Early in the morning, Chen Tianxing received two pieces of good news.

The first news was sent by Du Lingfeng.

Just last night, the five masters of the Demon Sect including the Blood Demon Sect met. Everyone admired the majesty and majesty of Master Chen, and showed great enthusiasm for the new canon of the Demon Sect.

The five great demon sects unanimously decided that they would immediately replace their own sect's rules with new ones, and follow the lead of the Tianmo sect in everything.

Moreover, they not only withdrew from the seized Tianmojiao territory overnight, but also left a large number of magic crystals on the spot as compensation for offending the Tianmojiao this time.

Very sensible.

As for whether they really have great enthusiasm, Chen Tianxing thinks that the word enthusiasm needs to be put in quotation marks.

But it doesn't matter.

Another news is that Xiao Mohe is back, and he is waiting in the main hall right now.

Xiao Mohe went back to Blackwood Mountain first, although he didn't say anything, but Chen Tianxing could guess that he must be going to settle the little devil.

Xiao Mohe had mentioned it to him before.

Back then, he and his pregnant wife fought desperately to break through, and only then did they come to the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm.

But at that time, his wife was seriously injured, even with his medical skills, it was unthinkable. After insisting on giving birth to the little ghost, he died of exhaustion of energy and blood.

This incident dealt a great blow to Xiao Mohe, and he tried his best to protect the little ghost.

Until now, if Chen Tianxing hadn't accidentally found out that day, no one in the All Heaven Demon Cult would have known that Xiao Mohe had a son.

After returning from the sanctuary, after being fooled by Chen Tianxing (not), his mentality has changed a lot, and he no longer resists the establishment of the Heavenly Magic Medicine Hall.

But the first thing to do is to hide the little devil again.

Xiao Mohe can trust Chen Tianxing, but he can't trust the other old ghosts of Tianmo Sect, especially Li Wuming.

Xiao Guier has already achieved initial results in taking the Shengsheng Congealing Blood Pill. Even though he is just a small child, his energy and blood are as strong as a disciple in the initial stage of cultivation.

It would be too bad for such a strong energy and blood to be discovered by Li Wuming, a big devil who specializes in sucking blood and blood from people's hearts.

It is difficult to defend against house thieves day and night, and there is no guarantee that one day Li Wuming can't suppress the desire in his heart to attack the little devil, and then he will regret it.

So Xiao Mohe can go back to the Tianmo Sect to set up a medicine hall, but the little ghost must not be with him.

When Chen Tianxing came to the Temple of Heavenly Demon, Xiao Mohe was sitting on a chair sipping a cup of green tea, his gestures were calm and composed.

Compared with his old-fashioned appearance before, I don't know how better it is

how many times.

This also made Chen Tianxing's eyes brighten, and he walked into the hall with a big smile, "Xiao Yixian has a clear mind, congratulations."

Xiao Mohe put down the teacup and stood up to salute Chen Tianxing, respectfully saying: "Master."

In the Tianmo Sect, everyone is afraid and fearful when they see Chen Tianxing, even if they respect him, they are intimidated by the power of the other party.

Only Xiao Mohe, this neither humble nor overbearing attitude made Chen Tianxing feel extremely comfortable.

"Is everything settled?"

Seeing Xiao Mohe nodding his head, Chen Tianxing turned his head towards the outside of the hall and said, "You guys come in!"

As soon as the words were finished, dozens of disciples of the Heavenly Demon Palace bowed their heads and walked in from outside the palace, all of them were very disturbed, not knowing why the leader suddenly summoned them.

Xiao Mohe glanced at it, frowning slightly.

Only he understood Chen Tianxing's purpose for calling these people in.

Those were the disciples assigned to establish the Heavenly Demon Medicine Hall for him.

But the cultivation of these disciples is hard to describe.

The tallest one is only at the golden core stage, and most of the rest are in the two realms of condensing energy and gathering spirits.

Not to mention low.

"Xiao Yixian, these disciples were carefully selected by the leader of the sect, do you think they are suitable for use?"

As soon as Chen Tianxing asked these words, Xiao Mohe greeted him with suspicious eyes.

Are you sure it is carefully selected and not the garbage that is not wanted by various halls?

Although the words were not clearly stated, the meaning conveyed by the eyes could not be more clear.


Chen Tianxing coughed twice, and said with a smile: "Don't look at their low cultivation base, what is the cultivation base, this can all be practiced!"

"The key is attitude!"

"The leader of this sect has taken a fancy to their tenacity and good character!"

As soon as this remark came out, Xiao Mohe was still not doing well, and those disciples became excited instantly.



Are we gritty?

If the leader said it himself, then it must be true!

So we... are we so amazing?

The leader takes a fancy to us!


Woohoo, my talent has finally been discovered!

Finally, they understood that it wasn't a bad thing, and got verbal praise from Chen Laomo, and they raised their heads one by one, their eyes burning like chicken blood.

However, Chen Tianxing's only criterion for picking out these disciples was that they were the first group of Tianmo Sect to glow with white light.

These are seedlings!

Is he Chen Tianxing a good seed who can rest easy in the future!

Naturally, it needs to be cultivated with all one's heart.

Xiao Mohe's soon-to-be-established Heavenly Demon Medicine Hall is a good place to go.

There, they heal the sick and save the sick.


, they save lives and heal the wounded.

Presumably, under the leadership of Xiao Mohe, the white light on their bodies will one day shine like a thousand medicine doctors.

"Xiao Yixian, what do you think?"

Chen Tianxing asked with anticipation.

Xiao Mohe pondered, his eyes swept over the faces of these disciples one by one.

He finally nodded and said, "Okay, anyway, what I need them to do is collecting herbs, pounding herbs and other miscellaneous things, and it's true that they don't need too much cultivation."


Is it just medicine?

Xiao Mohe poured a pot of cold water on the hot blood that had just risen.

The eyes of many disciples dimmed instantly.

"Xiao Yixian, there is something wrong with your thinking!"

Chen Tianxing said seriously.


Xiao Mohe was slightly surprised, "Why did the leader say that?"

Chen Tianxing pulled him aside, and said earnestly: "Come on, let's stroke."

"The establishment of the Heavenly Demon Medicine Hall is to compete with the Shenyi Medicine Sect in the Sanctuary, not to open a medical clinic for Xiao Yixian."

He solemnly said: "If you are the only one in charge of the Potion Hall today, after the fame spreads, you won't be exhausted?"


Xiao Mohe frowned slightly, thinking of what Chen Tianxing said when he asked him to set up the Heavenly Magic Medicine Hall.

That's right, if he can't grow the Heavenly Demon Medicine Hall, when will he be able to avenge him?

Therefore, you have to spread the branches and spread the leaves.

After agreeing with Chen Tianxing from the bottom of his heart, Xiao Mohe no longer struggled with his identity as a Demon Sect.

As for the introduction of the sanctuary medicine pill to the demon realm?

If another person from the Shenyi Medicine Sect came, he probably wouldn't do it even if he was killed.

But he didn't have such problems, and he even really wanted to see the people of the Shenyi Medicine Sect become outraged when they learned that their pills were widely circulated in the Demon Realm.

Thinking of this, Xiao Mohe felt secretly refreshed, and had a faint feeling of pleasure after revenge.

"Yes, this subordinate understands!"

He solemnly bowed his hand to Chen Tianxing, "This subordinate will definitely go all out."

"That's right!"

Chen Tianxing chuckled, "Don't think that their cultivation is not good, but the people selected by the leader are not bad?"

"Xiao Yixian, you can rest assured to teach it!"

As these words came out, Chen Tianxing suddenly felt something, and couldn't help turning around in surprise.

Behind him, the group of disciples listened to the conversation between the two of them verbatim. At this time, their hearts were so surging that they could not be described in words.

All the disciples knelt down and kowtowed to Chen Tianxing: "Thank you, Master, for your kindness!"


Dozens of white lights rose from the bodies of the disciples without falling, and all of them entered Chen Tianxing's body.

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