What is the use?

Qi Sheng stared coldly at Chen Tianxing through the power of earth elements.

But I was secretly surprised in my heart.

This kid doesn't seem to be a reckless man who only knows how to fight without thinking, he has no less combat experience than himself!

He seemed to be acting recklessly, but in fact, Qi Sheng also found that when Chen Tianxing slashed at the Heavenly Demon Sword like he didn't want money, his response suddenly became monotonous.

He can't do anything else other than constantly repairing the mountains formed by the power of the soil!

This is an incredible thing.

You must know that whether it is before or after the weakening, your cultivation level is higher than Chen Tianxing, and it is still much higher!

Before being weakened, he was already a strong man in the God Fusion Realm. Even if he returned to the Xuanyuan Continent, he still had the powerful strength of the sixth level of the Returning Void Realm.

This strength is in the Xuanyuan Continent, that is an invincible existence!

Available at Chen Tianxing here.

The opponent's cultivation level is indeed lower than his, but when it comes to the purity of the power of the five elements, it is better than him.

He is a monk with both soil and wood elements. Because of the fact that wood restrains soil, although he can fuse the two, he is still not pure enough.

On the other hand, look at Chen Tianxing.

This kid has all the powers of the five elements. It is said that it is far more difficult than him to maintain the balance of the five directions. His wood power is also because of the reason that metal overcomes wood, so it will be difficult to exert the pure power of wood.

But his Wood Xingtian Demon Saber was so pure, as if he had only cultivated the power of Wood Xing, and he didn't feel any impurities in it at all.

Because of this, his earth power was broken so quickly.

As a last resort, he could only choose to quickly repair the power of the soil.

Fortunately, his cultivation base is deep enough, so he was able to repair Chen Tianxing's half-cut bottom in the first time.

But like this, he couldn't do anything else.

Because Qi Sheng discovered that as long as he wasn't paying attention, the crazy Mu Xingtian Demon Saber would hit Huanglong like a broken bamboo, and would attack him.

It's true that he is at the sixth level of the Void Returning Realm, but he hasn't reached the point where he can completely ignore the opponent's pure Wooden Heaven Demon Saber.

Once he was hit by the main body, he was not sure if he could hold it.

So, it's not that he's forcing Chen Tianxing to fight him

, but completely entered the opponent's rhythm.

Ridiculous to say.

He, a strong man in the state of fusion in the plane of the sacred tree, would be forced to fight recklessly by low-level monks whose strength was much lower than his own.

It seems that this kind of situation usually appears on the high-level initiative and the low-level passive. I didn't expect that I would witness a reversal in the first battle in Xuanyuan Continent.

But so what?

Qi Sheng stared sharply, at this moment, he completely regarded Chen Tianxing as his equal opponent.

In the blink of an eye, although I seem to have fallen into various unfavorable situations, it is obvious that I am still deeper in terms of cultivation, isn't it?

And it's much deeper!

So even if he is passively caught in a reckless situation, is he afraid?

Originally, this was the way he wanted to fight!

Then come on, since you like this way of dying, I can also help you!

Qi Sheng's face turned serious, and he blasted out the power of the soil in a more violent way, determined to fight Chen Tianxing to the end.

A strange scene appeared on the spot.

The huge mountain that could cover the entire Tianmo Sect was about to fall, and the disciples of the Tianmo Sect were shocked.

But under the strong coercion of the power of the earth, they were not to say that they fled in all directions, and it was not easy to keep their bodies from being crushed under this coercion.

The entire Tianmo Sect was trembling under Qi Sheng's earth power, and the whole body was crushed to the ground by at least a foot!

A scene of the end of the world.

Fortunately for the disciples of the Tianmo Sect, they have a leader!

Just below the high mountain, a line of dark green saber light continuously cut upwards, stopping the high mountain's fall in a brutal way.

If it wasn't for the leader, all of them would have been crushed into a pulp!

Yes, all of them!

Even powerful men such as Huang Quan or Li Wuming, who ruled the roost in the Tianmo Cult, were powerless to resist the coercion of the sixth level of the Void Returning Realm.

This is a dimensionality reduction blow from the super-plane!

Only the priest can stand it.

Come on, Master!

Everyone's palms were sweating, and the tension in their hearts had reached an unbearable level.

One mistake and they will have no tomorrow.

Chen Tian

How long can the line last?

This is the answer everyone wants to know, but the answers the two sides want are completely different.

The Tianmo Sect, including Yue Qingling and others who were protected by Ye Changsheng, naturally hoped that Chen Tianxing would support them as long as possible, and even defeat them in one fell swoop.

As for Qi Sheng, naturally, the shorter the support, the better. He was eager to crush Chen Tianxing in one fell swoop, so as to prove his strength.

However, the only person who really knows the answer is Chen Tianxing.

He looked extremely dignified on the surface, but in fact he was extremely relaxed.

How long can it last?

Chen Tianxing sneered inwardly.

He can persist until the end of time!

Except that at the very beginning, in order to confuse Qi Sheng, he mobilized the power of wood from within his body, and then the Heavenly Demon Sword that slashed wildly out of the afterimage, its pure power of wood came from the theory of heaven dark space.

If you stop now, you can see that there are palm-sized black holes in the palms of Chen Tianxing's hands, which are exactly the opened dark space, from which there is a huge and incomparably huge force of wooden elements gushing out crazily. Biqu library

From then on, Chen Tianxing didn't use his own power of the five elements, but replaced it with the energy of the dark space.

The power of these five elements is extremely pure, although limited by his own low level, the power he can exert is not strong.

But now Chen Tianxing doesn't care about these things, all he wants is a big quantity and a full stomach!

Although Qi Sheng knew that it was possible for Chen Tianxing to practice Tianlun successfully, he didn't know the truth about Tianlun, and naturally it was impossible to know that Tianlun didn't need to practice at all, but only after completing the test, it would be related to the corresponding yin and yang space. bound.

So how would he know that Chen Tianxing is indeed inferior to him in everything, but there is only one thing, that is, the amount of power of the five elements!

What is the purpose of monks to realize the realm?

Don't you just want your cultivation base to have a higher and stronger change?

And the power of the five elements is second only to the power of yin and yang. In terms of pure energy, the power of the five elements that Chen Tianxing is using at this moment is even higher than Qi Sheng's power of the earth elements!

The energy of the two is equal, even Chen Tianxing is slightly stronger, so what's so scary?

After pulling the opponent into the competition of pure energy, Chen Tianxing is already invincible!

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