Meeting Chen Tianxing's murderous eyes, Luo Beihai almost died on the spot.

Originally thought that after inviting the Demon Lord, he would be able to eat Old Demon Chen steadily.

But Luo Beihai would never have imagined that even with the presence of the Mozun, Old Mo Chen would still be so arrogant.


He does have arrogance.

Thinking of his independent demeanor when everyone knelt down just now, Luo Beihai felt chills in his heart.

It's not easy to be alive!

But it was conceivable that he definitely offended Old Mo Chen severely.

With no choice, he could only walk to Hei one way, and stand firmly on the Demon Lord's side.

Naturally, Chen Tianxing would not attack Luo Beihai in front of Mozun.

So after glaring at him, he still said to Mozun: "Master doesn't know, this is a plan of this disciple..."

As he said that, he brought out the same rhetoric that he used to fool the high-level members of the Tianmo Cult and continued to fool him.

"What are you thinking?"

Demon Venerable had heard these words from Luo Beihai before, and Chen Tianxing was interrupted by a wave of his hand after he spoke halfway.

Dissatisfied: "You think Sanctuary has its merits, and you have no objection as a teacher, but why do you have to go around such a big circle?"

Chen Tianxing laughed: "I just want to make Moyu more united."


The Mozun glared angrily, and with a flash of demon power on his body, he shouted at Su Yiming: "Old Ghost Su!"

Su Yiming was so frightened that he was shocked and responded quickly.

"My deity asks you, if you want you to lead the people from the Temple of Punisher and the disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect to hone the formation, do you dare not follow?"

Su Yiming said repeatedly: "Don't dare, my subordinates absolutely dare not!"

Mozun then raised his chin at Chen Tianxing, "Did you see it?"

"The unity of the sanctuary relies on hypocrisy, and the unity of my demon region relies on great strength!"

"As long as you have big fists, who would dare not listen to you?"

"Whoever the deity asks to unite must unite, dare you not listen?"


The word "death" was so cold that everyone present lowered their heads and closed their eyes, not daring to look at him.

Chen Tianxing pouted.

He also knew that what he said at the beginning was fallacious, and the reason why it was able to proceed smoothly was, in fact, just as Mozun said, whoever had the bigger fist was the truth.

Back then, his fist was the biggest, so even if the demon cultivators were dissatisfied, they could only hold back, how dare they expose it in front of him?

Now someone with a bigger fist appeared. Biqu library

"But Master, this disciple is doing pretty well right now!"

Chen Tianxing said helplessly: "I believe it won't be long before

, Moyu's strength can be even stronger! "


Mozun glared at him angrily, "You make those demon cultivators swear not to kill people, what's the use of being strong?"

"People from the sanctuary attack, who will go up and fight?"


He said calmly: "The so-called demon way has its own principles of demons. If you make the way of demon cultivators approach the sanctuary, what kind of magic way are you still practicing?"

Chen Tianxing shrugged, "If the Sanctuary really dares to attack, at worst, I will create another canon and erase the rule of not killing people."

"Master also said that whoever has the biggest fist is the right one, so it doesn't matter whether he is a demon or not. I, Chen Tianxing, said that this is how the magic way is cultivated, so you have to cultivate like this!"

"Very good!"

Mozun said coldly: "What you said is not unreasonable."

Chen Tianxing smiled and said, "Really?"

Then the demon said again: "Then now, the deity said that cultivating demons is not the way you cultivate, and you want to change it back, what do you say?"

Chen Tianxing frowned, "Master, now I am the leader of Tianmo Sect!"

The current situation is very good, even if Mozun comes back, he is not willing to give up.

"So you've made up your mind not to change?"

Mozun nodded slightly, but calmed down.

Chen Tianxing shook his head, "No change."

Both of them spoke calmly, but everyone present could clearly hear the smell of gunpowder.

He couldn't help secretly raising his cultivation base, lest he would suffer disaster.

"very good!"

The Mozun stared at Chen Tianxing seriously, and said word by word: "This deity announces that Chen Tianxing will be deposed from the position of leader from now on, and this deity will take over temporarily!"

As soon as this statement came out, even though it had been expected, it still shocked everyone.

so direct?

On the contrary, Luo Beihai looked happy.

Secretly thought that this move was the right move!

How can Mozun be a reasonable person? His dominance has never been inferior to Old Mo Chen!

"You want to abolish my position as leader?"

Chen Tianxing's complexion sank, "Why?"


Mozun sneered again and again, and suddenly his face became serious.


A violent demonic energy erupted from his body.

Everyone suddenly felt that their brains went blank, and when they regained consciousness, the top of their heads was icy cold, but endless rain of rain fell from the sky.


They raised their heads, only to see that the roof of the Heavenly Demon Palace had long since disappeared. At this moment, the top of their heads was densely covered with demon clouds, and dense dark rain of demons poured down.


Among the people present, the tenth elder was the weakest and the first to appear


I saw that his complexion was painful for a while, and suddenly became ferocious again, with fangs protruding from his mouth, and a magic horn grew on his forehead.

He turned from a human form into a monster abruptly!


The ten elders roared up to the sky, and bloodthirsty light shone in a pair of stern demonic eyes.


Several roars sounded one after another, but several elders turned from human to demon again.

After a while, only Luo Beihai, Su Yiming and the Great Elder Huang Quan were the only ones who could barely maintain their human form.

Huang Quan's face was ugly, but he could only bite his lips tightly and forcefully exercise his kung fu to resist the erosion of the magic rain.

This is Heavenly Demon Purgatory!

As a member of the Tianmo Sect, how can I not know the unique knowledge of the leader.

But unlike Chen Tianxing's Heavenly Demon Purgatory, Mozun's is much more domineering.

The Heavenly Demon Purgatory that Chen Tianxing usually uses will only increase the magic energy of the demon cultivators, so as to enhance their combat power.

Although after the battle, due to too much consumption, he will fall into a period of weakness for a long time, but he can still recover.

More importantly, Chen Tianxing's Heavenly Demon Purgatory will not make them lose their minds, nor will they forcefully change their appearance and become powerful monsters that are only controlled by the Demon Lord!

"Heavenly Demon Purgatory?"

Chen Tianxing also looked up, although he was not affected by it, his heart sank.

This old devil is so powerful!

Just now the two of them fought each other with magic power, although he could maintain his standing posture, he was already very reluctant.

To be honest, in terms of total cultivation, Chen Tianxing is confident that with the help of the Taiji Diagram, he is even better than Mozun.

But Mozun wants to overwhelm him in terms of realm.

This is the oppression of the superiors on the subordinates, and it is obviously not enough to compete only by the level of cultivation.


While he was thinking about it, a roar came from outside the hall.

Demon Lord's Heavenly Demon Purgatory covers the entire Heavenly Demon Sect, and not only the people in the hall are affected. Right now, the entire Heavenly Demon Sect is being eroded by its tyrannical demon energy.

Chen Tianxing immediately understood what Mozun meant.

To abolish him as the leader, even the Demon Lord cannot decide on his own. According to the regulations handed down by the elders of the Heavenly Demon Sect, one must go through the three hall masters, nine elders, eighteen halls, and even thirty-six demon envoys. vote, so that it can be decided.

But obviously Mozun didn't want to wait so long.

When the Heavenly Demon Purgatory erodes everyone in the sect, the Heavenly Demon Cult will naturally become the one-word hall of the Demon Lord.

Everyone has become his monsters, is there still a need to cast this vote?

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