Before Xiao Mohe could finish his words, Tianyi's aura changed drastically.

At this moment, Tianyi is like the master of this universe, and also like a black hole that can devour everything.

The stars all over the sky kept falling while he breathed, being sucked into his body.

Tianyi's body shape in front of everyone's eyes remained unchanged, but in their senses, it was infinitely magnified, magnified like a star, staring at Xiao Mohe coldly to overlook the common people.

"Are you threatening me?"

He spoke indifferently, with a heavy and tyrannical voice that shook the heart almost to pieces.

Xiao Mohe's complexion became extremely ugly.

Even though he was prepared, he was still overwhelmed by Tianyi's sudden eruption, his ears roared for a while, and his aura stagnated.

After a while, he still gritted his teeth and said, "You say it's a threat, but in short, if I don't let the two of them in today, even if I, Xiao Mohe, fight to the death, I will not hesitate!"


Tian Yi said coldly: "Xiao Mohe, you are originally from the sanctuary, why bother to exchange your life for two devils?"


Xiao Mohe sneered, "I understand, Tangtang Tianyi is also afraid of Sanctuary, because those two are from Demon Realm, so you dare not let them in?"

"Afraid that if Sanctuary finds out, it will settle accounts with you?"

Tianyi didn't like him, "Xiao Mohe, you don't have to provoke me with words, just say no."

"it is good."

Xiao Mohe also nodded, gritted his teeth and said, "Tianyi, back then you were seriously injured and couldn't be healed in the nine-star foreign land, so you ventured to the sanctuary to obtain the elixir from the Shenyi Medicine Sect. Do you remember this incident? ?”

Tian Yidao: "It's a pity that the Shenyi Medicine Sect didn't have any elixir that could cure me. It was all because of you, Xiao Mohe, who spent three years of painstaking research, and finally succeeded in refining the healing elixir."

"I haven't forgotten about this, so I will allow you to enter because you brought so many people here this time."

Xiao Mohe gritted his teeth and said: "At that time, I was obsessed with alchemy. Your injury was very serious and weird, which aroused my competitive spirit, so I would save you at that time, not just for you, but for you. For myself."

"But do you know that the seriousness of your injury at that time cannot be cured by ordinary pills, so I can only take the risk of using the trick pill to try."

"Stupid Dan?"

Tianyi frowned slightly,

Even his aura is much weaker, at least he won't make people feel that he is a star anymore.


Xiao Mohe nodded and said: "The elixir is different from ordinary pills. Although the medicinal effect is extremely powerful, the side effects are not small. Anyone who makes alchemy will not refine it unless he has to."

"At that time, your life was dying, and I couldn't allow me to think too much. I had to pay a huge price to refine the elixir for you, so as to save your life!"

Hearing this, Tianyi asked in a cold voice: "What is the great price you mentioned?"

Xiao Mohe suddenly laughed, and said lightly: "The oath of heaven."

"I mixed the Oath of Heaven's Dao into the secret pill, and it was refined successfully."


He looked at Tianyi, "Do you want to know the content of this oath of heaven?"

Tianyi didn't respond.

But he knew very well in his heart that the content of this oath of the way of heaven could make a hopelessly seriously injured person recover in an instant...

"The oath of heaven that I mixed into the trick pill back then was to share my life with you!"

Xiao Mohe said in a deep voice: "So your life is actually mine!"

As soon as this remark came out, not to mention Tianyi, even those disciples who dared not intervene changed their expressions drastically.

Share life?

Can pills still play like this?

Doesn't that mean...

Xiao Mohe said coldly: "You should know what this means."

"I saved you with my life, so the reason you are still alive now is only because I am still alive."

Tianyi frowned and said, "What do you want to say?"

Xiao Mohe said in a deep voice: "What I want to say is that if you insist on refusing to let the leader and the elder come in, then the relationship between you and me will be exhausted, and I will choose to commit suicide."

"I'm dead, you can no longer share my life, so you will die too!"

As soon as he said that, his face was extremely determined, and the power in his body surged violently.

Tian Yi asked in surprise: "For the sake of the two devils, you don't even want your life?"

Xiao Mohe snorted and said: "To you, they are demons, but to Xiao, the leader has saved my life, and it is because of him that I can survive till now."

"If there is no leader, I, Xiao Mohe, would have died in the sanctuary long ago, and I would not even be able to declare my blood and deep hatred to the world, so how can we talk about today?"

"Actually speaking like this..."

He sneered, "The leader is also your savior, so just shut the benefactor out like this

, is this really good? "

Tianyi was silent.

After a while, he withdrew all his aura and turned into that ordinary masked man.

"Xiao Mohe, you can use your life to save me, Tianyi is very grateful."

"So, if you want to commit suicide, please go ahead. Tianyi would rather die with you, as long as he repays the kindness he owed back then."


Xiao Mohe's complexion changed slightly, he didn't expect that Tianyi would be so stubborn, even if he risked his life, he would not compromise.

Immediately gritted his teeth and said: "Don't think I'm fooling you, if that's the case, then let's go back together!"

As he said that, he swelled up all the strength in his body, and his whole body continued to swell, full of explosive power.


A disagreement, Xiao Mohe actually made such an extreme move, wanting to blew himself up to die with the sky!

But even so, Tianyi just watched silently, and didn't try to stop it.

Just like what he said, even if he and Xiao Mohe died together today, it is impossible for him to let Chen Tianxing go to Nine Stars!

Xiao Mohe was neither joking nor threatening.

But decisive!

His body swelled to the extreme in an instant, and violent Dao force continuously overflowed from the seven orifices, and his blood splashed out together.

Xiao Mohe is determined to die.

On the contrary, Tianyi also slightly closed his eyes, as if he was also waiting for the moment of dying.

"Xiao...Elder Xiao..."

The rest of the disciples turned pale with shock, but they didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Don't worry, if you can enter here, you have entered the Nine Stars Foreign Land. If I die, you can still live in the foreign land."

Xiao Mohe tried his best to keep his voice steady, and said slowly: "Anyway, you are also my disciples of Xiao Mohe. Although I have not taught you for a long time, you can be regarded as an introduction to Dan Dao."

"There are also many alchemy masters in foreign lands. If you want to develop in this way in the future, you can join other teachers. As long as you put your heart into it, you will have some achievements."

Speaking of this, his body has swelled to the extreme, and an explosion seems inevitable.

at this time……

Suddenly, an extremely bright shooting star flashed across the sky full of stars, flashing, rushing toward the crowd.

At the same time, a clear and anxious female voice pierced the sky.

"Uncle Xiao, don't!"

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