"The Great Elder said that someone dares to take the idea of ​​my Heavenly Demon Sect?"

Chen Tianxing looked at Elder Huang Quan coldly, and clearly saw a provocative smile from the corner of his mouth.

"Subordinates dare not talk nonsense."

Huang Quan bowed.

Even he felt very uncomfortable facing Chen Tianxing's scrutinizing gaze.

He turned his head and said, "Vice Hierarch Luo, tell me."

Luo Beihai expected him to do this earlier, and hurriedly responded: "This subordinate has been busy with the new religious regulations recently, and has no time to take care of others. This matter must be explained by Palace Master Li."

Li Wuming glared at him from behind, and cursed the old fox secretly.

But Chen Tianxing's gaze had already fallen, his body tightened, and he cupped his hands and said: "Master, everything the Great Elder said is true!"

"Then tell me, who dares to touch the territory of the Heavenly Demon Cult?"

Chen Tianxing rested his chin on his hand, looking like he was watching a good show.

Extreme Heaven Demon Realm, one hundred and eight demon gates.

These one hundred and eight demon sects are headed by the Heavenly Demon Sect, and are respected by the past dynasties of the Heavenly Demon Sect leaders.

Even if the demonic monks are lonely and arrogant, and usually refuse to obey anyone, they would even be afraid of killing each other.

But the other 107 magic sects have a tacit consensus.

That is, never provoke the Demon Sect!

There are two reasons.

First, the Heavenly Demon Sect has always been powerful, ranking first in the Demon Realm, so it is really not easy to provoke.

Second, only the leader of the Heavenly Demon Sect can practice the Ultimate Bliss Heaven Demon Art, so only the leader of the Heavenly Demon Sect can perform Heavenly Demon Purgatory.

The demon purgatory is a headache for the sanctuary, but it is also the confidence of the demon cultivators to fight against the sanctuary.

For thousands of years, the Demon Realm has always dominated the Sanctuary, relying on the strength of the Heavenly Demon Purgatory to the demon cultivators and the weakening of the Sanctuary cultivators during the war.

Once the Heavenly Demon Purgatory is lost, the strength of the Extreme Sky Demon Realm will drop by at least 30%, and it will no longer be able to match the power of the Zhongzhou Sanctuary.

So whether it's out of fear or self-preservation, no matter how fierce the One Hundred and Seven Demon Sect fights, they won't dare to offend the Heavenly Demon Sect.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Tianmo Sect is the Tianxuan Dynasty of the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm, and Chen Tianxing is the Demon Emperor.

It is unheard of for Chen Tianxing to hit the head of Tianmo.

Li Wuming took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Report to the leader, this is how it happened..."

According to Li Wuming, the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou was held in Ye Chang that day.

Under the leadership of Sheng Sheng, he sneaked into the Demon Realm, and then the matter was revealed.

At the beginning, the Demon Realm had a huge momentum, but the Sanctuary Realm obviously had no intention of fighting, so the situation was very good.

What's more, the sudden appearance of Chen Tianxing also made the people of Demon Realm see hope, thinking that it would be an excellent time to eradicate the backbone of the Sanctuary.

But what happened later surprised everyone in the Demon Realm.

Chen Laomo, who had always been aiming at destroying the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou, chose to release the people from the Sanctuary at the moment when the perfect opportunity appeared?

When did Chen Laomo become so kind?

There must be ghosts in it!

Among them, the one who was most dissatisfied with Chen Tianxing's decision was Du Lingfeng, the head of the Blood Demon Sect.

That day when Du Lingfeng fought Meng Hanran, with the newly refined Blood Soul Banner, it was very possible to kill Meng Hanran. No matter how bad it was, he could force the other party to use forbidden moves, which would seriously injure his vitality.

But the appearance of Chen Tianxing not only failed to help him, but actually destroyed his killing blow.

Du Lingfeng's Blood Demon Sect has a deadly feud with Tianyan Sword Sect.

What Chen Tianxing did made Du Lingfeng extremely dissatisfied.

But due to Chen Tianxing's magical power, Du Lingfeng didn't dare to reveal anything at that time.

However, when Du Lingfeng returned to the Blood Demon Sect, the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became.

It was because Chen Tianxing's performance was too abnormal, coupled with the anger in his heart, he couldn't help but think a little more.

So Du Lingfeng suspected that when Chen Laomo led the crowd to attack the Zhongzhou Sanctuary, he was really seriously injured, and this injury has never healed, but was forcibly suppressed by Chen Tianxing.

Otherwise, how could he miss the great opportunity?

Having doubts, Du Lingfeng secretly contacted several good friends of the Demon Sect Master. After discussing with each other, they also believed that Du Lingfeng's words were very credible.

In order to prove it, they did not hesitate to send spies to sneak into the Demon Sect to find out the truth.

But it happened that Chen Tianxing was not in the church at that time.


The Heavenly Demon Sect is carrying out an inexplicable activity of preaching civilization and fostering a new style.

What to say to do good deeds every day.

What do you mean you can't kill?

This is simply ridiculous!

Coupled with the fact that Chen Tianxing has never appeared, Du Lingfeng and others discussed and discussed, and came up with a conclusion that shocked them all, but felt like the truth.

That is……

Chen Laomo, who has dominated the Demon Realm for many years,

It is very likely that he has died of serious injuries!

In order not to let other demon sects and sanctuary know the news, the Heavenly Demon Sect kept this secret, and even formulated Lao Shizi's new regulations for the Heavenly Demon.

The point of this new regulation is not to kill people, right?

It is said that it is a new regulation, but in fact it is just playing tricks and telling people outside.

In this way, the Tianmo Sect can justifiably keep a low profile.

It not only avoids disputes, but also has sufficient reasons to avoid fighting in the next Sanctuary War.

Look, what a perfect excuse!

The purpose of Tianmo Cult is to delay time!

If Chen Laomo really died, the Tianmo Sect would inevitably elect a new leader.

And until the new leader has not mastered the blissful magic art, it is normal to avoid unnecessary disputes.

So this result sounds sensational, but combined with what happened in the past two months, it is not impossible! Biqu library

More importantly, Du Lingfeng witnessed the whole process not far away when Chen Laomo was bombarded by all the great powers of the sanctuary.

With that kind of attack, Du Lingfeng was terrified at the first glance, not to mention that Chen Laomo accepted all the orders?

So in order to confirm the speculation, in the past few days, the five major demon sects headed by the blood demon sect have continued to make small moves, and have already eaten a lot of territory that originally belonged to the Tianmo sect.

And other demon sect masters are also waiting and watching.

Being approached by someone to slap him in the face, if the Tianmo Sect still tolerated this kind of thing, then it is conceivable that Du Lingfeng's guess was correct!

That being the case, they don't mind taking a bite from the fat of the Demon Sect.

It would be even better if you can get the magic power of Blissful Heaven.

Whoever gets this magic power will be the next Great Heavenly Demon!

From now on, how can I still rely on the breath of the Heavenly Demon Cult?

Speaking of this, Li Wuming emphasized that the following guesses belong to him, and they may not be accurate.

"But leader, the five demon sects headed by the Blood Demon Sect are already in action, and this is a fact!"

Speaking of this point, Li Wuming said urgently: "If we don't deal with it early, it will be very bad!"

Chen Tianxing listened patiently, but he was not impatient, instead he smiled and said, "How bad is it?"

"Speaking so much, isn't your purpose just to let the leader let go of the prohibition against killing people?"

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