Chen Tianxing looked at Su Yiming and paused every word: "Then why can't it work?"

With a restrained smile on his face, "Recently, it seems that there are always people who want to teach the leader how to do things."

"Is it me, Chen Tianxing, who can't lift a knife, or are some people too careless?"

As soon as these words came out, Su Yiming suddenly felt his body tighten, and at the same time his heart shook.

He was locked by Chen Laomo!

Without warning or noticing, he was locked on by Chen Laomo's fierce devilish energy!

how is this possible?

Su Yiming's complexion became extremely ugly.

If he still had the courage to shout and shout in front of Chen Laomo...

Now, Su Yiming suddenly discovered that an emotion called fear was growing.

And it permeated the whole body with lightning speed.

I can't move!

Su Yiming, who didn't know that the back was soaked in cold sweat, only knew that he couldn't even move a finger!

What's wrong with me?

It shouldn't be!


He was roaring in his heart, using this to drive away the fear in his heart.

He killed Su Laomo, the lord of the Temple of the Gods, that is the great devil of the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm who is as famous as Chen Tianxing!

Yes, he admitted that he was far behind Chen Laomo in terms of cultivation.

But the two are not new acquaintances, and they have fought fiercely for ten days and ten nights.

So Su Yiming actually knew the gap between himself and Chen Laomo.

This is also the reason why he dared to question Chen Tianxing in front of One Hundred and Eight Demon Sects.

Fight at worst!

You old devil Chen can defeat me but cannot kill me.

This is Su Yiming's confidence.

But it seems that he was wrong?

In such a short period of time, Chen Laomo's cultivation has grown to such an extent that he can't move?

He is at the ninth level of the god transformation stage, and even the peak of the god transformation stage cannot make him so passive.

So what is Old Demon Chen's cultivation?

Already gone?


Shocked, Su Yiming's mind was a little confused, but when he accidentally caught Chen Tianxing's eyes.

In Chen Tianxing's eyes, there was a strange green light shining.

Heavenly Demon Soul Eater!

At this moment, Su Yiming suddenly realized.

It turned out that the gap between himself and Chen Laomo was not as big as it showed now.

It was I who fell into the opponent's trick without noticing for a while! Biqu library

There is a secret technique in Chen Tianxing's Bliss Heaven Demon Art, called Heavenly Demon Soul Eater.

Being hit by this secret technique is equivalent to being controlled by him, and everything in the brain

It will be swallowed up by it, but it is an extremely evil secret technique that changes the color of those who hear it.

But Heavenly Demon Soul Devourer cannot be used at any time.

If you want to take over the other party's soul, the first condition is that the other party's spiritual power should not be too high.

Only when the mood swings are particularly large, or when Chen Tianxing's cultivation base is too far away, and there is fear of him, can the Heavenly Demon Soul Eater take advantage of it.

It is precisely because of various restrictions that this secret technique has always been used by Chen Laomo to interrogate captives.

At the beginning, he and Shen Shiguang had cooperated many times, bringing the prisoner's spirit to the brink of collapse, and then using the demon soul eater to extract the information from the opponent's brain.

Unexpectedly, he, Old Demon Su, would fall for this trick today!

If it's just Heavenly Demon Soul Eater...

He felt better.

After all, he is a strong man who is not far behind Chen Tianxing's cultivation level, and his spiritual power is also extremely condensed.

The Heavenly Demon Soul Devourer took advantage of the void, at most he could reach the current level, making his body uncontrollable, but it is impossible to say that he can still get his memory.

since when...

By the way, it must be like that!

This damn old devil Chen has been scheming against himself from the very beginning!

After forcing himself to calm down, Su Yiming also wanted to understand the cause and effect of the matter.

Everything starts with the first top-grade magic pill that Xiao Mohe took out.

Wanyao Yixian really did something extraordinary, the elixir refined by him made even himself very excited.

So when he took the first Blood Fiend Demon Tribulation Pill, he had the will to win it.

But it was destroyed by Chen Laomo, which made him furious.

Then there was the second Nine-Turn Cathode Pill, followed by the so-called Nine Serenity Chaos God Pill, which is the number one god pill in the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm.

Isn't this repeated stimulation, that visible but unattainable loss, washing his mind wave after wave?

Seeing that the Nine Nether Chaos God and Demon Pill, which is extremely important to him, will fall into the hands of others again, why is Old Demon Su not in a hurry?

How not to be angry?

How not to... lose your mind?

Chen Laomo took advantage of this time to sneak attack him with Heavenly Demon Soul Eater.


Su Yiming was indignant, but at the same time, he was vigilant.

For me, Heavenly Demon Soul Eater has achieved this level at most, and the longer the time, the greater the consumption of Chen Laomo, even if I

Do nothing, and after a while, he himself will have to release the state of Heavenly Demon Soul Devourer.

So the purpose of Chen Laomo's doing this is not to control himself, or to obtain any secrets in his mind.

It's showing strength!

If it were the same as before, Su Yiming also believed that even if he was in a state of losing his mind, he, Chen Laomo, would never use the Heavenly Demon Soul Eater on him.

But I just used it today, and it worked.

What does this mean?

It means... Chen Laomo's cultivation base has made great progress again!

Even his eponymous old devil can easily suppress him.


With Xiao Mohe, the God of Alchemy, is there anything Chen Laomo wants to eat?

What's so strange about his cultivation being greatly improved?

It is a demonstration and a warning.

Warn Su Yiming not to mess around.

On the ground of Tianmo Sect, you can play if you want, but you must play according to his old devil's rules.

Otherwise, no matter who it is, even if it is the second-ranked Zhushen Temple in the Demon Realm, Chen Laomo will not pay attention to it!


But there is indeed crazy capital.

Su Yiming struggled, and took another look at the Nine Nether Chaos God Demon Pellet.

Longing, great longing!

If he can get this pill, in time he will be able to equalize the gap with Chen Laomo and bring him back to the top again!

Strength, I want strength!

Su Yiming roared in his heart, his eyes were bloodshot.

At this moment, the last sliver of sanity was smashed to pieces amidst the mad roar.

He, Su Yiming, doesn't want anything other than the Nine Nether Chaos God Demon Pellet!

Even the Temple of Execution can be given away!

Under the madness, Su Yiming made a crazy decision.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Master Chen, I, Zhushen Temple, voluntarily follow the same rules as the Heavenly Demon Sect, and we will advance and retreat together with the Heavenly Demon Sect from now on!"


"Hallmaster Su, he actually...!"

"This, this is impossible!"

"Well, Palace Master Su, if you have something hard to say, just blink."

Su Yiming's words were no less than a bolt from the blue, shaking the minds of all the demon lords blank.

But Old Mo Su, the person involved, can't control that much anymore.

All he knew was that he had to get that Nine Nether Chaos God Demon Pellet!

For this, he must first obtain the qualification to bid for the pill.

Even if this qualification will make his Zhushen Temple fall into a situation of eternal doom!

In this world... the strong are respected!

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