
Although those disciples had just started to have white light, they couldn't stand the crowd!

Dozens of white lights entered Chen Tianxing's body, and the Taiji diagram spun wildly.

To be honest, the white light of these disciples is not as much as that of the Great Elder Huang Quan, and each of them can't even make the Taiji diagram turn around.

However, Chen Tianxing experienced one of the smoothest spins ever, under the control of a large amount.

Seven laps, a full seven laps!

With the accumulation of such small grids and small grids, the Tai Chi Diagram finally rotated seven times before stopping!

In addition to the six circles he absorbed from Xiao Mohe's body and one circle from Huang Quan's body before, the Taiji Diagram has rotated as much as fourteen circles in the white direction at this moment!

This also allowed Chen Tianxing to completely get rid of the danger of explosion at any time.

When he encounters the power of the sanctuary again, he can have no scruples.

The previous calculations were not wrong.

According to his estimation, the Taiji Diagram can only rotate eighteen times at most in a normal Yin-Yang fish state, and then it will be completely black or completely white.

He has now turned fourteen times in the direction of white. If you don't look carefully, this Taiji diagram is already the same as the half-black and half-white form he recognizes.

Seven full rotations made Taijitu throw out the most refreshing breath in history.

But this made Chen Tianxing frown slightly.

His cultivation has improved again.

very strong.

He looked at his palm.

With almost no need for strength, a group of condensed magic energy was formed in the rapid rotation, and condensed into a small ball as big as a thumb.

Although this small ball is ordinary, the explosive power contained in it surprised even Chen Tianxing himself.

Throwing such a small magic ball can flatten a hill without any problem.

And this is just an unconscious move on his part.

It is conceivable that if the current Old Devil Chen uses all his strength, how terrifying it would be!

It is no exaggeration to say that even though Ye Changsheng has also broken through to the peak of the transformation stage, but if Ye Changsheng is allowed to fight Chen Tianxing at this time.

He can't beat Chen Tianxing with both of them!

Chen Tianxing's peak transformation stage and Ye Changsheng's peak transformation stage are like adults and children, they are not in the same order of magnitude at all.

And that's why Chen Tianxing frowned.

He is already so strong, why hasn't he broken through yet?

Where is the bottleneck?

Where are the shackles?

even here

To this extent, he still hasn't felt the shackles of breaking through the next realm.

His body seemed to be a boundless black hole, no matter how much he cultivated to fill it in, it would only make the black hole expand and become more vast.

Looking back at this moment, Chen Tianxing discovered another problem.

Because of the existence of the Taiji diagram, since he became Chen Laomo, he has not seriously cultivated the Bliss Heaven Demon Art.

At this time, after discovering the abnormality in his body, he realized that his Bliss Heaven Demon Art was only a practice technique that reached the stage of transforming gods.

Going up further, how to cultivate in the return to the void period?

In his memory, his master had never taught him.

Did you forget?

Still don't think he, Chen Tianxing, has the aptitude to break through the Supreme Return to Void Stage?


Master does not have a higher level of Paradise Demon Art.


In the sanctuary, there is also no strong man in the return period.

There seems to be a fault in the cultivation system of this world. The legendary Guixu expert who is so powerful that he can smash even space barriers will no longer appear?

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

After those disciples kowtowed and thanked him, Chen Tianxing remained motionless, his face was sometimes cloudy and sometimes clear, he looked so strange, Xiao Mohe couldn't help asking in surprise.

"Oh, nothing."

Chen Tianxing shook his head, temporarily suppressing the distracting thoughts in his mind.

"Xiao Yixian, do you understand the meaning of this leader about the medicine hall?"

Looking at the group of disciples who had lost their white light, he said in a deep voice: "As the saying goes, the master leads the door, and the practice is up to everyone."

"This leader sees your good character, so I let you learn from Xiao Yixian. Whether you can seize this opportunity depends on you."

"However, if you want to transfer to alchemy, the leader will not force you. If you don't want to, you can bring it up now."

Disciples, you look at me, and I look at you.

Do you want to switch to alchemy?

To be honest, when they learned that the leader summoned them to follow Xiao Mohe to set up some Heavenly Magic Medicine Hall, many people felt disappointed.

However, they were not the only ones who lost, when Xiao Mohe glanced at their cultivation, they also felt the contempt in his tone.

Moreover, such contempt in

It's not once or twice on them.

In the final analysis, they... are just the lowest-level disciples of the Tianmo Sect, and in their original hall, they are also soft persimmons who are called around by others.

However, they were favored by the leader, and they were personally selected to let them learn alchemy from Xiao Mohe.

What an honor!

The leader who has always been lonely and arrogant, for their future, for the sake of their future, can lower his figure to persuade Xiao Mohe nicely.

Besides them, who can make the leader like this?

The leader, he is sincerely waiting for others for himself!

What happened to switching to alchemy?

Their own strength is low, they have no status in the religion, and they have no backing, and they themselves do not have access to high-level magic skills.

If this opportunity is lost, the greatest probability for them in this life is to become a young man who accomplish nothing in the Tianmo Cult, and either hang around until they die of old age, or become cannon fodder in a certain battle between righteousness and demons.

In comparison, Xiao Mohe's side is simply a blessed land!

Myriad Medicine Doctor Immortal Xiao Mohe's name is not only famous in the Sanctuary, but also in the Demon Realm!

Being able to practice alchemy with such people, even if they just learned one and a half moves, it is enough for them to benefit from it for a lifetime.

This is a turning point in their fate!

Those who disagree are fools!

All the disciples present were in different situations, but the same ones were all of low strength and had no status in the sect.

Now that the leader personally arranged a broad road for them, how could they not be moved?

After staring at each other for a while, all the disciples knelt down again, choking with sobs and saying: "We will never disappoint the leader's expectations!"

With a strong voice, Chen Tianxing believes that if there is still white light on their bodies at this moment, he will have to eat again.

"very good!"

Chen Tianxing nodded, and said with satisfaction: "My leader is very pleased that you have such a heart, but I have to remind you..."

"While practicing alchemy with Xiao Yixian, you can't relax yourself. The daily kindness in the canon is also effective for you, don't forget!"

All the disciples quickly responded, how dare they have objections.

On the contrary, Xiao Mohe pondered for a moment at the side, and said: "Master, since we have manpower, there is only one thing missing for the establishment of the Heavenly Magic Medicine Hall."


Chen Tianxing was surprised, "What else is missing?"

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