Chen Tianxing was about to fall asleep.

After the initial shock, he had tried everything, but unfortunately, nothing worked. Biqu library

He is still falling endlessly.

This repeated cycle of boredom made Chen Tianxing unable to resist falling asleep.

He simply ignored it, twisted his body into an extremely comfortable position, and just lay down in mid-air, allowing the space to fall endlessly.

I don't know how long this drop has been.

Suddenly, Chen Tianxing felt that someone was watching him.

This shock was no small matter, but when his eyes were wide open, the scene in front of him made him feel stunned.

It was Xiao Mohe who looked at him.

"Old Xiao?"

Only then did Chen Tianxing realize that he did not continue to fall, but was in a universe full of stars.

When he turned his head to look again, he saw that Huang Quan was also staring at him in astonishment, followed by those dozens of white light disciples, and then he saw a pair of tearful star eyes staring at him from behind a man in black robes all over his body. look at him.

"Le Xiao..."

"Hey, Junior Sister Yue, are you safe?"

Chen Tianxing smiled, took a peek at Xiao Mohe, and then waved at Yue Qingling.

The response was Xiao Mohe's big eyes, and Yue Qingling pouted and turned her head to the side.

"Is this the nine-star foreign land?"

Chen Tianxing felt quite embarrassed, and changed the subject with a dry smile: "By the way, how long have you been falling?"

These words made Huang Quan's complexion a little ugly.

Like Chen Tianxing, he is also in the endless fall.

During that long process, he thought a lot, and also thought about whether he was deceived by Xiao Mohe.

Until he suddenly appeared here, but he had the same thought as Chen Tianxing in his heart.

It is really not easy to enter this nine-star foreign land.

On the contrary, the group of disciples bowed their heads in silence, only they knew that it was not easy for Chen Tianxing and Huang Quan to enter a foreign land.

If it wasn't for Elder Xiao, he would fight for it with his life...

No, it was actually not enough to fight for Chen Tianxing and Chen Tianxing with their lives.

At that time, Elder Xiao was about to blow himself up.

But the Tianyi who shared his life with him was indifferent, even if he blew himself up, he would die, and he didn't have any intention of stopping it.

At the critical moment, Yue Qingling suddenly appeared.

Her arrival made Xiao Mohe

The self-explosion stopped for a moment, but the next moment, she made another move that was beyond everyone's expectations.

Yue Qing Ling her, put the dagger on her throat.

If one life is not enough, then two lives.

Yue Qingling and Xiao Mohe made the same choice.

Use her life to ensure that Chen Tianxing can enter the Nine Stars Exotic Land!

What happened later, because without Xiao Mohe's explanation, the disciples didn't know why Yue Qingling wanted to protect Hierarch Chen, and they didn't know why Tianyi, who had always been resolute, after seeing Yue Qingling's actions, Will change my mind.

That was a change without hesitation.

Almost when Yue Qingling pressed the dagger to her throat, even halfway through her words, Tianyi agreed.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Tianxing and Huang Quan appeared here.

"Chen Tianxing."

Tianyi stood with his hands behind his back, his body no longer imposing, but facing the former number one devil in the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm, he didn't show any signs of fear.

Instead, he impliedly threatened: "I warn you, the foreign land is not your magic domain, and it is not a place where you can mess around."

Chen Tianxing looked slightly startled, "And then?"

Tianyi snorted coldly: "If you do anything wrong in the foreign land, I have the ability to expel you. If you don't believe me, you can try."

Chen Tianxing's expression froze, this guy is a bit arrogant?

Not used to it, rolled up his sleeves, grinned and said: "Try it, try it, come or not, make two gestures?"


Following Tianyi's cold snort, the stars all over the sky seemed to gather towards him again.


Yue Qingling bit her lip, and the hidden tears in her eyes slipped down, "Senior Brother Li, when I knew you, you were not like this."


Chen Tianxing touched his nose and lost his temper instantly.

"I'm not actually..."

"I know who you are!"

Yue Qingling interrupted softly, "But in my heart, you are Senior Brother Li, you are Senior Brother Li Erniu who can help me regardless of the consequences or your life!"

Chen Tianxing remained silent.

He can't say that I helped you back then because I wanted to absorb the white light from your body, right?

But she didn't expect that Yue Qingling's actions at the beginning would be remembered until now.

"Little Ling'er."

Xiao Mohe sighed beside him: "Thank you very much."

Yue Qingling shook her head slightly, didn't say any more, and didn't go to see Chen Tianxing again.

, but took a deep look at Tianyi, the pleading in his eyes made everyone move.

Then he turned around, his body flashed slightly, just like when he came, he turned into a shooting star and went away in an instant.

"what happened?"

Chen Tianxing didn't understand why, but Xiao Mohe also shook his head.

He only set his eyes on Tianyi, and said, "Since you let them in, you don't have to stay here anymore, right?"

"Don't worry, the leader is not as rumored by the outside world. We are also desperate when we come to a foreign land, and will not pose a threat to you."

Tianyi was silent for a long time, and lightly waved his right hand hidden in the black robe.

Following his movements, the scene in front of everyone's eyes flew away.

When they could see clearly again, all the stars in the sky had disappeared, and they finally felt down-to-earth.

Only then did they see that they were actually in mid-air, and the land under their feet was a small island floating in the air.

The area of ​​this small island is not large, even smaller than the main altar of Tianmo Cult, but it is very stable, it doesn't seem to be floating in the air.

Chen Tianxing looked around, feeling a little more surprised in his heart.

In addition to the small island in the air where they were, there were more small islands floating in the mid-air around them, with varying heights.

"This is the nine-star foreign land?"

As he spoke, he walked slowly to the edge of the island, looked down with his head, and was shocked again.

What he saw was fire.

sea ​​of ​​flames.

No wonder all the islands are floating in mid-air.

It turned out that there was no place to stay underground, it was full of raging flames.

His head protruded out of the range of the small island, so an extremely scorching breath rushed towards his face, before he could react, a few strands of hair on his forehead curled under the high temperature.

Chen Tianxing was surprised, only then did he discover that there was an invisible energy protection on the edge of the small island. Although it could not prevent people from jumping out of the small island, it could block the scorching breath coming from below.

In amazement, Chen Tianxing turned his head to the sky and asked, "Is this the case in your nine-star foreign land?"

At this time, the sky is not as cold as before, Wen Yan explained: "Not entirely."

"In addition to the nine-star exotic flame realm, there are four realms of metal, wood, water, and earth."

"But the same thing is that people living in foreign lands can only live in the sky and cannot go down to the earth."

Chen Tianxing was taken aback for a moment, gold wood water fire earth?

Five elements?

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