I Just Want To Be A Good Person For Seizing The Leader Of The Demon Cult

Chapter 70 Xiao Mohe Who Sells Counterfeit Medicine

The inauguration ceremony of Tianmo Medicine Hall was successfully concluded.

At least Chen Tianxing thinks so.

As for the demon masters of other demon sects, they were in a trance until they left the Tianmo Sect, as if they were in a big dream.

How did things become like this?

Especially those devil masters who chose to swear on impulse, now regret it, very regretful.

I didn't catch anything!

Holding the Heavenly Demon Canon prepared by Chen Tianxing in their hands, the hearts of all the demon masters were broken.

What are these?

If you want to follow the rules and regulations above, what kind of demons are you still cultivating?

We...we just want to be a good devil!

Apart from them, the other devil masters who kept a restraint and didn't make an oath didn't necessarily feel much better.

Through today's incident, they saw Chen Laomo's determination.

What is wrong with this old devil, and where does it come from?

If he goes on like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for long.

By the time……

The sky in the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm is about to change!

When many demon masters left the Tianmo Cult, they couldn't help but look up at the white belly exposed in the sky, and then sighed secretly.

Compared with their depression and entanglement, Chen Tianxing was too carefree.

At this moment, in the Heavenly Demon Medicine Hall.

"Hahaha, as expected of you, Old Xiao!"

Chen Tianxing laughed and gave Xiao Mohe a thumbs up.

Today's achievements are inseparable from Xiao Mohe's three top-grade pills.

Especially the last one, it directly became the last straw that crushed Old Demon Su.

If not, there wouldn't be so many demons joining his plan today.

Xiao Mohe smiled, "This is also the rich background of the leader. I found a lot of good things in Tianmobao Curry, so that I can refine such magic pills in a short period of time." Pen Fun Library

"Those things are valuable, so it's a pity to use them like this."

Chen Tianxing didn't care, and said with a smile: "Things are dead if they are put there, and they are worth a lot if they are used."

"What's more, it's not a loss. The three pills sold for 3.2 million top-grade magic crystals!"

"It's you."

He looked at Xiao Mohe, "The other two magic pills are fine, but the Jiuyou Chaos God Demon Pill should help you, right?"

The first two are orthodox

The magic pill conflicts with Xiao Mohe's cultivation, and it is not good to eat it.

But that ultra-high-grade magic pill is not strictly speaking a magic pill.

Whether it is the righteous way or the devil way, eating it can improve your physical fitness and make your cultivation advance by leaps and bounds.

Xiao Mohe has a great hatred in his body, he can refine such a legendary god pill, he can't bear not to eat it, this is beyond Chen Tianxing's expectation.

Xiao Mohe complained in his heart, can I eat what you spit out?

Shaking his head, he said, "The leader doesn't know that the Nine Nether Chaos God Demon Pill is actually a fake."

Chen Tianxing was drinking water when he said that.

Hearing this, with a puff, he sprayed a celestial girl to scatter flowers.

"You, what did you say?"

Chen Tianxing had a ghostly expression on his face.

Xiao Mohe was very calm, "Chaotic vitality is the most quintessential spiritual energy in the world. With my current cultivation, it is not easy to extract it, and it is impossible to preserve it for a long time."

Chen Tianxing was surprised: "So you mean..."

Xiao Mohe shook his head slightly, "Even if it is swallowed by someone, it cannot be absorbed. It will only create an illusion that the primordial energy of chaos has been produced in the body."

"But once the time is up, the primordial energy of chaos will dissipate, and everything will be restored."

Chen Tianxing opened his mouth wider the more he listened.

"Then you...give me back?"

Xiao Mohe shrugged, "I didn't feed you, you snatched it."

Chen Tianxing was speechless.

He was really a little excited at the beginning, and he ate it without thinking too much.

So in fact, Taijitu's reaction...was he disgusted with the counterfeit medicine he took?

Chen Tianxing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Old Demon Su will die of anger if he finds out!"

Xiao Mohe stared intently, "The leader didn't know the medicine was fake beforehand, but he was still willing to sell it to Old Demon Su, so you don't have to be afraid..."

"I'm afraid?"

Chen Tianxing said proudly, "Am I afraid of him?"

Xiao Mohe said: "But if the medicine is real, and Old Demon Su turns into a spirit body, his cultivation will definitely improve by leaps and bounds in time, once..."

Reaching this point, Chen Tianxing interjected: "Once his cultivation level surpasses this leader, do you think he will be against me?"

Xiao Mohe said with a smile: "The Demon Realm is a chaotic place, whoever has the biggest fist is right. Now it is the leader and you have the biggest fist. Old Demon Su can only endure it, but it will be hard to say in the future."

That's right, Old Demon Su has indeed established

The demon god swore not to kill Chen Tianxing.

But if his cultivation level entered the stage of crushing Chen Tianxing, even if he couldn't be killed, Lao Mo Su would use countless methods to torture Chen Tianxing so that his life would be worse than death, and finally change the canon.

Now Chen Tianxing is able to force the other Demon Lords to swear to abide by the canon, relying on his own strength and jumping out of the rules, so that he can forcibly suppress the loopholes in the canon.

But once someone surpassed Chen Tianxing, those forcibly suppressed loopholes would surface one by one.

At that time, Chen Tianxing might not be able to recover.

Xiao Mohe didn't know why Chen Tianxing wanted to change the Demon Realm, and he didn't want to know either.

But as a person who has been staying with the leader, Xiao Mohe has already noticed the inadequacy of his plan.

That's why he admired Chen Tianxing even more.

He himself knew that the medicine was fake, but Chen Tianxing didn't know it!

But even so, he still dared to sell the Nine Nether Chaos God and Demon Pill to Su Laomo.

Should it be said that he has a big heart, or is he fearless?

Perhaps... this is the secret of the leader's strength!

Xiao Mohe sighed in his heart.

The leader is invincible in the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm.

But invincible for a long time will also be lonely.

Not having an evenly matched opponent will make him lose his way, and even lose the motivation to continue to improve.

So the leader purposely sold the magic pill to Lao Mo Su in order to cultivate an opponent who can compete with him?

This is still important in Moxiu.

People in the sanctuary emphasize the natural way of Taoism, but in the demon realm, being brave and ruthless is the way of the strong.

"Master, I admire you!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Mohe solemnly saluted Chen Tianxing.

This is a tribute to a strong man.

Chen Tianxing was surprised, "I'm not used to you like this!"

"Oh, you said just now that you are worried that Old Demon Su will be detrimental to the leader if he becomes stronger?"

"Hey hey..."

Putting on a ferocious face, he squeezed his fists, "Do you think this leader will let him grow up?"

"The day Old Demon Su breaks through to the peak of God Transformation is the day of his death!"

"He can't kill me anyway, but I can kill him!"

Xiao Mohe: "..."

"Master, I take back what I just said."

"Which one? I'm afraid Old Demon Su will harm me?"

"No, it's... the subordinate admires this sentence."

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