
Cang Wudao yelled angrily: "The old man walks upright and sits upright, what evil is he doing?"

"It's you, a fame-seeker, who sees that you can't get any benefits in the sanctuary, so you abandon your family and career to join the Tianmo Sect!"

"Such a villain, the old man was really blind back then!"

As he spoke, he slapped out two flaming palms again.

It's a pity that he still couldn't hit Xiao Mohe, and was blocked by Wu Shenghua himself.

Cang Wudao looked surprised and uncertain.

Ye Changsheng sighed: "Xiao Yixian, why are you doing this?"

Ye Changsheng, who was outside the formation, could clearly perceive the confusion of the authorities.

The reason why Xiao Mohe didn't move was that his feet were connected with the flowers in vain.

It can be said that he is now Wu Shenghua, and Wu Shenghua is also him.

Xiao Mohe is currently using his own spiritual power to support the crazy growth of Wushenghua, and judging from his current state, he has reached the stage of transforming gods.

The spiritual power of the transformation stage is so huge, this is the reason why the vain life flower can split so many, and each plant is extremely tyrannical.

But vain flowers are extremely rare even in the Demon Realm, so how could they be such a docile plant?

Now Xiao Mohe can use his spiritual power to make offerings, and when his spiritual power is exhausted, what will be absorbed by him will be his own flesh and blood.

No matter how strong the spiritual power is in the transformation stage, it is not unlimited.

Xiao Mohe's play is clearly a way of killing each other!

"If Daoist Changsheng is in the same situation as me, I think you will understand why I am struggling."

Xiao Mohe looked up, his eyes still fell on Cang Wudao.

At the same time, the spiritual power of the whole body is released.

Aroused by this, Wu Shenghua suddenly went berserk.

The already huge petals grew ten times longer, almost filling the entire Juntian Subduing Demon Formation.

"Cang Wudao, let us master and apprentice go to the underworld together today!"

With a sharp shout, Xiao Mohe's eyes turned red immediately, and a mouthful of blood sprayed on the thick rhizome.


All the vain flowers devoured the sky and left without a way!

"Old man Ye, let go of the gap!"

At this moment, Ye Changsheng's Jiao Zha came from the top of Ye Changsheng's head.

Simultaneously with her voice, there is also a fierce and terrifying coercion!

Ye Changsheng's heart trembled, even he shrank away from this coercion, and at the same time, the palm prints changed, and the golden light above the Juntian Fumo Formation disappeared.

The fierce coercion rushed in, but it was a gust of wind.



The gust of wind entered the battle, creating endless wind blades, like chopping melons and vegetables, cutting all the flowers in vain to pieces.


Under the traction of the Qi machine, Xiao Mohe immediately spurted out another mouthful of blood, and his whole body became fatigued at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There was a gust of wind above everyone, and when they looked up, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

On the top of the Juntian Fumo Formation, a huge Kunpeng flapped its wings, its huge body completely covered the entire main hall.

The Lord of the Phoenix Region, with phoenix flames rising all over his body, stood on Kunpeng's back overlooking the common people.

"So it was you who killed my toad!"

The Lord of the Phoenix Region fixed his eyes on Xiao Mohe, murderous intent loomed in his pretty eyes, "Today you will die!"

"Lord Phoenix, wait a moment!"

Ye Changsheng was still calm, and said: "Medical Doctor Xiao may have hidden intentions in doing this, according to the old way, it is better to let him..."

Before the words fell, someone in the crouching demon array roared: "What are you talking about so much? Since this thief has joined the demon sect, he is the mortal enemy of my sanctuary, and he will be killed without mercy!"

But it is innocent!

The strength of the Lord of the Phoenix Region was tyrannical, and the seemingly indiscriminate wind blade attack perfectly avoided Cang Wudao who was also in the formation, and didn't even scratch a piece of his clothes.

At this moment, the flowers in vain were shattered, Cang Wudao saw this golden opportunity, and attacked Xiao Mohe with all his strength.

"Brother Wudao, you..."

Ye Changsheng was still waiting to be stopped, but Cang Wudao's movements were extremely fast, at this time Xiao Mohe was also seriously injured, and he was about to die under Cang Wudao's flames.

On the nick of time.


Cang Wudao, who threw himself down with all his strength, suddenly trembled violently, feeling as if he had been hit head-on by a meteorite from outside the sky, his whole body suddenly flew obliquely upwards, and slammed heavily into the Juntian Demon Subduing Formation.

The momentum was so strong that even this solid square formation was crumbling, looking like it might be broken.

Shocked, everyone quickly poured their spiritual power onto Ye Changsheng, and stabilized Juntian Demon Subduing Formation first.

But at the moment beside Xiao Mohe, there is one more person.

"The devil!"

"Old Devil Chen!"

"It really is him!"

The one who appeared next to Xiao Mohe was Chen Tianxing who had been spying on him for a long time and was so bored that he fell asleep twice. 】

The appearance of Juntian Subduing Demon Formation was beyond his expectation.

Even he is not sure to break this demon-subduing formation that unites twelve great powers from five sects and seven sects.

But he is outside the formation!

Can't break the formation, from

Going out of the formation and accidentally killing one or two sacred powers, the power of the formation will be greatly reduced, not to mention disappearing.

Therefore, he did not intend to enter the battle, but waited for the opportunity outside.

But Cang Wudao was too impatient, he was about to kill Xiao Mohe while speaking.

In desperation, Chen Tianxing could only sneak in through the gap in the formation formed by Ye Changsheng, to save Xiao Mohe's life first.


Xiao Mohe turned his head with difficulty, looking at Chen Tianxing who suddenly appeared by his side, he was indescribably surprised.

"Chen Laomo, you are still here."

Looking at Chen Tianxing who suddenly appeared, Ye Changsheng's eyes were a little complicated.


Chen Tianxing stood proudly, and said coldly: "Xiao Mohe is a member of my Heavenly Demon Sect, that is, mine."

"My person has something to say, who dare not let him say it?"

For Chen Tianxing's appearance, Xiao Mohe was no less surprised than the others. Hearing what the other party said at this moment, his heart trembled violently.

"You bastard, is it you who play in vain flowers like this?"

Chen Tianxing glared at him and patted him on the shoulder casually.

Xiao Mohe suddenly felt a burst of relief all over his body, and lifted his foot inconceivably, but saw that the connection between him and Wu Shenghua had been broken by Chen Tianxing's palm, and he no longer sucked his flesh and blood at this moment.

Regardless of Xiao Mohe's feelings, Chen Tianxing took another look at Cang Wudao who was still stuck on the Demon Subduing Formation, and guessed that this old boy would not be able to get it off for a while.

Then he said to Xiao Mohe: "If you have something to say, just say it, whoever dares not let you say it, he will end up!"

The soul of gossip is burning in my heart.

"What else is there to say?"

But someone outside the formation shouted: "Xiao Mohe's joining the Heavenly Demon Sect is a certainty, why should we waste time listening to the nonsense of two demons!"

Chen Tianxing glanced at him, "Why do you have an opinion?"

"Come on, come in and talk!"

He hooked his fingers at the man, and rolled up his sleeves again.

The shouting man snorted, but he didn't dare to go in and say anything.

Ye Changsheng said, "Xiao Yixian, why did you end up in such a state?"

Hearing this, Chen Tianxing secretly laughed in his heart, this old man Ye is also gossiping like me!

All eyes were on Xiao Mohe.

"How did I get reduced to such a field?"

"Ha ha……"

Xiao Mohe hated Cang Wudao, raised his hand and pointed sharply: "Then I have to ask the old dog!"

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