"That's the point!"

Wang Kemo looked at the crowd and said solemnly: "Before that, Patriarch Gu should have something to tell you in detail."

As he said that, he looked at Gu Nandi and said sincerely: "Patriarch Gu, there are some things that we should face together. If we continue to fight like this, I'm afraid..."

Gu Nandi knew what he was thinking, and also knew that the matter had come to this point, the first thing to do was to reverse the inherent impression of Xuanyuan Continent in the minds of the powerhouses of the Divine Tree Plane.

"The old man's consciousness...has been modified by someone."

After thinking about it, he still agreed with Wang Kemo's statement, but as soon as he spoke, he immediately shocked the two patriarchs, He and Li, who didn't know about it.

"What did you say?"

He Wentian jumped up suddenly and looked at Gu Nandi in disbelief.

Gu Nandi, as an elder recognized in his heart, in his heart, the other party's spiritual power has always been a powerful and invincible existence.

And someone can modify his consciousness?


Li Shizheng also frowned and said, "You won't tell me that person is Chen Tianxing, right?"

Gu Nandi glanced at him, "At that time, Chen Tianxing should not have been born yet, so it's not his fault, but..."

He raised his hand to stop the two of them from talking any further, instead he used his investigation of the Wang family's pendant during this period, and realized that something had been modified deep in his memory, and that the pendant had been obtained by Chen Tianxing, and so on. Originally told the two people.

"it turns out……"

Li Shizheng's complexion finally changed, and it was no longer that inconsequential look. x.com

What changed his expression greatly was that Gu Nandi even mentioned that the Third Supreme Elder of the Wang family had also been modified by someone's spiritual memory.

That is a person from the previous generation!

"So, Patriarch Wang means..."

He Wentian looked at Wang Kemo solemnly, and said, "Then what did Chen Tianxing get from your pendant?"

As he said that, he pointed to the black and white energy deliberately enlarged by Wang Kemo in the picture.

"This is it?"

Wang Kemo nodded, "All of you are not weak, and you can feel it after thinking about it. The energy that Chen Tianxing transmits into Ye Changsheng's body is stronger than the power of the five elements we are familiar with!"

"And for this kind of energy, we had nothing before that.

Knowing that, and the pendant itself also came from the battlefield of the plane, can it be said that Chen Tianxing has been inherited by a certain powerful person on the battlefield of the plane? "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone fell silent.

Plane battlefield!

That is a mysterious plane that has not been fully explored by any pure energy plane until now.

Even now, from time to time, it is still heard that someone has obtained a treasure or inheritance of skills from the battlefield of the plane.

So it is not difficult to understand that the pendant was obtained by Chen Tianxing, and then some kind of inheritance was obtained based on it.

Coupled with the mysterious and higher-level black and white energy that Wang Kemo perceives, this matter is easier for everyone to accept.

"so what?"

Li Shizheng thought for a while, then frowned and said, "Isn't it because of this that we should kill him as soon as possible before he grows up?"

Wang Kemo and Gu Nandi looked at Li Shizheng at the same time.

These words are very similar to Gu Jinglei's assertion.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Li Shizheng frowned again: "Didn't you just say that Gu Jinglei's actions were for the consideration of our five great families?"

"I agree with this point, and my Li family naturally doesn't want a brat to step on our heads in the future!"

Wang Kemo sighed, and said: "That's right, if Chen Tianxing hasn't grown up yet, it's okay to do this, and it's the only way to ensure that the interests of our five great families will not be damaged."


Li Shizheng heard Wang Kemo's implication, and couldn't help raising his brows, pointing to Chen Tianxing in the picture and said: "He is just a trace of unknown energy now, it's not a grown-up anyway, right?"

Wang Kemo smiled wryly and said: "Patriarch Li doesn't know, the Chen Tianxing here is just his avatar."

"And his body..."

As he spoke, he waved his hand again.

The picture in the palace changed again, but an endless sea appeared.

In the roaring waves, a figure slowly appeared out of thin air, but it was Chen Tianxing's body who had already entered the small plane.

Wang Kemo then said: "At that time, everyone's eyes were on Jinglei's self-explosion, but Wang felt that in the sky above the endless sea, Chen Tianxing's body had briefly

It has appeared, and it is also ready to go to the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm. "

"So, let's feel it again, everyone."

He sighed, and still penetrated into the picture with the power of the consciousness of the eye of delusion.

Then, including Gu Nandi, everyone's complexion changed drastically.

Under Wang Kemo's deliberate action, they can clearly see that there is already a large amount of black and white energy in Chen Tianxing's body meridians!

This should not have been perceived by Wang Kemo, but at that time Chen Tianxing was indeed prepared to rush over to save the scene if Gu Nandi did not show up, so that he could do it at any time when his strength was up. degree.

Chen Tianxing didn't dare to be careless about Gu Jinglei's self-explosion. The energy in his body was at a critical juncture that was about to come out, so Wang Kemo could clearly perceive it.

Compared with the avatar, which can only transmit black and white energy one by one, it looks like it has just been cultivated.

On the main body side, the black and white energy in its body has already shocked the patriarchs on the spot.

"Chen Tianxing's realm has been stuck at the sixth level of Returning to the Void Realm. I think it's not impossible for him to break through."

Wang Kemo said again: "It's just that he doesn't want to break through."

"His body is in the process of crazy cultivation, and what he wants to do is to completely replace the power of the five elements with these black and white energies!"

"As far as we can see so far, although his realm is in the Returning Void Realm, he is not weaker than most of the God Fusion Realm powerhouses, and he is not something we can control."

Speaking of this, Wang Kemo looked at Gu Nandi, and said in a deep voice: "Patriarch Gu has been in contact with Chen Tianxing here, let Gu patriarch evaluate it, if we go to Xuanyuan Continent, when our strength is weakened by the space barrier After that, can we beat Chen Tianxing?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's eyes fell on Gu Nandi.

But Gu Nandi didn't realize it.

His sight, his mind, are all immersed in the perception of Chen Tianxing's body in the picture.

"This boy, the old man is careless!"

After a long time, Gu Nandi opened his eyes wide, expressing strong remorse for letting Chen Tianxing sneak into the small plane.

And his opening, although he didn't give a definite answer, could still make the hearts of everyone on the spot chill.

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