No... Shameless!

Why can you not abide by the rules you set up?

The small flame that had just risen up by the caring person in the dark was immediately extinguished by Chen Tianxing.

At the same time, he cursed Chen Laomo for being shameless.

On the contrary, the demon masters who swore the oath of the demon god for the Jiuyou Chaos God Demon Pellet were relieved.

At that time, the arrow was on the string and there was no room to think about it.

After calming down and thinking about it at this moment, they realized that their situation was very bad.

With the poisonous oath in front, they can only act according to the canon of the demon, and then they cannot kill people!

Perhaps no one in the Demon Sect would dare to do anything.

What about after leaving?

Then there is no revenge, revenge, resentment and resentment?

However, Chen Tianxing took the initiative to stand up before the more than 20 demon masters who realized that they were in a bad situation could break out in a cold sweat.

Yes, as the maker of the canon, he himself can disobey the canon, which is really shameless.

But on second thought, this is correct.

If even Chen Laomo couldn't kill people, they would really be meat on the chopping board and could only be slaughtered.

But think about it another way...

This is not a kind of sadness.

From now on, they can only rely on Chen Laomo's wings.

It is not too much to say that they have become the outer gates of the Demon Sect.


That's it, let's move on.

The Nine Nether Chaos God and Demon Pill must be obtained!

Su Yiming said bitterly: "Master Chen, can we start now?"


Chen Tianxing smiled, he was already very satisfied with this result.

Immediately said loudly: "Jiuyou Chaos God Demon Pellet, let's bid."

"One hundred thousand top grade magic crystals!"

Su Yiming spoke first.

Jiang Modi glanced at him and sneered, "One million!"


Su Yiming was furious, and before he could speak harshly, he was drowned out by the bidding.

"1.2 million!"


"Two million!"

His eyelids trembled wildly, he didn't care to pay attention to Jiang Modi any more, he joined the bidding army with red eyes, and roared angrily: "The old man offered three million!"

The voice roared out, and the scene stopped immediately.

three million!

The unit is the best magic spar!

This is not a small number, but an astronomical figure!

Hearing Su Yiming panting heavily, he roared, "Come on! Bid again!"

"Want to fight with me, hum!"

Everyone was silent for a while.

Even made up his mind to give Su Yiming

The stumbling Jiang Modi also stopped talking.

The figure of three million was already beyond his tolerance.

At this moment, the people who feel the most fortunate are Du Lingfeng and Xue Qianqiu.

They got a great deal!

The first two magic pills cost only 100,000 top-grade magic crystals.

At that time, I still felt that the pill was hot.

But when Chen Tianxing made his promise in public, and saw the fierce fight for the last magic pill, the two suddenly felt...

It smells so good!

And the ones who regret it the most are the three Ren Pingsheng who are also part of the five-member group.

At this moment, I wish I could slap myself hard.

At that time, if he had added such a small price, wouldn't the magic pill have been in his mouth?

It's good now.

Su Yiming shouted out the sky-high price of 3 million, even if they were sold, they wouldn't be able to make up so much!

What a missed opportunity!

The three of Ren Pingsheng beat their chests and stamped their feet.

On the contrary, Su Yiming went crazy and still roared: "Come on, make an offer!"

Chen Tianxing glanced at him, and said cheerfully: "It seems that Dianzhu Su is still superior."

"in this way……"

He winked at Xiao Mohe.

The latter understood, put the Nine Nether Chaos God Demon Pill back into the medicine box, walked up to Su Yiming himself, and said with a smile: "Dianzhu Su has shown love, Xiao is very grateful."

The elixir refined by him can be sold for a sky-high price of three million, which is enough to prove his worth.

Even in the Sanctuary of Zhongzhou back then, he never sold it so expensive.

From now on, is there anyone in Jitian Demon Realm who doesn't know him, Xiao Mohe?

The Heavenly Magic Medicine Hall is about to get rich.


Su Yiming swept around vigorously, then took the medicine box with pride, and said to Chen Tianxing: "Three million top-quality magic crystals, I will personally bring someone to deliver them tomorrow!"

Chen Tianxing said with a chuckle: "It's easy to say, I can't believe anyone else, and it's impossible not to believe Master Su."

Su Yiming's expression softened a little.

Just like Du Lingfeng and the other two, they directly took out the magic pill that they had been thinking about from the medicine box, opened their mouths, and directly entered the mouth.

It seems that people are so disappointed.

After the elixir entered his stomach, Su Yiming's body did not erupt with astonishing demonic energy, nor did he eat earth-shatteringly like Du Lingfeng and the two of them.

He just closed his eyes slightly, and within a moment, his eyes suddenly opened angrily, and the two rays of light pierced through the clouds.

When he saw that he stretched out his hand violently, he twirled his palm!



It seems that everything is changing under his control.

Everyone looked up, and they were surprised to see a mass of pure heaven and earth energy that was so huge that the naked eye could directly see it was sucked by Su Yiming, spinning crazily, and completely submerged into his body from his palm.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Okay! What a number one pill in the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm!"

Suddenly, Su Yiming let out a long laugh.

The magic pill that he got after going through many twists and turns did not disappoint him.

In the perception, a trace of chaotic vitality has been produced in the golden core in the body.

The quick and fierce effect of the medicine was beyond his expectation.

Xiao Mohe said that it is only one-tenth of the effect of the medicine, which seems to be modest.

I believe that when he goes back to retreat and practice for a while, the shackles that have been stuck for decades will have to be broken. By then, he will also be at the peak of the transformation stage!


So worth it!

At this moment, Su Yiming's resentment dissipated.

Apart from being forced to make the oath of the demon god, there is nothing dissatisfied.

"Congratulations, Palace Master Su."

Chen Tianxing smiled, not paying attention to the changes in Su Yiming's body.

As for the Nine Nether Chaos God Demon Pellet.

Such a magical pill, especially after listening to Xiao Mohe's explanation of the efficacy of the medicine, Chen Tianxing was also moved.

In fact, he actually ate it.

However, what he didn't expect was that this elixir entered his stomach, and was strongly rejected by Tai Chi Diagram, which made him extremely uncomfortable, and he didn't absorb any of the medicinal effects.

In desperation, he had no choice but to use his skills to spit out the pill again.

In the end, he decided to make the best use of everything, not to waste the sensation caused by the magic pill, and make it an important part of his strategy.

I just don't know how Su Yiming would feel if he knew that the pill he ate was vomited out by Chen Tianxing.

Hmm... He shouldn't mind, right?

Chen Tianxing thought silently.

Today, the establishment ceremony of the Potion Hall really made him very satisfied!

What makes him even more proud is that he made the correct judgment at the beginning.

Suddenly, Yue Qingling's teary-eyed pretty face appeared in front of Chen Tianxing's eyes.

Back then, if he had to choose one of the two, if he had to take Yue Qingling away, no one could stop him.

But it will definitely make Xiao Mohe feel bad, so he won't be able to get the other party's wholehearted help.

Judging from today's results, Chen Tianxing is very glad that he chose Xiao Mohe at the beginning.

Miss Le, I'm sorry...

He sighed softly, woman, it will only affect the speed at which I draw my sword!

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