Master Chen has become so strong!

Ye Changsheng, who was completely unable to intervene in the battle, was secretly startled.

This is also the first time he saw Chen Tianxing fighting in the state of Tianlun.

I knew he must be very powerful, but I didn't expect to be so powerful!

As early as the beginning of the battle, Ye Changsheng, relying on his strong physical fitness, took the first step to protect Yue Qingling and the little ghost who were driven back in shock. Biqu library

After doing such a thing, he felt that he had tried his best, so that even if he saw Xiao Mohe gritting his teeth at the entrance of the medicine hall, he couldn't rush over.

After all, the first level of Returning to the Void Realm is far behind the sixth level, and this also gave Ye Changsheng a deeper understanding of himself.

That's why he understands how difficult it is for Chen Tianxing to do this.

And in this competition, Ye Changsheng saw even more that the level of victory at this moment was tilting towards Chen Tianxing's direction.

Although he is still not very clear about the horror of Tianlun, Ye Changsheng has experience!

No matter when he and Chen Tianxing were enemies, or when they were fighting the demon side by side, there was one thing that Ye Changsheng didn't understand, and he admired Chen Tianxing very much.

That is, Master Chen's cultivation base is so deep that there is no bottom to it!

Ye Changsheng had never seen Chen Tianxing exhausted and fell into weakness.

Whenever he felt that Chen Tianxing should have exhausted his cultivation and fell into trouble, Chen Tianxing would teach him what it means to be strong!

Therefore, forcibly dragging the enemy into a situation of exhaustion has always been Chen Tianxing's magic weapon to defeat the enemy, and it is not the first time he has done this.

What Ye Changsheng had to admit was that Chen Tianxing's tactics suited him perfectly!

With a lot of cultivation bases, and possessing the unique power of a demon cultivator to overwhelm others, Chen Tianxing behaved extremely strong at any time.

And it was this strength that allowed him to crush the enemy again and again.

Ye Changsheng even believed that the original owner of his body, that is, the Demon Lord, probably didn't understand until his death why the disciple he personally taught had such a huge and unfathomable cultivation level.

Therefore, even if he is a strong man in the sixth level of the Void Returning Realm, he is not afraid, so can he still use this kind of tactics?

What is it like in his dantian?

At this moment, Ye Changsheng actually had a strange thought in his heart.

he wants to be himself

Go to Chen Tianxing's dantian and see how it is different from your own.

At the same time, Qi Sheng was also surprised.

He did not underestimate the enemy, and after discovering that Chen Tianxing's wooden power was extremely pure, he also regarded Chen Tianxing as his equal opponent.

He is indeed going all out!

But what made Qi Sheng more and more shocked was that he found that his consumption had already exceeded half!

How can it be so fast?

It's him, he's too much!

After all, he is a strong man who has experienced many battles. In just a moment, Qi Sheng understood the problem.

It's Chen Tianxing!

Chen Tianxing caused his cultivation to be consumed too quickly!

The pure power of the wood elements actually put him under such great pressure that he had to use all the power of the earth elements to repair the condensed mountain.

And it has to go on like this.

Because Qi Sheng discovered that Chen Tianxing's offensive was not only continuous, but also stronger with each wave!

If it is said that Chen Tianxing used the Mu Xingtian Demon Knife to hack into the mountain at a depth of three feet before he repaired the mountain for the first time, then when he went to repair it next time, he had already hacked five feet!

Next time, seven feet!

Nine feet!

Deeper each time.

Qi Sheng was extremely sure that the repairs of these several times had the same timing.

In other words, from the first restoration, he had to repair the mountain again every two breaths.

If Chen Tianxing's attack remains unchanged, then every time he repairs, it should be at the position where the Heavenly Demon Saber penetrates three feet.

But not now!

In the same attack time, Chen Tianxing seemed to never get tired, on the contrary, the more he fought, the more courageous he became.

This put more and more pressure on Qi Sheng.

So he had to advance the time of repairing the mountain again and again, so as not to let Chen Tianxing split through the mountain.

That's why Qi Shengmo said he was back to his breath. In order to deal with the wave after wave of attacks, he didn't even have the time to catch his breath.

Because of this, more than half of his cultivation was directly consumed in a short period of time.

But that wasn't what shocked him the most.

After all, the opponent's power of wood is more pure, and it is reasonable to force him to keep repairing the power of earth.

The key is cultivation!

He, a strong man in the sixth level of the Void Returning Realm, seems to have lost half of his cultivation base, but what about Chen Tianxing?

Chen Tianxing is not talented

Is it the third level of returning to the void?

Does he have so many cultivation bases?

You must know that it is not that the third level of the Void Returning Realm is exactly half the cultivation base of the sixth level, the difference in cultivation base between the two is at least ten to twenty times!

He has lost more than half of his cultivation base, according to this calculation, Chen Tianxing should have been exhausted long ago!

But no!

Chen Tianxing's figure below was still spinning wildly like a spinning top, and his eyes were all green with the terrifying light of the Heavenly Demon Saber.

It was so green that he panicked!

How can there be so many cultivation bases?

At this moment, Qi Sheng had a change in Mozun's mood.

This is too much!

He was so angry that the theory of heaven was so strong?

This kid has only just practiced for a short time, and this has given him a qualitative leap!

I... will lose?

Suddenly, an absurd thought popped into my mind.

Qi Sheng himself was startled.

How could he lose?

What a joke!

This kid only spent half of it after fighting for so long, and I still have half of my cultivation!

Qi Sheng was roaring in his heart.

A kid at the third level of the Void Returning Realm forcibly grinds down half of his cultivation, isn't that already a big deal?

Could it be that he can still polish it?

Qi Sheng gritted his teeth, but now he has no better way.

Having experienced many battles, he knows a lot of exercises and has rich practical experience. At the same time, he has faced various desperate situations between life and death.

But just now, he couldn't use other exercises.

Just now he was able to use such an attacking technique as a leaf blocking the eyes, but now he is completely unable to free his hands.

Chen Tianxing was like playing chess with him, and he only took one step.

But it was this step that forced him to the point where he had to compete forcibly.

Now Qi Sheng is already doing his best to deal with it.

Because he knew very well that if he slowed down even a little bit, Chen Tianxing would forcibly chop through this mountain of earth power that had gathered more than half of his cultivation, and then hit himself.

He is really at his wits end.

In addition, this is the Xuanyuan Continent, not his divine tree plane!

Here, the large amount of earth power he consumed could not be effectively replenished.

The power of the Five Elements absorbed from the Xuanyuan Continent is completely incomparable to a pure energy plane like the Divine Tree plane, which is very small. Biqu library

The only thing we can do now is to compare and see who can last till the end!

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