"Come back, come back!"

As soon as he stepped into the boundary of the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm, Chen Tianxing stretched happily.

Yes, as a time-traveling player, he is actually more adapted to the living environment in the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou.

But who made him the big devil?

Walking in the sanctuary, a white light burst out without knowing when.

This made Chen Tianxing have to be careful, for fear that one might use too much force.

What's more, Chen Tianxing was even more annoyed by the great powers of the sanctuary chasing him all over the world.

It's better to go back to Demon Realm!

Only here can he have no scruples and kill whoever he wants.

Of course, the people in Demon Realm are extremely afraid of him, and almost no one dares to provoke him.

Generally speaking, he can't kill anyone.

Xiao Mohe, who was walking behind, bowed his head and remained silent.

From time to time, he would raise his head to look at Chen Tianxing's back, and then continue to lower his head.

Appears to hesitate.

This is all because of the method Chen Tianxing told him before.

He wants revenge, that's for sure.

But Xiao Mohe is very clear that his hatred is not only on Cang Wudao.

Even Cang Wudao is just a pawn.

The real target is the Tianxuan imperial family!

Back then, Cang Wudao asked him for the elixir formula in exchange for the broken page of Tianlun from the Tianxuan royal family. It was the royal family who really wanted the elixir formula.

Cang Wudao is just a man who seeks the pill formula and needs to refine the blood coagulation pill for the royal family in the next few decades.

But later he didn't agree to Cang Wudao, from here on, in fact, it has little to do with Cang Wudao.

After all, Cang Wudao is his mentor, Xiao Mohe thinks he knows him well.

So he didn't think Cang Wudao had the ability to mobilize Moxiu to do things for him.

In Zhongzhou Sanctuary, at least on the bright side, the only ones capable of dispatching demon cultivators are the Tianxuan Royal Family!

And then those demon cultivators who pretended to be Tianmojiao slaughtered him all over the house, and he fled to the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm with his pregnant wife, but was caught by Tianmojiao in the end.

It was also at that time that Xiao Mohe was sure that it would not be the Heavenly Demon Sect who attacked his Xiao family.

Except for the destruction of the Xiao family, no one benefited from that tragedy.

Cang Wudao didn't get the pill formula, so the Tianxuan imperial family naturally wouldn't hand over the remaining pages of Tianlun to him.

This also led to Cang Wudao passing on the suzerain position to Zhou Baiyu not long after, but he himself could not retreat.

What he was afraid of was the revenge he hid in the dark.

Of course Xiao Mohe had thought about these things.

But the Tianxuan imperial family!

Although the Tianxuan royal family is only the co-lord of the sanctuary on the surface, and its strength is far inferior to the five sects and seven sects, it is not something Xiao Mohe can shake.

What's more, he was attacked by Cang Wudao back then, causing the meridians all over his body to be blocked, so he was even more unable to take revenge.

Even now that his strength has recovered, Xiao Mohe can only choose to fight hard against Cang Wudao, at least to avenge his past, facing the Tianxuan royal family, he only has a deep sense of powerlessness.

But Chen Tianxing said that revenge is not impossible.

how is this possible?

The first condition to destroy the Tianxuan Dynasty is to conquer the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou.

Hasn't Chen Laomo been doing this all the time?

So when Xiao Mohe heard the method proposed by Chen Tianxing, he suspected that the other party was fooling himself, but he had no evidence.

And Chen Tianxing's method...

Chen Tianxing said that after returning to Tianmo Sect, a separate hall will be established for it, called... Tianmo Medicine Hall.

Demon religion?


Where does this follow?

Xiao Mohe raised doubts on the spot.

But Chen Tianxing told him that the current difference between the Demon Realm and the Sanctuary is in the Shenyi Medicine School.

In terms of attack power, the Demon Realm with the Heavenly Demon and Purgatory has to beat the Sanctuary.

But when it comes to defensive capabilities, there are not only great arrays of Heavenly Dao emerging one after another in the sanctuary, but the most important thing is the pill support brought by the Shenyi Medicine Sect to the sanctuary.

If Moyu can also have a strong ability to refine elixir, it will greatly make up for this shortcoming. Biqu library

There seems to be some truth in this statement.

But Xiao Mohe is not stupid.

For the Shenyi Medicine Sect to have the current scale, and to be able to supply the entire sanctuary with the power of a single sect, it has thousands of years of experience!

Just relying on him, Xiao Mohe, and some disciples from Tianmo Sect to assist in alchemy, can this be opened?

Can we break the wrist with Shenyi Medicine Sect?

No matter how arrogant he was, no matter how much he wanted to take revenge, he was still somewhat rational.

Then Chen Tianxing told him a story about Yugong Yishan on the spot.

It is said that many years ago, at the foot of a mountain called Beishan, there lived an old man in his nineties, named Yugong...

... Sons beget grandchildren, grandchildren beget sons, descendants and grandchildren are endless.

Xiao Mohe was stunned when he heard it.

But he understood the meaning of the words


Chen Tianxing wanted to tell him...


persist in!

Not afraid of difficulties!

It sounds plausible.

And the fact that he refined the Shengsheng Blood Congealing Pill for the little ghost, wasn't it just the persistence he knew he couldn't do?

I, Xiao Mohe, cannot take revenge on the Tianxuan Dynasty in this life, so my son will take revenge!

If the son can't report, the grandson will report!

One day, the Tianxuan Dynasty will be destroyed by the Xiao family!

Thinking of it this way, Xiao Mohe's heart suddenly brightened, and he was even full of energy.

As for Chen Tianxing...

He wasn't all fooling Xiao Mohe.

With the strength of the Heavenly Demon Sect, if one is determined to establish the Heavenly Demon Medicine Hall, it may not be impossible.

Perhaps in another thousand years, the Heavenly Demon Medicine Hall will grow into a powerful sect like the Shenyi Medicine Sect.

Of course that's something to do later.

The reason why he wants Xiao Mohe to set up a medicine hall is naturally on the white light.

Now that Xiao Mohe has become his confidant, Chen Tianxing is of course unwilling to use it just as a white light granary, but wants to exert his greatest ability.

What is Xiao Mohe's greatest ability?

The name of Myriad Medicine Doctor Immortal resounds through both the holy and demon realms.

So he has two abilities.

One is medicine and the other is medicine.

That's why the white light on Xiao Mohe's body is so strong.

For so many years in the sanctuary, there are countless monks who have been treated by him, how many white light can there be?

Chen Tianxing was jealous!

You know, Moxiu is not like the group of hypocrites in the Sanctuary, who really beat them if they have something to do, the kind that beat them to death.

How else could Luo Beihai say that the cultivators in the Demon Realm can kill each other too much?

Just imagine, if the Tianmo Yaotang was established, and then it was promoted by Chen Tianxing...

In the future, wouldn't those demon cultivators who can kill each other find a place where they can rejuvenate?

More and more people came to treat their wounds, and the Heavenly Magic Medicine Hall would become a place shrouded in white light.

At that time, wouldn't Chen Tianxing be able to reap more Xiao Mohe?

Such a clever plan is worthy of the risk he took when he went to the sanctuary!

The two walked all the way, chatting about the Tianmo Medicine Hall, and they didn't part until they were not far from the main altar of the Tianmo Sect.

Xiao Mohe had to go back to Heimu Mountain to see how the little ghost was doing.

And the Tianmo Sect has been teaching civilization for so long, Chen Tianxing is also looking forward to seeing what kind of changes have taken place in the teaching.

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