The thirty-eighth medicine furnace suddenly exploded!

A bloody mouth burst out from the soil under the medicine furnace, so fast that even a master like Cang Wudao had no time to react.

Even Cang Wudao's thinking is still stuck on whether this is the Nine Refining Returning to Heaven Pill or what it is.


Caught off guard, Cang Wudao was swallowed in one gulp.

Immediately afterwards, he closed his mouth and shot straight into the sky.

At this time, I saw that this big mouth was actually a huge and ferocious flower. When the stamen touched Cangwudao, all the petals closed inwards, which was like the bloody mouth of a monster.

What makes this giant flower soar into the sky is the thick rhizome that breaks out of the ground.

What's even more frightening is that as the rhizome rushed out, more tiny branches split, and the same terrifying and hideous petals bloomed from them.

"Yes, it's the Demon Realm Vain Flower!"

There was a sudden change, and someone on the high platform recognized the flower and immediately exclaimed.

"how is this possible?"

"Waitless flowers have long since disappeared even in the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm, so why did they appear in the Sanctuary?"

"Huang Qi, it's Huang Qi!"

Although everyone on the stage was shocked, as if they had expected it, five sects and seven sects, including Zhou Baiyu, the suzerain of Shenyi Medicine Sect, all stood up suddenly.

"Comrades, please help the old man!"

Ye Changsheng's thick voice roared out with powerful spiritual power, as if Hong Zhong Dalu came from the sky, and the sound shook and hit his heart.

When there was a sudden change in the assessment field, Ye Changsheng, who had been staying in the side hall, rushed out immediately.

At this moment, he is directly above the huge vain flower flying up.

He inserted the usual whisk into his back, and Ye Changsheng's hands flew up, forming imprints in all directions.

At the same time, the other sect masters also practiced countless times, each flying to a specific direction, sending their spiritual power to Ye Changsheng who was in the middle.

"Jiantian Subduing Demon Formation!"

Ye Changsheng stared and shouted, and the four sides of his hands shone with dazzling golden light, which flashed and magnified instantly.

The golden light diffused to cover the entire plant of Wushenghua, and then wrapped Huang Qi in it, and rushed down suddenly!

During Setsuna, a big formation has been formed, with Ye Changsheng as the center, the four square seals in the palm expand into a golden cage with four sides, trapping one person and one flower in the formation.


At this moment, the huge petals of the Wushenghua rushed towards it, even with explosive momentum, they couldn't break away from the Juntian Subduing Demon Formation, the flower head was knocked to one side, and fell to one side.

"Old Devil Chen,

Today is your day of death! "

Ye Changsheng's divine light was infinite, and his spiritual eyes stared directly at Huang Qi below.


Huang Qi was taken aback.

At this moment, a figure burst out from the crooked petals of vain life.

"He's not Old Devil Chen!"

That person is Cang Wudao.

Although he was caught off guard and swallowed by the flower in vain, his reaction was also extremely fast, wrapping his whole body with spiritual power immediately without being pulled into the rhizome by the suction force from the stamen.

In the collision just now, the tough petals were cracked by the huge spiritual power, Cang Wudao seized the opportunity and broke out with all his might.

"The Supreme Elder!"

Zhou Baiyu heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Cang Wudao was fine.

It's just that Juntian Subduing Demon Formation has been completed, Ye Changsheng absolutely dare not open the gap in the formation at this moment, for fear that Chen Laomo will also take the opportunity to escape.

Hearing Cang Wudao's words, he asked suspiciously: "Brother Wudao, what did you say?"

Cang Wudao flew into the air and stopped on the top of the Juntian Subduing Demon Formation, staring at Huang Qi, he paused and said: "This person is Xiao Mohe!"


"Xiao... Xiao Mohe, Myriad Medicine Doctor Immortal?"

As soon as he said a word, everyone was shocked.

Among the people present, except for Sanctuary Da Neng who is an elite disciple of Medicine Sect, no one will be unfamiliar with the name Xiao Mohe.

Hearing Cang Wudao's call to reveal the other party's identity, even Ye Changsheng was shocked.

"How could it be him?"

"Xiao Yixian, isn't he dead?"

"The whole family of the Xiao family was killed by the Heavenly Demon Sect seven years ago!"

No matter whether it is a great power in the sanctuary or a disciple of the medicine sect, infinite doubts arose in everyone's heart.

If it weren't for the person who said this, Cang Wudao...

"Xiao Mohe, how long are you going to pretend?"

Cang Wudao's face was ashen, and he shouted: "Your alchemy is so powerful that even the old man can't detect it before you do it, but once you use your spiritual power, you can't hide it from the old man!"



"Ha ha ha ha!"

Huang Qi laughed wildly below, as if he had heard the most ridiculous joke in the world.

It's just the sadness in that laughter, which makes people's hearts chill.

It took him a long time to stop his smile, his sharp eyes were like swords, piercing through the sky.

"That's right, anyone can be deceived by me, but you can't."

"Who told you to be someone Xiao's career master?" Pen Fun Library

After the words fell, some people on the spot looked dignified, while others looked around blankly.

Myriad Medicine Doctor Xiao Mo He Jing

Is it the disciple of Elder Yao Zong?

Not many people know about it.

But at this moment, Xiao Mohe naturally stopped pretending, and with a little touch on his face, he restored his original appearance.

Ye Changsheng frowned deeply.

This person is really Xiao Mohe!

And he waited in the side hall for a long time, until Xiao Mohe made a move, suddenly felt a strong devilish energy, he thought it was Chen Laomo who made a move, so he didn't dare to neglect to make a move immediately.

But Xiao Mohe was the only one trapped!

And that huge devilish energy, he also wants to understand now.

No wonder the Phoenix Territory Lord's Soul Devouring Butterfly kept feeding back that there was a huge amount of demon energy in the examination field, but he couldn't notice it.

Thinking about it, it was also Xiao Mohe's fault.

The hidden demonic energy comes from the ground that makes the roots of the useless flowers burst out!

Now that they were getting closer, Ye Changsheng realized that the soil on the ground of the thirty-eighth medicine stove was slightly different from that of other places, and it was extremely difficult to detect with the naked eye.

It turned out that Xiao Mohe used some method to make the Demon Realm Extreme Soil suitable for the growth of vain flowers in the sanctuary.

Reminiscent of his pretended identity as a deacon elder, he has an excellent opportunity to spread the extreme soil of the Demon Realm on the ground.

"Medical Immortal Xiao, you are the Immortal Doctor of Myriad Medicines respected by everyone in my sanctuary, why bother to become a demon?"

Ye Changsheng sighed deeply, looking at Xiao Mohe who showed his true face, there was a touch of regret on his face.

"Everyone admires?"

Xiao Mohe sneered again and again, looked around at the crowd, and said proudly: "What you care about is nothing more than Xiao's medical skills, what do you mean everyone admires?"

"It's just that everyone needs it."

Ye Changsheng shook his head, "Even so, you don't have to go with Chen Laomo, do you?"


Xiao Mohe was startled again.

"What a leader!"

Cang Wudao stared sharply, and shouted: "This is the second time this old man has heard the word leader from you today!"

"Xiao Mohe, you really joined the Heavenly Demon Cult, then don't blame the old man for cleaning up the sect!"

His right palm stretched out, blue flames shot out from his palm, and a large palm of flame appeared, and he patted Xiao Mohe on the head.


Xiao Mohe was neither startled nor afraid, and with a thought, before two vain flowers rushed out from his left and right sides to seal his body, he forcibly swallowed the flame palm.

"Cang Wudao, you are so anxious to kill me because you are afraid that I will tell you about your evil deeds back then?"

Xiao Mohe's voice floated coldly from under the petals.

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