two days later.

In the absence of a family summoning order, the five great families of the Divine Tree Plane gathered again and appeared in the Gu family's main hall.

"This matter...Rong Zhou is confused!"

In the main hall, He Wentian, the Patriarch of the He family, frowned tightly, and his complexion looked very ugly.

He Rongzhou and Gu Jinglei secretly colluded to destroy the perfection of the formation twice, and Gu Nandi sent someone directly to the He family and told the truth.

Sure enough, as Wang Kemo and others expected, when Gu Nandi sent someone to contact the He family, the Li family also received a report from the Xuanyuan Continent.

And two days later, he came to the Gu family with the Patriarch of the He family.

At this moment, the Patriarch of the Li family, Li Shizheng, was sitting in the guest seat, with a vague sneer on his face.

From time to time, he glanced outside the hall.

Today's Gu family is crying everywhere.

Because of Gu Jinglei's unauthorized actions, his actions are a kind of betrayal to Gu Nandi, the master of the plane, so even if he is dead, even if he has a high status in the Gu family, Gu Nandi will not A funeral is going to be held for him.

But the disciples of the Gu family were spontaneously mourning for Gu Jinglei, no matter how Gu Nandi restrained him, it would be of no avail.

The Gu family is already in civil turmoil.

Looking at the situation of the Gu family, Li Shizheng must have relieved his anger.

He didn't add insult to injury, and said some sarcastic remarks to provoke Gu Nandi.

"Wentian, you don't have to blame yourself. The most to blame for this matter is Jinglei."

Gu Nandi let out a long sigh.

"No, Jinglei is actually not wrong!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as this remark came out, Wang Kemo stood up and said firmly: "Jinglei still puts the interests of our five great families first in doing this!"

"Thus, it can be said that Jinglei is inappropriate on the Xuanyuan Continent, but we can't deny his credit when we close the door!"

Gu Nandi's expression moved slightly, and he couldn't help looking at Wang Kemo in a daze.

The latter gave him a slight smile, and said with a wry smile: "To tell the truth, Patriarch Gu, we were still willing to stand by his side after Jinglei's failure, and the main reason was because your son moved us."

As he spoke, he looked at Leng Buhan.

Leng Buhan also nodded Ning Ning, and said: "The matter has come to this point, we should still look forward, so, Leng would like to ask the Patriarchs a question.


He looked around the crowd, focusing on the faces of Li Shizheng and He Wentian for a moment, and then continued: "Can we work together?"

As soon as this remark came out, although no one spoke for the time being, the atmosphere at the scene could be felt, and it suddenly became heavy.

Li Shizheng withdrew the sneer from the corner of his mouth, stared at Wang Kemo, and said after a long while: "Patriarch Wang, what do you mean?"

"If you say that, you are implying that my Li family doesn't want to cooperate?"

Of the five great families present, the Wang family and the Leng family have already made it clear that they are on the side of Gu Nandi. Although the He family has happened to He Rongzhou, they are also on good terms with the Gu family. This matter is just a misunderstanding. She will not tear herself apart with the Gu family because of what happened to He Rongzhou.

So, isn't Wang Kemo referring to Li Shizheng?

"Patriarch Li, you don't have to be so sensitive."

Wang Kemo sighed, and said: "Wang just doesn't want similar things to happen again, lest everyone suffer more losses."

"Can't you see it by now?"

After a pause, he raised his hand and waved lightly, gathering a picture with his spiritual consciousness, but it made everyone startled.

In the picture he created, those two figures are now recognized by everyone.

It was Chen Tianxing and Ye Changsheng.

Only then did Wang Kemo say: "I'm afraid Patriarch Gu didn't see clearly the worry and thunder before, but Wang felt something different."

Having said that, he snapped his fingers again, and the scene immediately moved.

Gu Nandi was startled, he could tell that this was the scene when Ye Changsheng and Chen Tianxing joined forces to cast the Great Heaven Subduing Demon Formation to trap Gu Jinglei when Gu Jinglei blew himself up.

"These two, no matter how talented they are, they are only in the Returning Void Realm after all."

Wang Kemo said: "But even if Jinglei is on the Xuanyuan Continent, he still has the strength to merge with the gods. His self-destruction is so terrifying, how could it be blocked by the monks of the return to the void?"

As soon as this remark came out, Leng Buhan nodded slightly.

He also saw it with his own eyes at that time, and was shocked by the strength of Ye Changsheng's great demon formation.

"That's right, although the Juntian Subduing Demon Formation didn't completely seal Jinglei's self-explosion, it has lasted longer than

Return to the limit of the Void Realm! "

Leng Buhan stroked his beard and thought, "What's more, these two people are not at the peak strength of the Returning Void Realm."

Chen Tianxing is still at the sixth level of the Void Returning Realm, while Ye Changsheng is at the fourth level of the Void Returning Realm.

These two people, one with infinite cultivation and one with mutated spiritual consciousness, are both extremely talented and enchanting.

But no matter how evil you are, you can't ignore the laws of heaven and earth, right?

The oppressive power of the God Fusion Realm masters over the Returning Void Realm cultivators is no joke.

Any person on their Divine Tree plane, no matter what talent, as long as he is still in the Guixu Realm, even if he is half a foot into the Guixu Peak who has stepped into the God Fusion Realm, it is absolutely impossible to block it. Gu Jinglei blew himself up for so long. Biqu library

At that time, Leng Buhan was also shocked.

"Take a closer look."

Wang Kemo frowned slightly, and his subordinates secretly worked hard.

The scene was played back again, and this time, Wang Kemo's consciousness was soaked in it.

This is a secret technique of his royal family's spiritual consciousness, called the eye of delusion, which can see through the secrets of supernatural powers and discern the truth at a glance.

With the influx of Wang Kemo's consciousness, everyone's expressions changed.

For Chen Tianxing and Ye Changsheng, Ye Changsheng is naturally the one who used the Great Heaven Subduing Demon Formation, but his power of the five elements is insufficient, so it is necessary for Chen Tianxing to transfer his almost infinite power of the five elements into the opponent's body to help He stabilized the formation.

But under the tracking of Wang Kemo's spiritual consciousness, everyone saw that among the huge five-element power that was introduced, there was a faint trace of very unique energy that also passed in.

Then through Ye Changsheng's hands, this unique black and white energy merged into the Juntian Demon Subduing Formation, which greatly increased the strength of the Juntian Demon Subduing Formation.

Otherwise, if only relying on the power of the five elements, no matter how many there are, they will not be able to withstand the self-destruction of Gu Jinglei, a powerhouse in the fusion state!

"What energy is that?"

He Wentian made a sound in surprise.

Being in the plane of the divine tree, he is of course very familiar with the power of the five elements, but he has never seen the black and white energy sent by Chen Tianxing before.

Under Wang Kemo's actions, everyone can not only see the picture, but even feel the aura of the two people in the picture.

It was precisely because of the influx of black and white energy that Ye Changsheng's aura suddenly became stronger, and he was able to block Gu Jinglei's self-explosion!

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