Chen Tianxing was very curious: "With you here, the Potion Hall will be completed today!"

Xiao Mohe smiled wryly and spread his hands, "Master, you think highly of Xiao too."

After a pause, he frowned and said, "What I'm talking about is medicinal materials."

Hearing this, Chen Tianxing relaxed, and said with a smile: "What's the matter, although my Tianmo Sect is not good at alchemy, but there are quite a lot of accumulation in the treasure house of the teaching, Xiao Yixian can just take whatever he likes."

With a big wave of his hand, he was indescribably chic and heroic.

Xiao Mohe is not as relaxed as him.

Instead, he shook his head and said, "To tell you the truth, the elixir grown in the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm is not suitable for use in the Heaven Demon Medicine Hall."

Chen Tianxing was greatly surprised, "How do you say that?"

Xiao Mohe said in a deep voice: "This subordinate has been in the Demon Realm for seven years. In order to refine the Shengsheng Blood Congealing Pill, he also spent a lot of effort to find a suitable elixir. That's why he discovered that it may be the demonic energy of the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm. If it is too rich, the higher the level of the heavenly material and elixir, the more serious it will be corroded by the devil energy."

He continued: "Generally, there are no problems with some medicinal materials that promote muscle and blood circulation, and bone pain relief, but this is not in line with our plan."

Chen Tianxing also frowned.

He didn't know much about alchemy, and the several pills he could refine were all magic pills that were cultivated in conjunction with the blissful magic art.

Just like Acacia Hanchunsan.

Another example is that the golden gun does not fall down the pill.

The medicinal materials for refining these magic pills naturally did not meet Xiao Mohe's requirements.

And those ordinary healing pills can be refined, but as Xiao Mohe said, they don't meet their requirements.

Although these common pills have the effect of healing, they can only be used for ordinary disciples with low strength.

In the battles of low-level demon cultivators, severed limbs are very common, and the treatment is also very simple.

There are even some people who are vicious by nature, and will not go to the doctor when they are injured, but just bite their teeth and take it back, or find a needle to sew it up by themselves.

And this is why Moxiu usually looks very vicious.

A burly man with seven or eight ugly scars on his face, or a bunch of old and new injuries when he rolled up his sleeves, can't be associated with amiability.

If the Heavenly Magic Medicine Hall can only provide help for these low-level demon cultivators, besides being despised, there will not be many demon cultivators who come to seek help.

What is the use of the Heavenly Magic Medicine Hall?

A high-level demon cultivator like Chen Tianxing, no, his cultivator

Because it is too high.

For example, Luo Beihai Li Wuming and the sect masters of various demon sects and other demon cultivators who have reached the stage of transforming into gods, once they fight desperately, they will surely be beaten to pieces.

In such a powerful battle, the more serious the injury, the more common drugs to stop bleeding and analgesia are ineffective, and only high-level panacea can be cured.

As far as Chen Tianxing knew, among the high-level people in the Tianmo Cult, there were quite a few who had hidden wounds on their bodies, and they could only suppress them forcibly with their own magic skills.

If these people can be cured, the reputation of the Potion Hall will be resounding that day.

Xiao Mohe's medical skills are incomparable, but there must be medicine available.

"Then there's no way?"

Chen Tianxing scratched his head, "Aren't the natural materials and earthly treasures of my Demon Realm useless?"

"It's not useless."

Xiao Mohe shook his head, "Because the natural materials and earthly treasures grown in the Extreme Sky Demon Realm are eroded by demonic energy, they are very suitable for refining some pills that enhance the cultivation of demon skills, and their effect is higher than that of top-grade magic spar Dozens of times."

"It's just that Xiao has never refined a magic pill, so he needs to study it first."

"Isn't that all right?"

Chen Tianxing's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Cultivators in the Demon Realm won't frown even if they lose their limbs, but if their magic skills go backwards, they won't accept it."

"If the Heavenly Demon Medicine Hall can produce a large amount of cultivation-enhancing pills, then I'm afraid they won't come crying and grabbing them!"

Xiao Mohe smiled wryly: "Refining enhanced pills?"

"The leader is not afraid..."

"What are you afraid of!"

Chen Tianxing proudly said: "Can you threaten my leader just by taking drugs?"

"Then I'm a fool."

"not to mention……"

He blinked at Xiao Mohe, "Why don't you leave something good to me first?"

Xiao Mohe: "... makes sense."

"Then let's do this!"

Chen Tianxing said: "Let's spread the reputation of the Heavenly Magic Medicine Hall first, and we will talk about the rest later, and if Xiao Yixian can refine the magic pill that makes the demon cultivators jealous, this leader will be of great use!"

"It's the same with you, do your best to help Xiao Yixian, understand?"

The latter sentence was addressed to the disciples present.

The leader discussed such an important matter without hiding it from them!

It seems that he really treats them as his confidantes!

Moreover, when they heard that the two of them were discussing and planned to start with the magic pill mainly to enhance the power, all the disciples

That is a joy in my heart.

As Chen Tianxing said, the demon cultivators are brave and ruthless, and don't care much about injuries, but they care about the growth of their cultivation base.

Although their strength is weak, it is the same.

If they can learn a few pills that can enhance their cultivation base from Xiao Mohe, then their strength can also grow rapidly!

Fortunately, I didn't refuse stupidly just now.

After the discussion, Xiao Mohe led a group of disciples to start the establishment of the medicine hall.

And Chen Tianxing called Luo Beihai to tell him to open the Heavenly Demon Treasure House to Xiao Mohe, let him get whatever he wanted, and try his best to meet any request made by Xiao Mohe.

Although Luo Beihai was surprised, he didn't dare to disobey Chen Tianxing's order, and went to meet Xiao Mohe himself.

Now that things are over, Chen Tianxing feels relieved.

Everything is on the right track, and he, the leader, has nothing to do for a while.

"What can I do?"

Chen Tianxing stretched himself, talking to himself.

Do you practice?

With the Tai Chi Diagram, and white light constantly appearing around him, it is naturally unnecessary.


Whenever he thinks of cultivation, he thinks of the Blissful Heaven Devil Art, and when he thinks of the Blissful Heaven Devil Art, he can't help but dig into his bosom.

There is a small bag of pills in his bosom, which contains the magic pills refined by the former Chen Laomo, and there are still a few pills left.

Chen Tianxing carried the bag and went to the inner hall.

Cui, why haven't you come back yet?

The happy time is always short.

In a blink of an eye, a month has passed.

Today, outside the inner hall.


A protector called softly outside the hall, looked at the closed door of the hall, gulped down, with indescribable envy in his eyes.

Chen Tianxing slowly opened his sleepy eyes on his domineering demon bed.

First he pulled away a white lotus-like arm, and then kicked away the nephrite that was pressing on his calf, and then asked: "What's the matter?"

The Dharma protector replied: "Master Xiao ordered his subordinates to come down to ask the leader, saying that there is something important to discuss!"


Chen Tianxing jumped up, his eyes shot out.

If it was Old Xiao, then I wouldn't be sleepy!

It's been a month.

It's been a whole month.

Has Lao Xiao finally achieved results?

Thanks to Lao Xiao, if this continues, the leader's waist will almost break.

Glancing at the pile of warm and fragrant nephrite on the Tianma bed, he walked out the door with vain steps.

The old ghost's magic pill is not very good.

I still need to find Lao Xiao to find a way.

While walking, Chen Tianxing was thinking.

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