To be honest, Mozun doesn't need to do this, and his goal can be achieved.

Although the Tianmo Sect has changed a lot now, Chen Tianxing knows it very well.

This change is from the bottom up.

The lower the cultivation level of the disciple, the more white light will appear.

On the contrary, it is above the middle and high levels, and at present, the body of the Great Elder Huang Quan is glowing white.

And it doesn't mean that if there is white light, he will stand on Chen Tianxing's side.

In the final analysis, these white lights were forced by Chen Tianxing, he didn't know exactly what those disciples were thinking in their hearts.

So when the Demon Lord returns and is about to change back to the canon, I believe that there will be more Heavenly Demon Cultists who will stand on the side of the Demon Lord.

His position as leader is still not guaranteed.

But the Demon Venerable didn't do that.

He seemed very impatient, eager to take back the Tianmo Sect.

That's why he directly resorted to Heavenly Demon Purgatory, turning everyone into his subordinate monsters, even omitting the link of voting.

actually not.

Chen Tianxing clearly understood the other party's purpose in doing so.

Just like he would beat those elders from time to time, Mozun was also doing the same thing.

It's just that the object of this beating has become himself.

He was using this method to prove to himself the Moxiu's way of life.

Magic cultivation is to do whatever you want.


Suddenly, screams came from outside the hall.

Chen Tianxing looked back and stared sharply.

He saw that more and more disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect had transformed into terrifying monsters outside the hall, but a small number of them still maintained their human form.

With the terrifying strength of the Demon Lord, even the elders in the palace were not spared, so how could the disciples outside be able to resist the erosion of the demon energy? Biqu library

The reason why a small number of people did not transform is because of the white light on their bodies!

Whether it is voluntary or not, the ability to emit white light on the body at least proves one point.

That is, they still have good thoughts in their hearts, and they have not completely fallen into the devil's way.

Mozun's Heavenly Demon Purgatory is very unreasonable. It is not just to enhance the magic power like Chen Tianxing, but to directly arouse the deepest demonic nature in people's hearts, and directly materialize humans and demons.

Therefore, the demonization time of the disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect is not the same.

Mozun seemed to feel this too.

And he hated the monks in the sanctuary very deeply. When he found out that some of the disciples of the Tianmo Sect had that kind of aura that he hated so much, he became angry.

directly down

Let the demonized disciples kill those white light disciples.

It has been said several times before.

The more white light on the body, the lower the strength.

Under the pursuit of these demonized disciples, in just a short moment, dozens of people have already died under the power of the demons.

Blood splattered throughout the Heavenly Demon Cult, screams and wailing everywhere, stumps and broken arms everywhere!

Chen Tianxing's eyes immediately turned red.

These disciples with white bodies were cultivated by him with great difficulty!

They are my invincible hope in the future!

"Stop it!"

Under the rage, he flashed his body quickly, and he didn't hold back his hands. He punched three times and kicked many demonized disciples.


Immediately afterwards, his body shook, and a large number of ghosts were separated.

But what he didn't expect was that the phantom he created had just appeared, before it even had time to take shape, it was drenched into flying smoke under the berserk rain.

His magic skills are originally in the same line as the Demon Lord, but he is weaker in realm.

Chen Tianxing's body is not afraid of the magic rain, but the magic shadow he condenses with magic skills is not.

"Damn it!"

His face was ferocious and tyrannical, and the killing intent in his heart rose to the extreme.

Unleashing the magic shadow obscuring movement technique, his figure was extremely fast, and he threw all the white light disciples he could see to the same direction.


"Heavenly Demon Knife!"

With a wave of his hand, he pulled out two half-moon sword lights, and the blade passed by, and the demonized disciple was an unbearable enemy, and was directly cut in half.

A large open space was immediately cleared in front of him.


The Baiguang disciples rescued by him were all terrified and crawled behind Chen Tianxing, terrified and trembling to the extreme.

They couldn't figure out why the Tianmo Cult suddenly became like this?

That magic rain!

Why can other people be demonized in the magic rain?

Why can't I do it myself?

At this moment, the end of being unable to demonize is death!

Only the leader, fortunately the leader is protecting them, otherwise I...


Chen Tianxing was furious, and roared in a deep voice.


All the disciples trembled in fear, looking around, there are terrifying monsters everywhere, where are they going?

"Go to the Heavenly Magic Medicine Hall!"

Chen Tianxing suppressed his anger and said in a low voice, and then swung the blade violently again.

This time is very purposeful, it is to clear the direction leading to the Heavenly Demon Medicine Hall.


How could the disciples dare to be negligent, and ran away like crazy with all their strength.

However, after only two steps, he stopped bitterly.

"Hey Hey!"

In front of them, suddenly appeared two extremely ferocious, terrifying monsters who were more demonized than ordinary disciples!

Looking at the rags and rags hanging on his body, he can barely tell that they are the third elder and the seventh elder!

Two elder-level monsters are blocking the way, just relying on them...

"Go away!"

Chen Tianxing roared furiously, and he threw out both fists, each blasting out a huge devil's energy, attacking the two elders separately.



Even though their strength had skyrocketed after being demonized, the two elders were still no match for Chen Tianxing, and were directly blown away by the two demon heads.


One blow worked, but Chen Tianxing's face was extremely gloomy.

What is there for him to keep now?

The power contained in those two demon heads was based on blasting the two elders.

But things didn't go his way.

Although the two were blown away, they didn't lose their ability to fight, and they didn't even pause for a moment. They bounced up from the ground and killed the disciples again.

at this time.


The soil under the feet of the two elders suddenly exploded, and two extremely huge vain flowers jumped out of it, just biting the two of them into the petals.

Xiao Mohe's figure appeared in front of him.

His complexion didn't look much better either, he only had time to take a look at Chen Tianxing, and immediately ordered the medicine hall disciples who brought him to rescue all the white light disciples.

The mutation came too fast, and those who could enter the Heavenly Magic Medicine Hall were all people with white light selected by Chen Tianxing, so there were no monsters in the medicine hall.

But the sudden screams from the direction of the main hall still made Xiao Mohe feel uneasy, so he immediately brought someone over to check.

It just freed up Chen Tianxing's hands.

He suddenly turned around, and saw the ferocious monster demonized by the high-level members of the Heavenly Demon Sect coming straight towards him with its teeth and claws.

With a serious expression on his face, Chen Tianxing showed no fear, and waved his palms one after another, waving a large piece of Heavenly Demon Saber light.

Clang clang clang clang!

However, although the Heavenly Demon Saber forced all the demons back, the opponent's body was extremely hard, only a series of white marks were cut out, but they could not be broken.

"No, if this goes on like this, it will consume you to death!"

Knowing something was wrong, Chen Tianxing turned sharply, but stared in the direction of the Heavenly Demon Palace.

As the saying goes, capture the thief first and capture the king first!

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