"I examine myself three times a day!"

"Do you want to kill someone?"

"Do you do evil?"

"Do you do good deeds?"

Every morning, this is the slogan that will definitely float in the sky of Tianmo Cult.

"No no no, no fucking no!"

Luo Beihai passed by outside the Temple of Heavenly Demon, without any disturbance on his face, he was already cursing in his heart.

He can't stand it!

Can't take it anymore!

Listening to these numb slogans every day makes him want to vomit!

When will this damn day be the end!

Luo Beihai felt sorry for him, and suddenly thought of another matter, which made him even more painful.

Today's two kindness... Where can I find it?

I quit!

Countless times, Luo Beihai wanted to rush to Chen Tianxing and shout that sentence at him.

But he... still didn't dare.

Especially the current situation.

On the day when the Heavenly Magic Medicine Hall was established, Luo Beihai originally thought it was an opportunity.

Those devil masters will definitely not let Chen Tianxing mess around again, maybe everyone will unite to oppose a wave, which will make Chen Laomo scruples and cancel this inexplicable new canon.

Who would have thought that the development of things exceeded his expectations.

It surprised him even more.

Not only did the demon masters not raise any objections to Chen Laomo's canon, but even Su Yiming, who was ranked second in the Temple of Punishment, swears the oath of the demon god in a daze.

From that day on, Luo Beihai felt hopeless.

If it was said that when Li Wuming came to him before, he could hide in the dark safely and let Li Wuming play the striker, but now he really can't sit still.

If this continues, how many demon sects will obey Chen Laomo's new rules?

Can't wait any longer!

Luo Beihai made a secret decision.

After the entire Demon Realm has been assimilated by Chen Laomo's bullshit new rules, it will be too late!

Not to mention the future, even now, Luo Beihai has already clearly felt the changes in the church.

That's right, most of the demonic cultists are ruthless and merciless.

But in fact, it is not ruled out that some people are forced to have no choice but to choose to join forces.


What kind of collusion is it? It should be to recognize oneself!

That part of the people has not been completely eroded by the evil energy, and there is still the last trace of kindness and conscience in their hearts.

That's good, because of Chen Laomo's new rules, not only did those disciples not demonize, but they were sending them in the direction that Luo Beihai hated the most.


That direction...is the right way.

While enduring his nausea, Luo Beihai went out through the small door on the west side of the main altar.

When he got to a remote place, he closed his eyes and sensed it. When he was sure that there was no one nearby, he took out a bag of things from a hollow tree.

After fiddling around, when Luo Beihai came out from the hiding place again, he had already changed his appearance.

During these days, Luo Beihai tried many times.

For example, for a few days, he did not follow Chen Tianxing's request to do two good deeds every day.

And in those few days, he deliberately wandered around in front of Chen Tianxing.

For another example, he once hid his breath in the teaching for a maximum of three days.

But Chen Tianxing didn't notice his disappearance during those three days.

This proves that the large amount of externalized demons emitted by Chen Tianxing had already been taken back.

They are no longer in a state of being watched by each other all the time.

In fact, Luo Beihai had doubts about this for a long time and told Li Wuming.

Chen Tianxing was just trying to scare them back then. In fact, he just used the magic power he had built up in the Tianmo Sect for many years, so that the disciples in the sect dared not do what he wanted.

It is estimated that the external transformation demon was taken back by him not long after it was released.

However, although Luo Beihai, who was cautious by nature, had doubts for a long time, he deliberately confirmed it a few times before he was completely relieved.

Today is the time for him to act.

Luo Beihai, who had changed his appearance, carefully left the Tianmo Sect quickly under the premise of ensuring that no one followed him.

The deputy leader of the Tianmo Sect has never had a sense of existence. Apart from Luo Beihai's own forbearance, it is also inseparable from the exercises he practiced.

His kung fu is the ancestral Nether Hidden Demon Kung Fu.

The key point is a hidden word.

In Luo Beihai's few victories, his enemies didn't even notice his presence, and he was already dead.

In terms of hiding his aura, Luo Beihai was confident that if he went all out, even Chen Tianxing, Chen Laomo, would never be able to perceive his existence.

With the skill of concealing magic, Luo Beihai's goal was very clear all the way.

In just half a day, he didn't hesitate to expend a lot of cultivation, and rushed seventy to eighty thousand miles abruptly, before arriving at his destination.

Luo Beihai did not lift his concealment, and looked up.

In front of him is a ghostly

The majestic and majestic hall, the main entrance of the hall is hideous and terrifying, like a hell ghost opening its mouth, trying to devour everything in the world.

The Ghost Palace seemed to have magical powers, Luo Beihai took a look, and felt an illusion that his own soul seemed to be pulled out and bitten off by this fierce ghost.

Immediately, he didn't dare to look too much, lowered his head, and rushed into the palace door bravely.

All of a sudden there was a whirlwind.

When his body was able to maintain his balance again, Luo Beihai suddenly found that he had been locked by several sharp devil qi.

The place he is at now is quite different from the outside of the ghost palace.

The ground under his feet was a strange dark red color, and if he looked carefully, he could find veins on the ground that looked like blood vessels, extending to a very far distance.

These lines flicker on and off, as if the whole land is alive, beating slightly at a certain frequency.

Luo Beihai naturally knew where he came from.

So he didn't feel nervous about the sharp magic energy locked on him.

Instead, he wiped his hand on his face, restored his original appearance, and at the same time shouted loudly: "I am Luo Beihai, the deputy leader of the Tianmo Sect. I have taken the liberty to come here today. I have something to ask to see Dianzhu Su. Please pass it on."

As soon as these words came out, Luo Beihai obviously felt that the magic energy locked on him stagnated, and then one of them quietly disappeared.

That's right, the place he came from is the one in the Demon Realm whose strength is second only to the Demon Cult - the Temple of Execution!

The place where the Temple of Execution is located is very special, it is located in a space interlayer formed ten thousand years ago in the Demon Realm, the way to enter is the gate of the Temple of Ghosts outside.

The Ghost Hall is actually a top grade magic weapon.

It is usually placed in the Demon Realm for the exchange of disciples from the God of Execution Hall. When a big war breaks out, Old Demon Su will take it back to the Ghost Hall.

In this way, the enemy can't enter the Temple of Execution at all, and naturally they have nothing to do with him.

Luo Beihai stood where he was, looking out as far as the eye could see. At the end of the dark red lines on the ground, the majestic blood-red palace was the real Temple of God of Execution.

From time to time, faint human voices floated from the direction of the Temple of Execution.

After listening intently for a moment, Luo Beihai's complexion suddenly turned bitter.

"I examine myself three times a day!"

"Do you want to kill someone?"

"Do you do evil?"

"Do you do good deeds?"


He looked up to the sky and sighed.

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