The monks in the Wild Beast Realm are very strong.

But their strength lies in the tamed beasts.

Its own strength is the weakest among all types of monks in Xuanyuan Continent.

How can Ye Changsheng rest assured that the master of the phoenix realm went after Chen Laomo single-handedly?

What's more, the Burning Heaven Ancient Toad she brought is very likely to have died in the hands of Chen Laomo, which greatly reduced her strength.

What's more, it is even more impossible for Ye Changsheng to ignore Chen Laomo's appearance near Qingyuan Mansion.

What we need to worry about now is, did Old Mo Chen come here by himself, or are there a large number of demon cultivators lurking in the cold pool of clear water?

While chasing after him, Ye Changsheng was also transmitting voice to Zhou Baiyu.

"Zhou Zongzhu, this matter is strange, please call the disciples to rush to the clear water and cold pool to help!"

He himself and the disciples of Tai Dao Sect had already chased the Master of the Phoenix Region out of the Divine Will Medicine Sect.

"Master, he..."

Yue Qingling's eyes were full of tears.

"you shut up!"

Zhou Baiyu said angrily: "What are you doing for him? Didn't you listen to the real Changsheng?"

"No, he can't be..."

Yue Qingling's heart ached to the extreme, but she still didn't believe it.

"What is impossible!"

Zhou Baiyu sternly said: "Then old devil Chen practiced the evil art of the blissful heavenly devil, and that was just to deceive you little girls. You have been sold and are still counting the money for him!"

"Come on!"

The situation was urgent, he couldn't continue to entangle with Yue Qingling, so he simply called his disciples to escort Yue Qingling to the inner hall, then hastily summoned the remaining elders and core disciples in the gate, and the group hurried to the clear water cold pool.

"He lied to me?"

Yue Qingling was being escorted, but she kept looking at the ancient toad scale armor in her hand, until now she still didn't want to believe it.

"What did he lie to me about?"

Scenes of getting along with Chen Tianxing can't help appearing in my mind.

She was the one who approached Senior Brother Li on her own initiative, she was the one who asked Senior Brother Li for help, and she was the one who was rescued by Senior Brother Li later on!

From the beginning to the end, the senior brother didn't make any excessive demands!

In comparison, the self who has benefited and was unharmed is more like a liar, right?

How could such a person be a devil?

Do not!

Even if he is a devil, he is still a good devil!

Yue Qingling almost bit her lips to bleed out, and she became more and more convinced that the real Changsheng had admitted the wrong person.

Just wait, wait for Senior Brother Li to come back, everything

The truth is revealed!

At this moment, Yue Qingling was not in a hurry.

Anyway, she achieved her goal.

Ye Changsheng and the others were finally rushing to the Clear Water Cold Pool.

No matter what, Brother Li, you must persevere!

Being imprisoned in the inner hall, Yue Qingling kept praying in her heart.

The words are divided into two ends.

The Lord of the Phoenix Region charged towards Fentian Ancient Toad like crazy, but was blocked by Ye Changsheng on the way.

"Old man Ye, get out of the way!"

When she was furious, Ye Changsheng didn't want to give him face, so he turned around and wanted to pass by.

However, a golden light suddenly appeared in front of him, and an air wall transformed from golden spiritual power blocked the front.

The phoenix domain master was even more furious.

She recognized that this was Ye Changsheng's painting, and she couldn't help but angrily said, "What do you mean?"

"Could it be that you and that old devil Chen are in the same group?"

Ye Changsheng shook his head and sighed, "Be at ease, Master Huang. According to the old way of thinking, it is better to recruit more people."


The Master of the Phoenix Territory said angrily: "I am an army by myself, what kind of people do I need?"

Ye Changsheng was still shaking his head, "Old Demon Chen's cultivation is as high as the sky, even the old Daoist will be inferior to him, if the Phoenix Region Master rushes alone, it will be very dangerous."

The phoenix master's eyes flashed with surprise, "Old man Ye, do you admit that you are not as good as Old Demon Chen?"

Ye Changsheng said frankly: "It's not as good as it is, why don't you dare to admit it?"

These words made the Phoenix Territory Lord silent.

Just now she was angry and went first, Ye Changsheng chased after her, but even she didn't realize when Ye Changsheng ran in front of her and stopped her.

In terms of cultivation alone, she had to admit that Ye Changsheng was much stronger than her.

Perhaps, it was only when their husband and wife were together that they could fight Ye Changsheng just now.

But such a powerful existence also admits that Chen Laomo is stronger than him?

While speaking, the disciples of Tai Dao Sect had already arrived, and not long after, the masters of Shenyi Medicine Sect led by Zhou Baiyu also arrived.

All together, there are hundreds of people.

"Lord of the Phoenix Territory, you are the only one here in the Wild Beast Realm this time?"

Ye Changsheng asked tentatively.

He came late, and when he came, the Phoenix domain master was already there, but he didn't see other people from the beast domain following him, so he asked this question.

"My old lady came out to relax, what are you doing with someone?"

The master of the phoenix region said unhappily: "There is only one old woman in the world.

Is there a place where people can't go? "

"Okay, can we go now?"

Obviously not wanting to entangle Ye Changsheng on this issue, a pair of bare hands clapped on the painting ground, making a loud clatter.

"Everyone be careful!"

There was a flash of light in Ye Changsheng's eyes, and he didn't say much, releasing a huge Taoist spiritual power, enveloping everyone.

Only then did he flick the whisk and drink away!

shrink into an inch!

The next moment, everyone suddenly felt cold, but they were already near the clear water cold pool.

As they got closer, the connection between the Phoenix Territory Master and his own beast became stronger, and he didn't care about being surprised by Ye Changsheng's secret speech skills, and immediately there was a scream.


She rushed to the cold pool in a flash, and what she saw made her eyes tear open.

In the cold pool, isn't that huge mountain of ice cubes her Burning Heaven Ancient Toad?

Can the Burning Heaven Ancient Toad with extreme fire power be frozen into ice cubes?

Unless it's already...

Moving his eyes down, the aura of the Phoenix Domain Master instantly rose.

She saw that a terrifying bloody mouth appeared on the belly of Burning Heaven Ancient Chan, which looked like it was torn open from the inside out.



The phoenix domain master was so angry that he almost went crazy.

People in the Wild Beast Realm are accompanied by alien beasts all day long. For them, alien beasts are their best friends and closest relatives, not pets or subordinates.

Seeing Fen Tian Gu Chan's corpse at this moment, the anger in the Phoenix Region Master's heart can be imagined.

"Hitting my toad, and taking away its beast pill, what a ruthless method!"

"Kill you, my mother will kill you!"

She raised her head to the sky and roared furiously, the powerful strength of the transformation stage unreservedly exploded, shaking the ground.

"Old man Ye, don't you hurry up and see who the murderer is?"

Turning his head angrily, he saw Ye Changsheng standing aside with his brows furrowed.

"It's Old Devil Chen."

Ye Changsheng said solemnly: "The wound on Fentian Guchan's body still has the aura of the Heavenly Demon Saber remaining on it, which is unique to Chen Laomo's Bliss Heaven Demon Art!"

"But he's gone."

As early as when he came here, he had let go of his perception, confident that even Chen Tianxing would never be able to escape his perception.

But after waiting for so long, not only did he not perceive Chen Tianxing, but there was no other demonic energy on the spot.

This made Ye Changsheng even more puzzled.

Could it be that Chen Laomo came all the way from thousands of miles just to kill Fen Tian Ancient Chan?

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