A person came out slowly from the darkness.

Looking at this person, Chen Tianxing opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

"You... are really a big devil!"

"Brother Li, tell me it's not true, it's not..."

Yue Qingling, holding a small medicine cauldron in her arms, stood in front of the two of them.

Tears flowed freely on that beautiful face, so pitiful in this desolate night wind.

Chen Tianxing frowned slightly, and asked, "How do you know we're here?"

Yue Qingling bit her lips and did not answer.

But Xiao Mohe sighed from the side: "I gave her the medicine cauldron in her bosom, and it is a pair with my Wanyao Zhuanling cauldron."

"Little Ling'er, you..."

The words stopped here, Xiao Mohe tried his best to think about it, but finally he could only shake his head silently.

Yue Qingling took a deep look at Xiao Mohe, and cried: "Xiao Uncle, Xiao Ling'er's alchemy was taught by you, and you taught me to uphold a pure heart, but you..."

She lowered her head and let the teardrops hit the ground in big ones, splashing green lotus blossoms.

"But you, why are you willing to become a devil?"


Xiao Mohe looked at Yue Qingling, the thoughts in his eyes dissipated, and he regained his clarity.

Asked: "The right way destroys me all over the world, and the devil way sacrifices his life to save me. Who do you think is the devil in my heart?"

"Zheng... the righteous way will destroy you all the way?"

Yue Qingling was shocked when she heard this, and covered her mouth in horror, "Uncle Xiao, you...you..."

I caught a glimpse of Chen Tianxing from the corner of the eye, and the second half of the sentence "Are you sure?" was finally unable to be uttered.

At this moment, she felt bitter and difficult.

When Chen Tianxing was swallowed into Burning Heaven Ancient Toad's stomach because of her, Yue Qingling rushed back to the sect to rescue soldiers in a panic.

But who would have thought that the rescuers did not move, but got another news that she couldn't accept anyway.

Her brother Li Erniu Li is actually Chen Tianxing, the great devil of the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm!

how can that be?

This is impossible!

Even if Zhou Baiyu told her later that Fentian Guchan had been killed by Chen Laomo, she still didn't believe it.

What happened to killing the Burning Heaven Ancient Toad?

Who told that stinky toad to dare to eat Senior Brother Li?

In the next two days, no matter how Zhou Baiyu tried to persuade her, Yue Qingling firmly insisted that her Senior Brother Li would never be a bad person.

This also made Zhou Baiyu imprison her in the Yaozong prison in a fit of anger, not wanting to ruin the sanctuary's major events because of her.

Later, Chen Tianxing really showed up at the assessment meeting, which greatly shocked the Shenyi Medicine Sect.

in charge of guarding her brother

Zizi secretly ran to the main hall to watch the battle, which gave Yue Qingling a chance to break out of prison.

But when she came out, the battle was coming to an end, and Ye Changsheng and other sanctuary experts chased after Chen Tianxing's phantom clone.

At that time, only she knew that Master and the others were chasing in the wrong direction.

It was because of the magic potion in his bosom.

When Xiao Mohe was still in the secret door of the Medicine Sect, Yue Qingling was still a little girl with a lively and cheerful nature, so she was extremely favored by the Medicine Sect.

Even Xiao Mohe personally granted him the Dao of Alchemy.

The Ten Thousand Medicines Turning Spirit Cauldron was refined by Xiao Mohe with great painstaking efforts. When two tripods were produced in one furnace, Xiao Mohe gave one of them to Yue Qingling.

Although they do not have the name of master and apprentice, they have the reality of master and apprentice.

Therefore, there will be a certain range of induction between the two tripods, allowing Yue Qingling to perceive Xiao Mohe's true location.

Whether it was Chen Tianxing or Xiao Mohe, they were the ones Yue Qingling couldn't let go of in her heart, so she chased after them all the way, and finally caught up with them when they stopped.

But when she rushed over, the first thing she heard was that Xiao Mohe called Chen Tianxing the leader, and claimed to be Xiao Mohe of the Demon Sect!

These words were no less than a bolt from the blue, and Yue Qingling was stunned.

"Sister Musician."

Chen Tianxing touched his nose, and suddenly said something that shocked both of them.

"Are you willing to follow us back to the Demon Realm?"

After being shocked, he was speechless.

Xiao Mohe looked at Chen Tianxing, if it wasn't for the fact that his leader was too strong, he really wanted to ask Chen Tianxing by ear:

what are you thinking?

What do you think?

What bad thoughts could the kind old devil Chen have?

He just wanted to have another source of white light around him.

"You lied to me, and still want me to follow you to the Demon Realm?"

Yue Qingling had a look of disbelief, and even forgot to cry.

Chen Tianxing shrugged, "I only lied to you about my identity, why don't you ask what happened to your Uncle Xiao?"

"Uncle Xiao?"

Yue Qingling's eyes were dim with tears, "I only know that seven years ago, Uncle Xiao's whole family was murdered by the Heavenly Demon Sect, but just now Uncle Xiao said..."

"Little Ling'er!"

Xiao Mohe shouted: "My business has nothing to do with you, you don't need to know too much."

Then he bowed his hands to Chen Tianxing and said: "Master, I, Xiao Mohe, volunteered to join the sect, but Xiao Ling'er... also asked the leader to let her go, Xiao Mohe is very grateful!"

"What do you mean?"

Chen Tianxing was slightly stunned, how could this Xiao Mohe suddenly

So serious?

Xiao Mohe bowed his head and said: "The leader is already at the peak of the god transformation period, and his cultivation is the best in the world. There is no shortage... There is no shortage of Xiao Ling'er. Please take care of me..."


Both Yue Qingling and Chen Tianxing were at a loss.

After a while, Chen Tianxing suddenly realized.

I couldn't laugh or cry immediately.

This Xiao Mohe!

I'm afraid he's thinking of his own blissful magic skill, right?

The most reviled thing about the Blissful Heaven Devil Art is the point of collecting yin and nourishing yang.

Sometimes Chen Tianxing even doubts, do they hate or envy?

Xiao Mohe suddenly said such words, probably because he thought that he wanted to bring Yue Qingling back to the Demon Realm for practicing kung fu?

The conscience of heaven and earth!

I didn't even dare to touch Xiao Cui!

As for keeping Yue Qingling from knowing about him, it was because she was afraid that the little girl would rush to find Cang Wudao impulsively.

But in fact, Xiao Mohe didn't forget, he spoke out Cang Wudao's evil deeds in public, and now the whole Shenyi Medicine Sect has spread it, right?

How can he say it?

Since Yue Qingling and Xiao Mo are not old, it is dangerous to let her stay in Shenyi Medicine Sect when the matter develops to this extent.

"Little Ling'er, if you still trust Xiao Uncle, the Medicine Sect will not go back, go..."

Xiao Mohe paused for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "I'll go find you, Uncle, he will tell you everything you want to know."

"Remember, don't go back to the Medicine Sect!"

In the last sentence, his tone was so harsh that Yue Qingling trembled in fright.

"But god Uncle he..."

Yue Qingling wanted to say something more, but Xiao Mohe waved his hand, "Let's go!"

Chen Tianxing rolled his eyes aside.

How can't you trust me?

Since Xiao Mohe knew that Yue Qingling should not stay in the Shenyi Medicine Sect, and he didn't want her to go to the Demon Realm, instead he went to find some kind of Uncle.

What the hell Uncle, your surname is Wang Laozi, can you stay safe with me, Chen Laomo?

Forget it.

He curled his lips, let's take it step by step.

Now with Xiao Mohe's sincere support, at least he has a stable source of white light.

If you want to take Yue Qingling away forcibly at this moment, firstly, Yue Qingling grew up in the sanctuary, so she may not be willing to go with him, and secondly, it will make Xiao Mohe doubt her purpose even more, the loss outweighs the gain.

"If you want to leave, just leave. After a while, Old Man Ye will come to his senses and lead someone to chase him. That trick will not work well."

Chen Tianxing airway.

Upon hearing that move, Xiao Mohe couldn't help his stomach churning again.

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