"Master, why are you still alive?"

After being astonished, Chen Tianxing asked a question that made everyone in the Temple of Heaven go black.

The Demon Lord was not annoyed, he laughed and said, "It's a good thing he didn't die, otherwise how could I have the honor to see my good disciple turn the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm into the Extreme Heaven Sanctuary?"

"Come on, you come in first."

He waved to Chen Tianxing.

Chen Tianxing also laughed and said, "Where is the master talking about? It's about the sacred domain and the demon domain."

Without evading it, he immediately stepped into the hall.


Suddenly, his heart trembled slightly.

He clearly felt that when he stepped into the Heavenly Demon Palace, an extremely strange coercion suddenly descended on him, forcing his knees to sink.

Spooky, yes, just spooky!

As the direct disciple of Mozun, Chen Tianxing also likes to overwhelm others with power.

So when Mozun let him in, he had a hunch what the other party would do.

But what about this weird coercion?

Glancing at the hall, those elders and hall masters who were usually invincible were also oppressed by this coercion and could only kneel down.

What's more, from Mozun, he didn't feel any signs of the other party's magic power.

The Mozun just sat on the Nine Demons' Throne so comfortably, and Chen Tianxing didn't feel any pressure from him.

But at this very moment, he was being oppressed by that strange coercion.

This coercion seems to be...

While Chen Tianxing used his magic power to resist, his mind was spinning.

Unexpectedly, his performance shocked everyone present.

Even Demon Venerable showed a look of surprise.


Why doesn't he kneel?

The most unacceptable thing about this is Su Yiming Su Laomo who followed.

When the Demon Lord used such strange coercion on him before, he knelt down without any resistance.

He even decisively decided to submit to the Demon Lord.

All of this was due to the opponent's incomparably powerful strength.

But what about Chen Tianxing?

Isn't he a little higher than himself?

At the ninth level of the God Transformation Stage, he kneels neatly, and Chen Tianxing, who is at the peak of the God Transformation Stage, can stand proudly?

How big is the gap between me and him?

As for the Mozun feeling that the other party is his own disciple, so he didn't use coercion on Chen Tianxing, Su Yiming didn't think about it at all.

neither does he

It is useless, at least after witnessing the mysterious coercion of the Demon Lord twice, he is now very sure that Chen Tianxing must be enduring what he has endured before at this moment.

Otherwise, why is his knee shaking?

Although it wasn't obvious, Su Yiming could also sense that, despite Chen Tianxing's seemingly calm and breezy appearance, in fact, there must be a violent storm secretly.

So strong!

These two masters and apprentices are so strong!

A sense of powerlessness spread wildly in Su Yiming's heart.

There was a dead silence in the Heavenly Demon Palace.

Except Mozun and Chen Tianxing, everyone was sweating profusely.

Luo Beihai and Su Yiming, who hadn't kneeled before, finally both knelt down under the constant coercion exerted by the Demon Lord.

Chen Tianxing's complexion was not very good-looking either.

He could feel that the terrifying coercion pressing on him was increasing wave after wave, and it seemed that he would never stop until he was crushed.

Luo Beihai and Su Yiming just suffered from the disaster.


Chen Tianxing's face turned serious, his strong self-esteem made him absolutely unwilling to kneel down, even if he was facing the Demon Lord.

Do you want to compare?

OK, let's compare!

The blissful heaven magic power was running crazily, and the huge cultivation base accumulated during these days exploded without reservation, supporting himself to maintain a standing posture.

He is the peak of the god transformation stage?

After being thrown a few waves of cool air by the Taiji diagram, Chen Tianxing is confident that even if there are ten peaks of the transformation stage standing in front of him, he will not be afraid.

With such tyrannical strength, he does not believe that there is still an existence in this world that can crush him.

Not even the Demon Lord!

But he didn't know that he was completely crazy on his side, and the surprise on the Demon Lord's side was getting stronger and stronger.

Why don't you kneel?

He came back to Tianmo Sect because of Liwei.

When he heard Luo Beihai talk about what happened during this period of time, Mozun didn't reveal anything on the surface, but he was already furious in his heart.

As a crazy demon idiot, Mozun's pursuit of the way of magic is paramount.

When I heard that Chen Tianxing was doing something in the Demon Realm to promote civilization and establish a new style, he not only asked the demon cultivators not to kill people anymore, but also had to do good deeds every day!

This is an unacceptable thing for the Demon Lord.

So he's back.

two things.

First, Chen Tianxing must give him an explanation.

If it's not good, he doesn't mind changing a leader for Tianmojiao, or it's not wrong to take charge again.


Second, those nonsense teachings about civilization and fostering a new style must be abolished.

No matter what purpose Chen Tianxing thought of changing the canon, as long as it was the current canon, his Demon Lord would absolutely not allow it, nor would he tolerate it.

Therefore, in order to achieve these two goals, he used his demonic power as soon as he came back, first frightening all the high-level people of the Heavenly Demon Sect, and then Chen Tianxing. Biqu library

When Chen Tianxing arrived at the Heavenly Demon Hall, he saw the Elder Hall Master kneeling in a row in unison, and his aura was a little weaker.

Then he used his own suppression of him in the realm, Mozun was confident that Chen Tianxing would knelt and trembled in front of him like everyone else did.

When the time comes, when one's own advantages are exhausted, why don't they say what the other party should do?

After all, they are two masters and apprentices in the same line, and the way they think about problems is always starting with momentum.

However, what made Mozun unbelievable was that even though he had achieved the ultimate, his good disciple was still standing up straight.

Chen Tianxing was not overwhelmed, but everyone in the Heavenly Demon Hall secretly complained.

In order to suppress Chen Tianxing, Mo Zun appeared to be calm on the surface, but in fact he had used at least 70% of his magic skills.

Even he could no longer precisely control such a huge force, so Luo Beihai and Su Yiming also knelt down.

The powerful coercion not only made everyone unable to move, but what was even more frightening was that everyone could already hear the sound of their own bones being crushed.

The body is already overwhelmed, and it is in danger of collapsing and shattering at any time.

Even if the Demon Lord added another layer of strength, they would all be torn apart today, and they would not be able to fight together.

But it seems that the competition between the two masters and apprentices is not over yet.


You are my dear leader!

What's wrong with just kneeling down?

That is your master!

Do you understand the importance of respecting teachers?

In our new canon... isn't there a rule about being polite?

Everyone roared in their hearts.

I can only growl in my heart.

Under such terrifying magic power, they couldn't even open their mouths, nor could they utter a single word.

He could only wait helplessly, waiting for his body to be broken.

So at this moment, Chen Tianxing spoke suddenly and said with a smile: "Master, I think we are almost done?"

Mozun didn't raise his eyelids, but he also said: "Well, I think so too as a teacher."

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