Extreme Sky Demon Realm, outside a certain nameless mountain village.

Luo Beihai was disheveled, lying on an old tree with slack eyes, as if waiting for something.

Suddenly, his expression moved slightly, and he looked at the dense forest in the mountains behind him.

There was a commotion in the forest, and a person emerged from it.

Seeing this person's appearance, Luo Beihai wanted to laugh a little.

But when he thought that he was similar to the other party at the moment, he couldn't laugh anymore.

As soon as the man showed his head, Luo Beihai shouted in a low voice: "Why are you here, this is my territory!"

"You, change the place!"

That person's image was even worse than Luo Beihai's. He was in tatters and there were even a lot of bloodstains. There were old wounds and new wounds. He had fought so many hard battles.

Hearing Luo Beihai's scolding, he raised his head and said with a wry smile, "Don't worry, I'm not here to grab your territory."

As he spoke, he jumped up, sat down beside Luo Beihai, and asked, "How's it going, is it open yet?"

This person is none other than Li Wuming, one of the three masters of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

"Fuck off!"

Luo Beihai glared at him, "Where are you from?"

"I went to the Wild Beast Realm and almost died there."

Li Wuming smiled wryly.

"Beast Realm?"

Luo Beihai was slightly surprised, "What are you doing there?"

"Not because of..."

Whenever Li Wuming mentioned this, he would get angry, but he only dared to be angry for a while, and carefully scanned the surrounding area.

Luo Beihai saw it both funny and sad, and said angrily: "Do you think the leader is still using demons outside of his body to monitor us?"

Li Wuming sighed: "Be careful sailing for ten thousand years."


Luo Hokkaidao: "The leader separated so many external transformation demons that day, even for him, the consumption is not small, and it is impossible to keep it up forever."

"Then you still..."

Li Wuming looked Luo Beihai up and down, the meaning in his eyes couldn't be more obvious.

Luo Beihai shook his head helplessly, "Although there is no external demon, who knows what other methods the leader has to assess us?"


Li Wuming was deeply convinced.

Then he smiled wryly and said, "I also thought about it, so I had no choice but to go to the Wilderness Beast Realm."

Luo Beihai also figured it out, and said, "Are you going to get the blood essence of a strange beast?"

Li Wuming sighed: "Yes!"

"At the beginning, the leader said that the Tianmo Sect cannot kill people, and told me to get chicken blood to practice. Tell me, tell me, isn't this nonsense?"

Looking back on that day, Li Wuming was filled with grief and indignation.

His Xuanxue Demon Art and Chen Tianxing's

The Heavenly Bliss Magic Art is somewhat similar, except that one sucks the vitality of people, and the other sucks the essence and blood of people.

He, Chen Laomo, has achieved a great deal of magic skills, and this time he turned his head, he is not allowed to kill anyone.

With Li Wuming's current cultivation base, what a fart it would be to just suck chicken blood!

But he didn't dare to disobey Chen Tianxing's order, and like Luo Beihai, he was afraid that the leader would have other means to perceive their real situation.

That's why he had no choice but to go far into the wild beast realm, hunt and kill those powerful alien beasts, in order to obtain the opponent's blood essence.

Although it was not as strong as human blood, the qi and blood of strange beasts were stronger than chicken blood, which didn't make his magic skills drop, or even regress.

"What about you?"

Li Wuming was in pain for a while, Xu wanted to find some comfort, and gloated: "Although your skills are not good enough to kill people, but the leader asks you to do two good deeds every day, for you..."


Luo Beihai said angrily: "Take care of yourself first!"

He raised his brows and said with a smile: "Then your blood problem is solved, how do you do good deeds?"


Li Wuming froze for a moment, and murmured, "Of course I have my own way!"

"Oh?" Luo Beihai shook his head, "I don't believe it, Lao Li, Lao Li, I advise you not to challenge the leader's bottom line, if you don't do this good deed..."

"I did!"

Li Wuming said anxiously: "How dare I disobey the leader's order, I am also insisting on doing good every day in the wild beast realm!"

"Then what did you do?"

Luo Beihai said: "If you go to kill strange beasts, you are making enemies with those savages in the beast realm. Are they willing to accept your help?"


Li Wuming hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said: "Forget it, anyway, you will know when the leader asks, so it's okay to tell you now."

Immediately, he closed his eyes and spoke very fast: "I am in the beast realm to deliver the babies for those female beasts!"

As soon as this remark came out, Luo Beihai was so shocked that he almost fell from the tree.

"you you you!"

Luo Beihai was dumbfounded, for a moment he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

They are demons!

It is the magic cultivator that everyone fears!

"Old Li, I, Luo Beihai, have never admired anyone in my life. Today, I, admire, you!"

He sternly gave Wuming a thumbs up, his face filled with sobs.

"how about you?"

Li Wuming obviously didn't want to mention this matter again, and asked: "You do two good things every day, can you do it?"

"Why do I..."

Just as he was talking, an old woodcutter staggered up from the path outside the village. His thin body was carrying firewood several times his size.

, walked unsteadily.

Suddenly, his foot slipped, and he fell backwards, and the firewood that had been tied together with great difficulty was also scattered on the ground.

Regardless of the pain, the woodcutter reluctantly got up and was about to tidy up.

But Luo Beihai caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye, and immediately yelled: "Let it go, I'll come!"

Li Wuming suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing by, and when he looked closely, Luo Beihai suddenly disappeared, but he had already arrived at the woodcutter's side, picked up the scattered firewood one by one, and re-bundled it for him.

The woodcutter knew who Luo Beihai was, and was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and kowtowed, calling repeatedly: "My lord, spare me, my lord, spare me!"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Luo Beihai glared at him, "You can do this kind of thing?"

The technique was extremely skillful, and it didn't take a moment to tie up the firewood. Then, under the horrified gaze of the old woodcutter, he returned to the tree again.

"So... this is the site you were talking about?"

Li Wuming asked in a deep voice.


Luo Beihai proudly said: "Come grab one and try to see if I will fight you hard!"

After the words fell, the two looked at each other speechlessly.

Then they sighed heavily at the same time.

"What is this called..."

"I can't live through this day!"

These two people are the two main hall masters of the Tianmo Sect, and Luo Beihai is the deputy head master!

How high is the status?

How powerful was it back then?

but now?

One was delivering babies for female beasts in the beast domain, and the other was guarding the small village, doing odd jobs for those mountain peasants who usually looked down on them.

If I say it, I'm afraid I won't be laughed off by fellow Moyu.

"Old Luo, this can't work!"

Li Wuming sighed: "If this goes on, I, I won't be able to hold on anymore!"

Even though he knew that there was no external transformation demon following him, his voice couldn't help but lowered a lot.

It can be seen that Chen Laomo has a huge shadow in the hearts of the Tianmo Cultists.

"Do you think I can hold on?"

Luo Beihai said unhappily: "But this is the order of the leader!"

"Didn't the Great Elder strongly oppose it at the time?"

Seeing Li Wuming nod his head, Luo Beihai sighed again: "Elder Huang Da, he's been messing around in the village next door to me all this time!"

Li Wuming was speechless.

After a while he hesitated and said: "Old Luo, I have a method, I don't know if it will work?"

"Do you have a solution?"

Luo Beihai's eyes lit up, then dimmed a little, and said cautiously, "What method?"

"This matter, maybe... we don't need to do it!"

Li Wuming gritted his teeth and gritted his teeth.

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