The rain gathers and the clouds rest.

In the Tianmo Temple, except for Mozun and Chen Tianxing, everyone collapsed on the ground, panting heavily.

Well... so easy!

It was as if a mountain was suddenly removed from him.

But also... so scary!

While breathing, the horror in everyone's eyes couldn't be added.

This is just a competition of momentum.

If the two of them fight with swords and spears, the entire Heavenly Demon Sect will be wiped out, right?

There are such terrifying people in this world!

That's all for the Demon Lord.

It was a terrifying existence that he had known for as long as he could remember.

But Master Chen, he...

He is the apprentice of the Demon Lord!

According to Chen Tianxing's previous performance, although the entire Extreme Heaven Demon Territory surrendered to him, the Zhongzhou Sanctuary was afraid of him.

But in terms of terror, Chen Tianxing is definitely far behind Mozun.

But what we saw today, the two are evenly matched!

too exaggerated!

Not only did everyone think so, but Demon Venerable also thought the same way.

Can't help but nodded and said: "Tian Xing, I haven't seen you for more than ten years, but you have made great progress, unlike that person."

that person.

Su Yiming shuddered, and couldn't help but close his eyes in shame.

Yes, he is the so-called man.

Chen Tianxing was neither humble nor overbearing, and said with a smile: "This is all because of the good teaching of the master back then."

Mozun said indifferently: "You can withstand 70% of the old man's demonic power suppression. This is not all due to teaching, your own talent and hard work are also very important."

Chen Tianxing nodded, and said immodestly: "That's true."

"To tell the truth, Master, it is not difficult for me to bear the 70% magic power just now. If you don't believe me, you can try again, um..."

He thought for a while, "Just use 100%."

As soon as this statement came out.

Everyone in the Temple of Heavenly Demon: "Listen to me, thank you..."

Mozun does not have an interface.

His eyes seemed to have the magic power to see through everything, scanning Chen Tianxing up and down.

After a while, I finally said something that made everyone breathe a sigh of relief: "There is no need to try again, the old man knows your current strength well."


Chen Tianxing couldn't hide his disappointment on his face, as if it was a pity.

Walking in slowly, until Mozun was in front of him, he cupped his hands and said: "Master was closed in the death gate back then, and he made a great wish that he would never come out unless he broke through. It seems that this is now..."


Responding with a light smile: "What do you think?"

Chen Tianxing also laughed, "I feel that I should congratulate Master for achieving the Supreme Return to the Void Realm."

The conversation between the two made others bitter.

Although there has been speculation, this is the first time Mozun admits his cultivation level.

Sure enough, it really is Returning to the Void Realm!

Only in the legendary Return to the Void Realm could it be possible to overwhelm myself and the others immobilized by just using momentum, right?

At the same time, they were extremely shocked by Chen Tianxing's tyranny.

Mozun broke through, but Chen Tianxing didn't break through, right?

He is still in the stage of transforming gods just like us!

If it were a strong man in the transformation stage, even if he was at the peak state, he would not be able to withstand such a terrifying demonic power, right?

Among them, Su Yiming felt the deepest.

In Extreme Sky Demon Realm, everyone thought he was on par with Chen Tianxing.

Of course, after the battle at the Heavenly Demon Medicine Hall, Su Yiming knew that he was not as good as Chen Tianxing, but he never expected that he would be so far behind!

Chen Tianxing can withstand the demonic power, but he can only bow down in front of the demon.

Moreover, he believed very much that if he also broke through to the peak of the transformation stage, and faced that terrifying magic power again, he would also kneel without hesitation.

But Chen Tianxing can bear it!

Rounding it up, doesn't it mean that Chen Tianxing also possesses the strength of Returning to the Void Realm?

Are you kidding me?

Su Yiming was insanely embarrassed.

When he thought that he had overreached himself in front of Chen Tianxing, he couldn't help but dig the ground with his toes.

However, no one would have imagined that the one with the most turmoil in his heart is the most powerful Demon Lord!

He has never made it clear what his current cultivation level is, in fact, it is because he...

A breakthrough, but not a complete breakthrough.

As Chen Tianxing thought before, the Xuanyuan Continent seems to have lost the ability to rebirth the Void Powerhouse.

At least for thousands of years, no one has ever heard of anyone breaking through to the Returning Void Realm.

The demon king is not exempt from vulgarity either.

Before he decided to enter the death test, he had been at the peak of the transformation stage for more than a hundred years!

It is precisely because he has been unable to find a way, that he, who is obsessed with the way of magic, hastily trained a successor like Chen Tianxing, and then closed the deadlock, making up his mind not to break through.

However, he did not come out of his own will, but

He was forcibly summoned by Luo Beihai with the blood of the demon.

From this point, it can actually be explained that the demon king has not made a breakthrough.

But more than ten years of death tests are not without effect, and still let Mozun touch a trace of the artistic conception of returning to the void.

The current him is neither in the stage of transforming gods, nor in the state of return to the void, but in between, half a step back to the void.

But even so, his suppressive power in realm is still unparalleled.

Returning to the virtual in half a step is also returning to the virtual. Facing these monks in the transformation stage, they still have the natural suppression of the superiors.

This is the secret that he can easily suppress almost everyone.

However, what happened to Chen Tianxing?

I can suppress everyone, but I can't suppress the apprentice I trained myself?

Could it be the reason of the Paradise Demon Art?

Mozun frowned slightly.

Thinking about it carefully, the Blissful Heaven Demon Kungfu does not have any advantage in aura. The advantage is only that it can be practiced faster, and the aura is stronger because it is stronger than others.

What's more, he is also practicing the Bliss Heaven Demon Art, so even if there are any advantages, they will be offset.

My apprentice is more weird than ten years ago!

Mozun was secretly surprised.

On the surface, he said: "My apprentice, as a teacher, I have heard about all the important things you have done recently. Should you give an explanation to my teacher?"

No matter how weird Chen Tianxing is, Mozun is confident that he can still dominate the opponent, so even if things don't go as planned, he will not allow Chen Tianxing to mess around.

Chen Tianxing wasn't stupid either, he had already figured it out in his heart.

Hearing Mozun's question, he didn't rush, but first glanced at Luo Beihai.

The latter was so horrified that he quickly looked at his nose, nose and heart, not daring to meet the leader's gaze.

He didn't show up sooner or later, but at this time, the Demon Lord who had entered the death pass returned to the Demon Sect. If there was nothing about Luo Beihai in it, Chen Tianxing would not believe what he said.

This old boy hasn't been beaten enough, has he?

Murderous intent arose in Chen Tianxing's heart.

Previously, he was focused on making the Tianmo Sect a success, but seeing that Luo Beihai became much more honest after his ambition was exposed, he thought about letting him go first.

But dogs can't change eating shit.

This old man actually invited another old man back!

Very good, Luo Beihai, you are very good!

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