Chen Tianxing did not stop the actions of Luo Beihai and the two of them.

In fact, he is extremely dignified at the moment.

From time travel to now, there has never been any battle that allowed him to concentrate 100%.

Even if he was in the Sanctuary before, because he saved Xiao Mohe and fell into Ye Changsheng's Great Heavenly Subduing Demon Formation, he had never been so dignified.

The strength of the Demon Lord has far surpassed any enemy he has ever faced!

Very heavy.

Good weight!

Being squeezed by the continuous magic power coming from all directions, he was forced to unleash his huge cultivation base to resist.

Otherwise, the pressure would have crushed him to death before this battle could be fought.

And the demon king was even more surprised than him.

During the first trial between the two just now, Chen Tianxing once said that he was confident that he could withstand 100% of the demon's power.

At that time, Mozun thought that the Nizi was just talking big, so he was playing tricks.

It was only at this time that he discovered that the other party was not lying.

He has let go of 100% of the magic power now!

Just look at the performance of others.

Even the demonized elders who have strengthened their defensive ability after being demonized, their bones will be crushed under the suppression of 100% of his magic power, and it is impossible to resist.

But Chen Tianxing can still stand!

What can make him like this is precisely the vast cultivation level that even the Demon Lord can't compare to!

Fortunately, buddies, good people are rewarded!

At this moment, Chen Tianxing was also full of emotion.

If he hadn't absorbed white light several times, causing Tai Chi Tu to emit a lot of cool breath, how could his cultivation base be so profound?

Has long been crushed by the Demon Lord.

But this is not the way, he can't always be consumed by him for nothing, can he?

There is always a bottom.

Preemptive strike!

A sharp light flashed in Chen Tianxing's eyes, and a bigger cultivation base burst out.

With this help, he was temporarily no longer suppressed by the opponent's magic power, and his body recovered his mobility.


The extremely condensed Heavenly Demon Knife was drawn out, slashing at the Demon Lord with the momentum of piercing the sky!


Mozun is not afraid, Hengshou is also a knife.

The two blade lights met in mid-air, and with a click, they cut each other into two pieces, and then flew half a breath, the blade lights were scattered and unable to condense, turning into nothingness.

Chen Tianxing committed the crime below, and the two of them were evenly matched with the Heavenly Demon Saber!

It's not over yet!

One knife shattered, and several other knife relays went up.

Relying on his enough cultivation base, Chen Tianxing turned his hands over and over again, and chopped out countless Heavenly Demon Knives regardless of consumption.


Mozun's eyes were also shining with a strange demonic light, and his hands were also flying, knife to knife, completely blocking Chen Tianxing's attack.

A series of clashing sounds of gold and iron erupted between the two, and the tyrannical devilish energy shot out in all directions, leaving the scene devastated, as if the end of the world was coming.

In the extreme distance, Luo Beihai and Su Yiming swallowed hard.

At any rate, they are also strong at the ninth level of the transformation stage, but they already have a very deep understanding of themselves.

Not to mention the battle with the Demon Lord or Chen Laomo, but the scattered vigor of the two sides when they fought the Heavenly Demon Saber, I'm afraid I can't stop it?

And, and...

And the main attack at the moment is actually Chen Laomo!

On the contrary, Mozun is on the passive defensive side.

Is there any reason for this?

The same question also appeared in Mozun's heart.

The seriousness on his face was no less than that of Chen Tianxing.

Both of them have the same source of practice, and both of them have worked hard in the blissful magic art.

So he knew why Chen Tianxing was attacking blindly.

Because, his realm is stronger than Chen Tianxing!

The skills are of the same origin, and the moves performed are naturally dominated by the party with the stronger realm.

So just now when he played Heavenly Demon Purgatory, it was impossible for Chen Tianxing to cast Heavenly Demon Purgatory again.

Because that doesn't work at all.

Even because of the existence of Tianmo Purgatory, most of the moves in Chen Tianxing's Paradise Demon Art cannot be used.

For example, there are many ghosts that have transformed into thousands of people, or the externally transformed demons with more combat power.

Using these moves can only aggravate his own consumption and pose no threat to the demon king.

Even the Heavenly Demon Armor on Chen Tianxing's body is definitely not as strong and durable as the one on his own.

Knowing this very well, Chen Tianxing did not choose Moxiu's favorite melee combat, but only attacked himself with the long-range Sky Demon Knife.

This is Chen Tianxing's only attack method that can bridge the gap in realm.

The Heavenly Demon Saber was extremely sharp, and with Chen Tianxing's deep cultivation, the devil energy condensed in each cut was ten times that of his own swing!

It is precisely because of ten times the level of condensedness that the two sides used the Heavenly Demon Saber that they were evenly matched.

In other words, Chen Tianxing is using clumsiness to overcome ingenuity!

If the state is not as good as your own, then use a stupid method, to be clear, to forcibly suppress it with a deeper cultivation base!

Only the Sky Demon Knife can do this.

If it was a melee fight, it would be too late to repair his Heavenly Demon Armor after it was shattered, and he could only fall into being trapped.

The situation of moving and being beaten.

But even if he knew about Chen Tianxing's plan, Mozun couldn't do anything right now.

How could this hateful rebellious son have such a deep cultivation?

Mozun's heart was roaring.

Chen Tianxing's consumption is high, so is his consumption not?

That ten percent magic power is still on.

Even though it seems that Chen Tianxing is not affected by the magic power, Mozun knows very well that this is his greatest advantage.

If Chen Tianxing were not restricted by the magic power of realm crushing, the opponent's attack would be ten times stronger!

This is exhausted after making up his mind to compete with himself.

While brandishing his knife to defend, Mozun was also deliberately looking for Chen Tianxing's flaws.

However, the other party's sword light is too much!

There are so many that he can't find any flaws at all, so he can only honestly fight with each other, and the fight is evenly matched.

Is he crazy?

The more they fought, the more surprised Mozun became.

If he continues to consume like this, can he hold on?

The situation is now clear. Biqu library

Chen Tianxing's realm was not as good as Mozun's, but it was not impossible for the two sides to fight.

It's just that, every move Chen Tianxing makes must exceed ten times the level of Mozun's cultivation, in order to close the gap.

In the case of inferior realm, can his total cultivation be ten times that of Mozun?


Thinking of this, Mozun calmed down instead.

It's a pity secretly.

It is impossible for Chen Tianxing to have ten times the total cultivation base of himself.

So if this hard work goes on, Chen Tianxing must be the one who is exhausted first.

The reason why he still persisted was because of bloody courage.

Back then when I took him as a disciple, didn't I look at Chen Tianxing's bravery, ferocity and tyranny?

This is a full-fledged magician.

I just don't know why my mind is so screwed up that I have to fight against myself.

But since there is no room for redemption, Mozun can't say it's a pity and let Chen Tianxing go.

If the rebellious son commits the following crimes, he must have the courage to bear the consequences.

And this consequence is...

that is……

Just when Mozun was at ease, thinking that he had the chance to win, and was waiting to kill Chen Tianxing, the other party's sneaky little move made him open his mouth.

Even black eyes.

He clearly saw that Chen Tianxing took it out of his bosom in the process of slashing the Heavenly Demon Knife, and then stuffed a pill into his mouth.

Take medicine!

He is taking medicine!


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