Su Yiming, the master of the Temple of the God of Punishment, made a solemn oath to the demon god on the day when the Heavenly Demon Medicine Hall was established.

No matter how arrogant and unruly he is, he will never dare to break the oath he made.

So after getting the new rules of Heavenly Demon from Chen Laomo, Zhushen Temple is also making helpless changes.

Those few slogans were written by Luo Beihai, and now they are copied and used by Old Demon Su in the Temple of Execution.

There is an illusion between Setsuna.

Luo Beihai felt that he had not left the Tianmo Sect.

Thinking about it further, he trembled even more.

With Chen Laomo's speed and determination, it won't be long before he walks in the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm, can he hear such slogans all the time?

It would be better to be dead.

When Luo Beihai was smiling wryly, the disappearing devilish energy reappeared.

Right in front of his eyes, six figures slowly appeared, which were six of the twelve demon envoys of the Temple of Punishment.

"Vice Hierarch Luo, my Patriarch said that there is nothing to discuss with the people of the Demon Sect, please go back."

As he said that he was making seals with his hands, he heard a series of bangs, and behind Luo Beihai a ghost gate was erected.

Luo Beihai didn't look back, and sighed: "Your Patriarch's original words are not so polite, are they?"

The emissary was not embarrassed, nodded and said: "Yes, the original words of the Lord are, let you go!"

Hearing this, Luo Beihai didn't feel annoyed, instead he took it for granted, "That's right, this is the attitude that Palace Master Su should have."

The demon envoy frowned slightly, not willing to listen to Luo Beihai's emotion, and stretched out his hand, "Vice Hierarch Luo, please go back."


Luo Beihai suddenly let out a long laugh, "It seems that Dianzhu Su has adapted well, it's me, Luo Beihai, who is being sentimental!"

"Then, farewell!"

Then he cupped his hands, gave a slight signal to the six demon envoys, and then turned around.

However, at the ghost gate behind Ben, a figure with beard and hair stood suddenly.

Luo Beihai was slightly startled, and before he could speak, the man shouted angrily: "Your family is adapting very well!"

The person who came was none other than the Lord of the Execution Demon Palace, Su Yiming Su Laomo.

Luo Beihai bowed and saluted, "I have met Palace Master Su!"

Su Yiming snorted coldly: "Tell me, what did Chen Laomo change?"

"The old man will follow!"

The dark red lines under his feet seemed to be connected to him, and as his tone changed, the light and dark rays of light beat more and more violently.

Luo Beihai pondered for a moment,

The light swept towards the six magic envoys.

"If Palace Master Su doesn't mind, I would like to have a private chat with Palace Master."

As soon as he said that, Old Demon Su sneered, "What do you care about, old man?"

"It's nothing more than two counselors who dare not kill people."

These words scolded him himself.

But this also shows how dissatisfied Su Yiming is with Chen Tianxing's new regulations.

One of them is the deputy leader of Tianmo Sect, and the other is the master of Zhushen Temple. Which one is not a high-ranking person?

But now, even if they met a mountain man with a hatchet in his hand, he had to take a detour.

I am afraid that if I start a dispute with others, it will be them who will suffer in the end.

When have you ever been so useless?

The only thing Su Laomo wants to do now is to use the Nine Nether Chaos God Demon Pellet to improve his cultivation.

One day when his cultivation level can crush Chen Tianxing, that is the day when he will turn around.

Luo Beihai came suddenly that day, and Laomo Su's first reaction was that there was another moth in Chen Tianxing's place, which was annoying to hear, so he let him go.

But thinking about it later, it didn't feel right.

Hearing Luo Beihai's meaningful laugh again, Old Mo Su still couldn't hold back and ran over himself.

"Let's go!"

Su Yiming glanced at the six demon envoys, turned around and entered the ghost gate directly.

Luo Beihai also followed.

This time, there is no feeling of dizziness, and the door is still in the space mezzanine where the Temple of Execution is located.

Luo Beihai looked around and saw that it was an empty secret room with no doors or windows on the four walls, and the only way to get in was through the ghost gate.

As the master of the Temple of Punishment, Old Demon Su controls everything in this space. It is not difficult to change the transmission exit set by the demon envoy.

And this secret room seems to be prepared for secrets.

"Now you can say, what's the matter with coming to the Temple of Punishment?"

Old Demon Su raised his hand slightly, and the ghost gate disappeared, leaving only the two of them on the spot.

Luo Beihai turned positive, and said in a deep voice, "Master Su, what do you plan to do with the new canon established by our leader this time?"

"How to do?"

Demon flames rose all over Su Laomo's body, and he said ferociously: "If possible, the master of the palace plans to give him a good job!"

The subject changed, "But do you think it's possible?"

In order to snatch the Nine Nether Chaos God and Demon Pellet, Lao Mo Su paid a lot.

It's not that big.

Not only did he lose three million top-quality magic crystals, but more importantly, he also made a demon god oath.

So what can he do?

If you can't kill a person alone, you will restrict him to death.

Having said that, it's useless not to limit it, and he can't beat Chen Laomo now. Biqu library


Luo Beihai asked again: "Master Su, are you willing?"

These words made Su Yiming look at Luo Beihai seriously for a long time, and then said slowly: "Luo Beihai, if you are really bored, go find a village cat."

Luo Beihai lowered his head, as if he had made up his mind, then he gritted his teeth and said, "Dianzhu Su, I have an idea here, maybe you can try it."

"Do you have a solution?"

Old Mo Su was slightly surprised, "You are a dog next to Old Mo Chen, what can you do?"

"Besides, do you have a way to get my ass off?"

"You don't know what my situation is now?"

Suddenly thought of something, and coldly snorted: "According to what the Lord of the Palace knows, the five unlucky guys from the Blood Demon Sect were also your secret idea, right?"

The more he talked, the angrier he became, he almost pointed at Luo Beihai's nose and cursed.

Luo Beihai was still calm.

The forbearance skills for many years are profound, and this level obviously cannot break his defense.

He even nodded and said: "Yes, I am a dog next to the leader."

"But Dianzhu Su should still remember that besides being the dog of this current leader, I, Luo Beihai, was also the dog next to the previous leader of the Tianmo Sect."

As soon as these words came out, the angry look on Old Devil Su's face froze for a moment.


He frowned deeply.

Su Yiming, who is not afraid of anything, not even Chen Laomo, has a strong fear in the depths of his eyes.

"What the hell do you mean?"

He used a sharp reprimand to hide the fear in his eyes, "I don't have time to play charades with you!"

Luo Beihai took a deep breath, "Then I'll make it clear."

"The last question, Palace Master Su thinks, is the current difficult situation or the previous difficult situation, if you had to choose between the two, which would you choose?"

These words made Su Yiming silent.


He understood what Luo Beihai meant by the past.

That's right, the previous Extreme Heaven Demon Realm was far more terrifying than the current Extreme Heaven Demon Realm.

That's because the previous leader of the Demon Sect was...


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