As Chen Tianxing dropped a pill, his spirit suddenly lifted, and the Heavenly Demon Knives struck more and more fiercely.

The pressure was instantly put on Mozun's side.

After fighting for so long, he has divided his mind, maintaining the suppression of the magic power, and at the same time, he has to see the knife to block the knife, so he can't say it is easy.

It's just that Chen Tianxing's realm is not as good as his own, and although his cultivation base is profound, it will never be ten times more.

That's why I feel like I have a chance to win.

But Chen Tianxing ate this pill, and with the detached mentality of the demon king, he wanted to scold his mother.

Despicable boy!

As expected of a good apprentice trained by the old man!

This guy's elixir must be extraordinary, I don't know how much this one has recovered?

But judging by the strength of the opponent's Heavenly Demon Saber, it is estimated that it will recover 70% or 80% if it does not recover, right?

What made Mo Zun even more angry was that.

Xu knew that the other party saw his act of taking the medicine, so Chen Tianxing didn't hide it, instead he grinned at him, took another pill from his bosom and put it in his mouth.

He still has it!

This is not a question of cursing.

Mozun wants to dig Chen Tianxing's ancestral grave!

According to Chen Tianxing's style of play, coupled with the support of elixir, maybe there is a chance to consume himself to death!

Suddenly, he felt a crisis.

Chen Tianxing has a lot of pills to eat, and that's because of the establishment of the Heavenly Magic Medicine Hall.

Where is Xiao Mo, he has a hundred million recovery pills on his body all year round, is this reasonable?

On the other hand, Demon Venerable.

Back then when he entered the death pass, he was fully prepared and brought a large amount of top-quality pills.

But after so many years, no amount of preparation was exhausted.

Then Luo Beihai invited him to leave the customs with the blood of the demon.

After leaving the customs, he heard that his traitor was doing bad things in the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm, and the Demon Lord didn't stop for a moment, and returned directly to the Demon Cult.

At that time, he was invincible.

Although only half a step back to the Void Realm, Mozun is confident that with his current strength, not to mention the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm, even the entire Xuanyuan Continent, there is no one with a higher realm than him.

With such strength, he would never have the idea of ​​replenishing the pill first and then meeting Chen Tianxing.

When he thought about it, even if Chen Tianxing saw him, he would have to kneel on the ground.

How could one expect an apprentice who hadn't seen him for more than ten years to grow to this extent?

This is embarrassing.

Not only does he have no pills on him

, not even a single herb.

No matter how high the realm is, the cultivation base will be exhausted at some point.

He is constantly being consumed, but Chen Tianxing has a lot of replenishment.

Under the ebb and flow of each other, he will become the one who is consumed first.

When that time comes, will this rebellious son let him go?

"Damn it!"

Mozun frowned, feeling the power from Chen Tianxing for the first time that could threaten him.


As the battle continued, he felt that his aura was becoming unstable.

Half-step Guixu is not the real Guixu after all, in this kind of cracked state, it is very difficult to go to a higher level, but it is easy to go down.

If he continues to fight, his realm is not stable, and it is very likely that his realm will regress and return to the peak of the transformation stage!

This is something Mozun is unwilling to accept no matter what.

It's not that he was afraid of being beaten to death by Chen Tianxing after returning to the peak of the transformation stage.

It was because he had finally touched the edge of the Void Returning Realm, so how could he be willing to retreat at this point?


The ugly-faced Mozun maintained a posture of fighting each other, but his thoughts moved.

Work harder!

Chen Tianxing didn't dare to slack off for a moment, and tried his best to attack wildly.

My family knows my own affairs.

The surprise in his heart at this moment is no less than that of Mozun.

This old immortal is really powerful!

He couldn't even remember how long it had been since he had shot with all his strength.

But now, not only is he trying his best, but he is also using the help of pills to continuously restore his cultivation. Even so, there is no hope of winning in battle for a while.

But he had to fight!

Chen Tianxing knew very well that he was able to fight Mozun to this extent, because of a information gap.

Mozun didn't know his depth, and only calculated his strength based on his simple realm, so that he could be dragged into a bitter fight by himself.

And the elixir given by Xiao Mohe is also a key factor.

Without these two things, Chen Tianxing may not be able to please Mozun.

Therefore, today is his only chance.

If you can't use your incomparably huge cultivation base to forcibly kill the Demon Lord here, as long as the other party is relieved, there will be countless ways to solve yourself. Biqu library

The enemy is strong and we are weak, after today, he will have no chance again!

With this in mind, the Heavenly Demon Saber he slashed out was stronger and fiercer, and at the same time he was on guard, lest the Demon Lord would take advantage of it and enter.

However, there are

In a word, it's...unpreventable.

Just as Chen Tianxing was chopping vigorously, a faint groan suddenly came from behind.

Although the voice was soft, it was no less than a bolt from the blue to Chen Tianxing's ears, and it almost struck him sideways, revealing his flaws.

"Aren't you going to stop?"

Just at this moment, Mozun's cold and heartless voice came.

Chen Tianxing's hand froze, and he couldn't make the next cut after all.

With a wry smile, he glanced back and said to himself what a pity.

At this moment, outside the ruined Heavenly Demon Palace, Xiao Mohe was dying surrounded by a group of demonized elders.

These demonized elders have been inspired by the demonic thoughts in their hearts, and they have already connected with their hearts.

While fighting with Chen Tianxing, Mozun ordered them to capture Xiao Mohe who hadn't run far.

Although the group of demonized elders who were in the Tianmo Temple were shocked by Chen Tianxing, don't forget that there were two elders outside the hall before that!

Although those two were hit by Chen Tianxing, at that time Chen Tianxing didn't know their defense ability, so they didn't get seriously injured.

Later, he was trapped by Xiao Mohe's Demon Realm Vain Flower, so naturally he didn't do anything again.

Mozun gave an order, and the two frenziedly broke free and came out in vain, and they caught up with Xiao Mohe and the others within a moment.

Although Xiao Mohe is still in the stage of transforming gods, let alone demonized elders, even before demonization, his combat power is no match for any elder in the Temple of Heavenly Demon.

Was caught without suspense.

"Old man, you are so despicable!"

Chen Tianxing shouted angrily: "You don't say that you are bullying the small, but you even use the trick of taking hostages. More than ten years of death is in vain!"

Mozun snorted coldly: "Do you think it is useful to provoke this old man with words?"

"I told you a long time ago that to be a demon, you have to use everything to the extreme. You should be enlightened."

With that said, he stared at Xiao Mohe coldly.

Under his control, one of the demonized elders stretched out his claws, pinched Xiao Mohe's head and lifted him up.

"Teacher... Lord, don't worry about me."

Xiao Mohe still had a sliver of sanity, barely struggling to say.


The demon sneered and said: "I heard that there are people in the sanctuary who are devoted to you, and now it seems that it is true."

"Then, my beloved apprentice, can you abandon this person and watch him die calmly?"

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