Heavenly Demon Cult.

Chen Tianxing's favorite thing to do these days is to patrol around the church.


Even if he held back with great perseverance, he would still laugh from ear to ear from time to time.

In the previous Heavenly Demon Sect, it was difficult for him to find a disciple with white light even if he dug three feet into the ground.

But now.

Just walking around casually like this, there are a lot of white lights at a glance.

Although these disciples are not strong.

The sooner the white light came out of his body, the more it meant that this disciple's time in the devil's way was short and he did not do enough evil to quickly accumulate enough merit under Chen Tianxing's high-handed orders.

So these disciples are not useful, and they are not worthy of great responsibility.

But for Chen Tianxing...


With him, Chen Laomo, in charge, what kind of strength does he need?

What he wants is white light!

The transformation plan of Jitian Demon Realm is getting smoother and smoother.

The Heavenly Demon Sect has the most white light disciples, and the other demon sects that have sworn the oath of the Demon God that day are probably not as good as the Heavenly Demon Sect, but over time, there will be more and more.

Surrounded by these white light disciples, Chen Tianxing felt extremely at ease and extremely warm.

It frightened all the disciples in Tianmo Sect.

When did they see the leader so frequently in the church?

Could it be that something big is going to happen?

Well, it must be so!

Otherwise, why does the leader's face look distorted?

At this time, it's better not to touch his bad luck!

Frightened and frightened, they can only bury their heads in doing things and find trouble for nothing. Obviously, they only need to do one good thing every day, but the one who is diligent is passionate, and conservatively estimates that there are ten good things in a day.

This made Chen Tianxing even more satisfied.

Look, what is enlightenment?

Under the leadership of this leader, these magic monks have already begun to change from the heart, right?

They no longer need the restrictions of canons!

Advise people to be kind.

Well, the leader is really a good person!

Will go to heaven after death.

As a result, he made teaching tours more frequently.

The disciples have also done more good deeds.

pretty good.

"Report to the leader!"

Just when Chen Tianxing decided to inspect the Tianmo Cult for the 19th time today, a protector rushed over and bowed to him, saying, "Vice-Master Luo is back!"

Chen Tianxing was startled, "Come back as soon as he comes back, what's the matter, I still need this

The leader went to meet him in person? "

The protector wiped off his cold sweat, and hurriedly said: "The ones who came back with Deputy Hierarch Luo are also Dianzhu Su of Zhushen Temple, and, and..."

"And what?"

Chen Tianxing was very curious, why did Demon Su come again?

Could it be... He found out that the medicine was fake?

It shouldn't be!

Didn't Xiao Mohe say that within a year or so, those chaotic vitality will not dissipate?

Damn Luo Beihai, wouldn't it be he who ran to report to Su Yiming?

That day, I seemed to speak a little loudly, and I didn't have ears against the partition wall.

But if Luo Beihai said, he shouldn't dare, right?

Just as he was thinking, the protector said again: "And a person my subordinates have never met, but he..."

Having said that, his body trembled slightly, "He's so scary!"


Chen Tianxing frowned slightly, and asked, "Worse than this leader?"


The guardian is numb.

How does this make him answer?

Said that the leader is more terrifying?

Isn't this looking for death?

Say that person is more terrifying than the leader?

Isn't it the same as courting death?

"Okay, where are they?"

Chen Tianxing waved his hand, "My leader wants to see and see, what is so scary about that person."

"The old man is in the Temple of Heavenly Demon, if you want to see it, come here."

However, before the guardian could respond, a calm voice suddenly came from his ear.

How bold!

Chen Tianxing sneered.

How dare he be so blatant in the territory of his Heavenly Demon Cult.

Dare to let the leader go to see him?

Can't find death!


This voice...why does it sound familiar?

Where did I hear it?

He frowned, thinking carefully in his mind.

Suddenly, his complexion suddenly changed, and he found the answer from the deepest part of his memory.

This person's voice, isn't it... is it the master of the original owner of his body, the former leader of the Demon Sect... Pen Fun Library


He's out?

Chen Tianxing's heart shuddered, and a bad feeling emerged.

Why did this old bastard suddenly come back?

"Why, don't you want to come and see the old man?"

The voice of the demon king suddenly came from the ear.

This made Chen Tianxing unable to think carefully, so he could only go to the Heavenly Demon Palace first.

At this moment, in the Temple of Heavenly Demon.

In addition to Luo Beihai and Su Yiming who came with the Demon Lord, a group of Heavenly Demon Sect elders headed by the Great Elder Huang Quan were also in the hall.

It's just that at this time he

All of them were trembling, bowing down to the Demon Venerable sitting calmly on the throne of the Nine Demons.

Can't get up!

I didn't see any power from the Demon Lord, but Huang Quan and the others...couldn't control their bodies no matter what.

"Master Mozun, why are you..."

The Great Elder Huang Quan gritted his teeth and almost exhausted his life's cultivation before speaking tremblingly.

"Why, you don't seem to want the old man to come back?"

Mozun looked at him indifferently.

"No, this subordinate definitely doesn't mean that!"

Huang Quan's cold sweat also flowed down, and he quickly explained: "This subordinate is just...just curious."

"Huang Quan, Huang Quan."

Mozun shook his head slightly, "You are also an old man of my Heavenly Demon Sect. I have been sitting in the position of Great Elder for a long time. Is it that you are stupid?"


The corner of Huang Quan's mouth twitched, he said puzzled: "My subordinates don't quite understand what Lord Mozun means."

"not understand?"

Mozun suddenly glared sharply, and a condensed magic light shot out! Biqu library


Blood spattered.

Huang Quan only felt his shoulders sink, and when he looked down, the sharp pain just came, and he was shocked to find that his right shoulder was pierced by the demon king's gaze!

At this moment, the flesh and blood were bloody, and a large amount of blood spattered out, dyeing the ground in front of him blood red.

Everyone present was shocked!

It's just a look!

It is said that gaze can kill, but it is an exaggeration, after all, it is still to overwhelm people with arrogance and crush them to death.

But the Demon Lord...

He really just glared at the Great Elder, everyone could see the magic light clearly, other than that, he didn't feel any momentum from him.

The shoulders of the Great Elder are worn like this.

What kind of practice is this?

Under the heavy blood loss and severe pain, Huang Quan felt dizzy and hit his brain.

His complexion was suddenly extremely pale, but he didn't dare to say another word.

Demon Lord, even though he hasn't seen him for more than ten years, he is still the Demon Lord he is familiar with.

Huang Quan, who endured the severe pain, felt bitter.

compared to...

The face of Chen Tianxing appeared in his mind.

In comparison, Chen Tianxing was much gentler than Mozun.

The Heaven of the Demon Sect is afraid to change again.

Just as Huang Quan was sighing inwardly, the face in his mind just appeared at the gate of Tianmo Temple.


Chen Tianxing stood outside the hall with a surprised expression on his face.

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