"Next is Xiao's most proud work in this alchemy."

Xiao Mohe glanced at the crowd, and said meaningfully: "It is also the last ultra-high-grade magic pill produced by today's medicine hall."


Although the audience was quiet, the hearts of the demon masters were already filled with turbulent waves.

damn it!

I don't listen, I don't listen!

As soon as Xiao Mohe said this, half of the people present wanted to poke their ears, and the other half wanted to tear him apart.


It is a super top grade that surpasses the previous two top grade magic pills!

It's impossible not to be curious.

Then listen a little bit?

Anyway, I won't be fooled!

It has to be said that although Xiao Mohe doesn't talk much, his powerful alchemy ability has been recognized by all the demon masters.

Even he said that it is a super-high-grade magic pill that surpasses the first two, how strong does it have to be?

Xiao Mohe slowly opened the last medicine box.

To everyone's surprise, this time it didn't burst out with powerful magic like the previous two times.

The pill just lay quietly in the box, as if it didn't exist.

This is... the ultimate magic pill?

All the devil masters blinked their eyes, and none of them spoke first, for fear of being slapped in the face.

Xiao Mohe stretched out two fingers to take out the contents of the box, and showed it to everyone.


There was a series of gasping sounds on the spot.

Super best magic pill!

With their eyesight, they can see that what Xiao Mohe is holding in his hands at this moment is not a real pill.

It was an incomparably solid mass of pure black magic energy!


Everyone rubbed their eyes, looking more and more shocked.

This... is black, right?

They looked around, all wanting confirmation in the eyes of others.

But in the end, he found that other people seemed to be the same as himself.

So it's not a problem with my eyes.

The cloud of devilish energy in Xiao Mohe's hand actually has colorful black!

"This is!"

Su Laomo suddenly stood up, and said in horror: "Chaos!"

It's clearly as black as ink, but yet it's also colorful. The only thing that can have such a wonderful scene is... Chaos!

"That's right, Palace Master Su is very knowledgeable."

Xiao Mohe nodded with a smile, even he himself was very satisfied with being able to refine such a pill.

"This pill is the number one divine pill that has been handed down for a long time in the Demon Realm.

Biqu library

Yuanshen magic pill! "


The audience shook.

This is the first pill?

No wonder, no wonder Heidu is so chic!

It is indeed the number one divine pill in the legend of the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm, and even the name has two more words!


Everyone jumped up, and the terrifying and chaotic magic energy exploded wildly.

However, the demon masters could no longer resist the excitement in their hearts, and their own powerful magic skills came from their hearts.

This kind of situation generally only appears in life-and-death crisis, and it is the instinctive reaction of the body.

Strictly speaking, the Jiuyou Hunyuan Shenmo Pill is not a kind of elixir, but Xiao Mohe, with his extremely strong alchemy practice, purified it from the heavenly materials and earthly treasures that contain the atmosphere of chaos.

The five major realms of Xuanyuan Continent, the sacred realm, the realm of cultivating immortals, and the realm of cultivating demons.

The monks in the Demon Realm cultivated the so-called devil energy, while the Sanctuary practiced the Taoist real power or spiritual power.

But in the final analysis, what all monks cultivate is the purest energy in the world, but it is converted into energy that is more beneficial to the body according to the different exercises they practice.

It's just that in this transformation process, according to different cultivation methods, energy will also be lost to a certain extent.

That's why there is a saying that practice is against the sky, just like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

Chaos is the essence of pure energy.

The effect of the Nine Nether Chaos God Demon Pellet is not to immediately improve one's cultivation level, but to change one's physique, turning the body's energy and blood of the user into a pure spiritual body.

With this spiritual body, the user is no longer restricted by the exercises, and does not need to work hard to transform the absorbed energy again, thus wasting most of the energy in vain.

Not only that, when the body is completely transformed into a spirit body, the so-called talent barrier will disappear.

This also means that they don't have to worry about their own aptitude anymore, as long as they practice, as long as they don't die, they will have a road to the sky before them, and there will be no obstacles from then on!

Can such a magic pill be sold?

Chen Laomo doesn't eat it himself?

In the infinite shock, the last sliver of reason made all the demon masters look at Xiao Mohe suspiciously.

Xiao Mohe took a breath at this time, and continued slowly: "However, Xiao's alchemy cultivation is limited, and he cannot completely purify the perfect chaotic vitality, so, after the name of this Nine Nether Chaos God and Demon Pellet,

You have to add the word 'pseudo'. "

Then he added: "But you can rest assured, even so, Xiao is confident that the effect of this pill can reach 10% of that of the real magic pill."


The demon lords calmed down a bit.

Just to put it bluntly, how could it be possible to sell such a god-defying pill.

Immediately, breathing was still rapid.

Only 10% of the effect?

That's not bad!

As long as one can taint a trace of chaotic vitality in one's demon energy, it will be worth thousands of dollars!

In comparison, it is still much stronger than any blood or demon medicine.

The three characters of super best are also affordable.


Everyone sighed secretly.

At this moment, Old Mo Chen's tricks were clearly revealed.

So the final ownership of this divine pill must come from those five families?

Why are they here?

At this moment, the demon masters felt like beggars, squatting in front of a large table of delicacies from mountains and seas, watching others feast on them, and had to sip their saliva from time to time and praise them for their delicious taste.

Not to mention the meat, not even a drop of soup.

Why bother?

The nasty old devil Chen came to the stage again, and said with a smile: "Did everyone open their eyes to Xiao Yixian's ability today?"

"Honestly speaking, the leader of this sect is a little bit moved by the Nine Nether Chaos God Demon Pellet!"

Turning the subject, he looked at Du Lingfeng again and called out, "Old Du, do you want it?"

"If you don't want it, the leader can take it back and enjoy it slowly!"

As soon as this remark came out, it was not Du Lingfeng and others who reacted first, but the members of the atmosphere group headed by Su Laomo.

Old Mo Su frowned, and shouted first: "Master Chen, didn't you just say that if your five brothers don't want it, you can take it out and bid for it?"

He bit the word "brother" very hard, and at the same time gave Du Lingfeng and the others a fierce look.

The meaning of the threat could not be more clear.

You dare to shoot!

Chen Tianxing said with a smile: "To tell the truth, Dianzhu Su, this elixir is too fragrant. If it weren't for the grand opening of the Naitian Magic Medicine Hall today, if there is a treasure of the town hall, I would not be willing to sell it!"

"If Master Du and the others don't want it, then it is in line with the wishes of the sect master, and this magic pill will not be sold!"

Old Mo Su anxiously said, "How can I do that?"

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