would never remember this name.

It was Chen Laomo who lied to her back then, and almost put Master into a dangerous death situation, and even harmed Chen Qingxuan and Uncle Chen because of it.

For the purpose of protecting Xu Qiushuang, Ye Changsheng did not tell the five cases and seven

other people.

In fact, he thought, the name Li Erniu was just made up by Chen Laomo casually, maybe Lao Mo himself would forget it after that day, so why mention it would only increase the pressure on his comrades.

Unexpectedly, he heard this name again!

"Master Changsheng, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Baiyu asked lately.

The secret channel broke down.

Isn't this Li Erniu an abandoned disciple of Tai Dao Sect?

Otherwise, why would Changsheng Daoist react like this.

How could Xiao Ling'er get involved with such a person, don't get her involved!

"Li Erniu..."

Ye Changsheng's complexion became extremely ugly, and he paused every word: "It's Chen Tianxing, Chen Laomo!"


With a bang, Zhou Baiyu's brain was buzzing.

This is even more explosive than Tai Yi's abandoned disciple!

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

Yueqing Ling hoarsely said: "Brother Li is so nice, how could he be an old devil!"

"No, you must have made a mistake!"

"What if, what if it's just the same name?"

Xu Qiushuang looked at the collapsed Yue Qingling, as if seeing herself back then, her heart softened, she closed her eyes in pain and said: "Junior Sister Le, back then I was just like you... I trusted him so much!"

Ye Changsheng shook his head and sighed: "My Supreme Dao Sect doesn't have a disciple named Li Erniu, and Chen Laomo pretended to be Lingxu Pavilion back then."


"This is impossible!"

Yue Qing Ling's tender body shook, as if all her strength had been emptied in an instant, her hand tightly covered her mouth, but tears had burst into tears.

Senior Brother Li, such a good Senior Brother Li, how could he be Chen Laomo?

"not good!"

At this moment, the Lord of the Phoenix Region, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

"Damn old devil Chen, what did he do to my Chan'er?"

Just now, the worried Phoenix Territory Master sensed the Burning Heaven Ancient Toad through the Beast Control Secret Technique.

But no matter how she perceives it, there is no news about Fentian Guchan, who has telepathy with her for a long time.

There is only one possibility for this to happen, and that is...

"Chen Laomo, I want your life!"

The master of the phoenix region screamed angrily, and he rushed out with boundless killing intent.

Ye Changsheng was shocked, it was too late to stop him, so he could only shout: "Lord of the Phoenix Territory, don't be impulsive!"

He also got up long, and disappeared into the hall of Shenyi Medicine Sect after chasing the master of the Phoenix domain.

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