Chen Tianxing's order was issued quickly.

Shen Guangguang, as the head of the Dark Demon Hall, was originally responsible for patrolling and delivering news.

So very soon, the high-ranking members of the Heavenly Demon Cult who were lurking in the villages of the Demon Realm all received the news of Chen Laomo's return to the Demon Realm.

Among them, there are those who sigh, and those who are disappointed are even worse.

God knows how much they wish their leader would never come back.

Better to die outside.

Or, defecting to the Demon Realm and taking refuge in the Sanctuary Realm is also fine!

Even though they thought so, the crowd didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly gathered at the main altar of the Heavenly Demon Cult.

Taking advantage of this time, Chen Tianxing took a comfortable bath, changed into clean clothes, and looked radiant.

When he packed up and came to the main hall, almost all the people had arrived.

There are too many disciples, so they can only gather in the magic field outside the hall, while other hall masters and elders wait inside the hall.

Chen Tianxing endured countless smiles and walked towards the main hall.

He made a secret decision in his heart, and fired those teachers later.


Halfway through the walk, he paused slightly.

At this moment, most of the disciples from the three halls and eighteen halls are gathered in the vast magic field, and there are thousands of them.

And among these people, especially the disciples at the end of each row, he saw a faint white light.

"It's not easy!"

Chen Tianxing sighed with emotion.

Under his high-handed orders, the first batch of disciples of the Devil's Cult with white bodies have appeared!

The reason why these disciples were at the end of the line was exactly what he thought, they had just joined the Demon Sect and had not had many evils on their bodies.

In the case of forcing one good deed every day, within half a month, not only the few evils of these disciples were washed away, but also a small amount of merit was accumulated, and only then did the white light shine.

Not long after entering the religion, it also means that the strength is low.

But these are naturally indifferent to Chen Tianxing.

What he wants is white light, and the level of strength is not important.

With these kinds, more and more white lights will appear in the near future.

His magic domain transformation plan seems to be very successful!

Chen Tianxing nodded in satisfaction, and wrote down all the disciples with white light.

Looking back and waiting for Xiao Mohe's medicine hall to be established, he threw the person over and shined a little better.

However, Chen Tianxing's satisfaction ended when he stepped into the main hall.

He glanced outside the hall door before stepping in with a gloomy expression.

Inside the hall, Luo Beihai

They didn't dare to show their anger, and all of them lowered their heads and bowed.

At the same time, I was secretly horrified.

The leader, he... went out for a walk, how did his strength improve again?

Those present were all old men from the Tianmo Sect, who had been with Chen Tianxing all year round, so they could certainly feel the changes in his aura.

Although the leader is still at the peak of the transformation stage, but now the momentum is more than five times more violent than before!

If things go on like this, he might not be far away from the supreme Guixu Realm!

This discovery made everyone secretly cry.

Once it breaks through, the leader's lifespan will not increase by more than a thousand years.

Then wouldn't they have to... do good deeds for thousands of years?

Li Wuming was going crazy.

When he thought that he would have to deliver the babies of those stinking strange beasts for thousands of years, he felt sick.

Also want to die.

"Welcome to the return of the leader!"

Regardless of what everyone felt, the gloomy Chen Tianxing had already sat down on the throne of the Nine Demons, who dared to be negligent, and bowed to his leader together.


Chen Tianxing smiled coldly, and said, "Why didn't my leader see that, how respectful are you guys?"

As soon as these words came out, the energy in the hall condensed.

All the high-level officials bowed their heads and remained silent, not daring to touch Old Devil Chen's fate at this moment.

On the other hand, Shen Shiguang held his head high and bared his good teeth.

"Shut your mouth!"

Chen Tianxing felt sick to his stomach when he saw him, and Shen Shiguang almost dislocated his jaw when he scolded him. He didn't want to understand why the leader who was still fine before suddenly became so furious.

Maybe it's because I didn't laugh out my affinity just now?

Shen Shiguang reflected on himself and secretly encouraged him.

Next time, next time, the muscles must be controlled more perfectly.

Oh, why don't you ask Mr.

"The words of the leader, you don't listen to it, right?"

Chen Tianxing sneered again: "I've been out for so long, have you followed the new rules?"

These words made everyone look at each other in blank dismay, and a sense of grievance arose at the same time.

Why didn't you come?


Luo Beihai plucked up his courage and said, "The leader previously handed over the matter of the new canon to his subordinates, and his subordinates can guarantee that these days are indeed in accordance with the orders of the leader!"

"Subordinates never dare to forget the order of the leader. During this period of time, they must do good deeds every day, and ask the leader to be careful!"

He was so wronged.

Others do one good deed every day, and he gets two good deeds.

Staying outside the small mountain village, sometimes waiting for a day can't wait for the kindness he thinks.

If there is a problem, I have to go to other villages to find the comrades who are crouching there to borrow a thing or two.

During this period of time, Luo Beihai was in a state of desperation, and Luo Beihai wanted to betray, and was reprimanded by the leader.

He felt helpless.

Chen Tianxing glanced at the crowd, but in fact it was just another tap. Biqu library

Compared with the disciples outside, the sins of these high-ranking members of the Heavenly Demon Cult are probably no less serious than him.

Looking forward to the white light on them?

It might as well be faster to put down the butcher knife.


Chen Tianxing waved his hand and said, "The new canon has only been stipulated not long ago, so it's normal for you to not adapt."

"However, this leader believes that if you wait longer and you persist, there will be big changes."

"If you don't believe me, look at me!"

His eyes were all condensed, and a huge demonic energy instantly filled the hall.

Everyone's bodies were pressed down even lower, and their backs were already soaked in the air-conditioning.

In fact, Chen Tianxing didn't let go of his arrogance, and he also believed that these people had noticed his improvement in cultivation.

The reason for this is to deepen his invincible image.

It is also more convincing.

"Do you think you are the only ones busy during this time?"

"This leader is also very busy!"

"But you have also seen the effect, it is very obvious, right?"

He paused, and looked around at the crowd, "That's why my leader hates iron but not steel!"

Feeling heartbroken: "I, Chen Tianxing, can benefit from the new regulations, why can't you?"

"According to me, it's because I didn't pay too much attention!"

These words made all the high-level officials stunned.

Is that so?

They didn't believe it, but the facts were right in front of them.

Chen Laomo, who had already reached the peak of his cultivation, suddenly became more diligent. Apart from the reason he said, it seems... there is no other explanation!

"But the leader!"

The Great Elder Huang Quan came out more and more, cupped his hands and said: "We, the leader's order, we should obey, but now there is another issue that needs to be decided by the leader!"


Chen Tianxing frowned and asked, "What is it?"

"Is such that……"

Huang Quan frowned deeply, "I don't know who leaked the news in the past few days. The other demon sects know that our Heavenly Demon Sect is teaching civilization and establishing a new style, especially that we can no longer kill people, so they..."

"During this period of time, people from other demon sects have already snatched several pieces of land from us when they learned that the leader is not here!"

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