Shenyi Medicine Sect.

With the departure of Ye Changsheng and others, only a group of seriously injured disciples of the Medicine Sect were sitting cross-legged to heal their injuries.

And the ball of golden light in mid-air also began to dissipate slowly because it lost the support of Ye Changsheng's power.

Not long after, the golden light dissipated, followed by the weak water of the Tianhe River that was forcibly solidified inside also turned into nothingness.

No one paid attention to the movement of the ball of light.

When the disciples of the Medicine Sect were healing their wounds, they were even more astonished in their hearts. They were still as powerful as they were, and they couldn't figure out how Chen Tianxing escaped from the ball of light.

But just think about it.

What are they bothering about things that all the sanctuary powers can't figure out?

On the contrary, they, who had always been able to hide in the rear, were able to fight against the big devil of the Demon Realm today, which made everyone feel a little proud.

Now I just hope that Master and the others can catch up with Chen Laomo and don't let him escape!

However, when the last trace of the weak narcissus mist dissipated, two figures slowly appeared in midair.

A disciple inadvertently raised his head and glanced, and his whole body froze instantly.

"Ah... ah..."

He raised his hand in horror and pointed to the sky tremblingly, but his throat seemed to be blocked by a boulder. He tried desperately to make a sound, but he couldn't.

"What’s wrong with you?"

The same door felt his strangeness, and couldn't help but look up strangely.

As a result, there was one more petrified person.

What the two saw was Chen Tianxing and Xiao Mohe!

"Quick, quick..."

After finally overcoming the fear in their hearts, the two stunned and helpless disciples were about to yell.


bang bang bang!

The shadow reappears!

A phantom appeared behind dozens of disciples of the Medicine Sect on the spot, punching frequently, knocking out all the disciples.

Chen Tianxing and Xiao Mohe fell back to the ground.


Chen Tianxing didn't say much, and glanced in the direction Ye Changsheng and others were chasing, before running in the opposite direction.

The pale Xiao Mohe followed closely, looking at Chen Tianxing's back, he was full of emotions for a moment.

That's right, they haven't moved, they've always been inside the golden ball of light.

When the weak water of the Tianhe river wrapped around his body, the strong pressure caused Xiao Mohe to suffer serious injuries, but at that time Chen Tianxing told him by voice transmission, don't move.

At the same time, he also asked Xiao Mohe for a elixir that can hide the breath.

The two secretly took the elixir, and before Xiao

When Mo He figured out what to do, he heard a scream.

It is Cang Wudao who is at the rear!

At the same time, he was even more surprised to find that after everyone's attention was attracted by Cang Wudao, his body actually disappeared!

To be precise, it becomes transparent and invisible.

The two of them just stayed silently in the ball of light, until Ye Changsheng and others chased after them, only to reveal their figures.

Xiao Mohe didn't understand, but Chen Tianxing knew it all too well.

It was not him who attacked Cang Wudao.

It was the phantom heavy that was used to deal with Ye Changsheng's Ten Thousand Swords Returning to One.

There were too many phantoms at that time, two of them were at the edge, and in addition to the darkness of the night, no one noticed.

When Ye Changsheng broke through, Chen Tianxing knew that the strength of the Sanctuary had far exceeded his control, so escaping from the scene became the top priority.

Daoist Lingxu Geluo shot, but he didn't move, in order to attract everyone's attention to himself.

Only in this way can the two phantoms sneak up close to Cang Wudao.

Then the phantom exploded into trouble!

At this time, the phantom looked like Chen Tianxing. Cang Wudao didn't realize that he was hit by the trick for a moment. In his panic, he only saw Chen Tianxing who was attacking him and another figure fleeing quickly. He immediately identified in his heart that it was Chen Laomo and Xiao Mohe .

After his yell, all the great powers in the sanctuary did not doubt that he was there, so they immediately chased him out.

This matter is simple to say, but it is also luck.

Chen Tianxing's secret technique of hiding the body is just a trick in the Paradise Demon Art, which can make the body disappear, but it cannot hide the breath.

As far as his powerful demonic energy is concerned, even those disciples of the Medicine Sect could probably perceive it on the spot.

It happened that Xiao Mohe's elixir perfectly solved this problem.

In fact, it may not be perfect.

If Ye Changsheng could calm down and perceive carefully at that time, he could still feel that he and Xiao Mohe were still in the ball of light.

It's a pity that Ye Changsheng had a kind heart, fearing that everyone would suffer a big loss if they chased him out, so he rushed out after he didn't have time to think about it.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

After witnessing the Juntian Subduing Demon Formation, Chen Tianxing didn't want to be trapped again, and Xiao Mohe and Xiao Mohe left the Shenyi Medicine Sect and the inner city quickly.

It is safe to come here.

What made Xiao Mohe feel regretful was that Cang Wudao also chased out with the crowd at that time,

Otherwise, whatever he said, he would have to work hard with him.

"Master, I didn't expect you..."

Xiao Mohe looked at the person in front of him, sighed slightly in his heart, filled with emotions for a moment.

"I didn't expect that I would risk my life for you?"

Chen Tianxing said with a smile: "That's because you don't know this leader yet."

"Since you have joined the Demon Cult, you are my brother. Is there any reason not to help my brother if he is in trouble?"

"That day in Heimu Mountain, I saw that you had a different expression, so I followed you all the way. Well, it's also a good thing that the leader of the sect is here, otherwise your bones will not survive today."

Hearing this, Xiao Mohe felt endlessly moved.

Recalling the thoughts in my heart that day, I can't help but feel ridiculous.

The leader saved me with his life, but I still doubt his real purpose, I Xiao Mohe...

"Thank you, Master!"

He suddenly bowed to the ground, and solemnly said: "I, Xiao Mohe, will be Xiao Mohe of Tianmo Sect from now on, and everything will be guided by the leader!"

After the words fell, the strong white light seemed to be pulled by a pair of invisible big hands, continuously rushing into Chen Tianxing's body.

The Tai Chi diagram is moving again!

It's not in vain!

Chen Tianxing was filled with emotions.

After all the twists and turns, Xiao Mohe finally surrendered sincerely.

It has to be said that Xiao Mohe had accumulated too many merits as the Immortal Doctor of Medicine before.

I smoked it once when I was in the Shenyi Medicine Sect, and I sucked it again at this time, and it was extremely full every time, making the Taiji diagram rotate three more times.

Not only that, the white light on his body still showed no sign of weakening.

Isn't this just my initial plan, wanting to arrange a few people with great light around, as a source of white light that can be obtained at any time during the battle? Biqu library

This first step was, well, successful.

Everything was perfect except that he couldn't break through the stage of transformation and reach the realm of returning to the void after inhaling the super white light twice in a row.

Chen Tianxing is confident that if he meets Ye Changsheng again at this time, the other party will probably have another headache.

There can also be a difference of one hundred and eight thousand miles between the peak of the transformation stage and the peak of the transformation stage!

Having said that, this is too damn hard to break through, right?

"Okay, who are we with whom?"

Chen Tianxing was in a good mood, patted Xiao Mohe, and said: "This is still the territory of the sanctuary, let's go first..."


Suddenly, he felt a sense in his heart, and his eyes turned sharply to the dark place on one side.

After the voice fell, a white light slowly appeared from the darkness.


Chen Tianxing was startled, this white light... he was very familiar with it.

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