The nine-star foreign land has the power of the five elements!

Chen Tianxing's heart moved secretly, and unexpectedly, he thought of the Taiji Diagram.

Tai Chi Yin and Yang.

Yin Yang and Five Elements!

Could this be related?

Thinking so, he poked his head out of the island again.

In just a moment, the small lock of hair on his forehead was gone.


To Chen Tianxing's disappointment, Tai Chi Tu did not express this.

It seems that I still think too much.

He shook his head slightly.

I heard Tianyi say later: "The Nine Stars Exotic Land is clearly divided. This island became a deserted island 20 years ago, but fortunately, it is rich in resources. It is enough to support dozens of you."

"In other places, it's best not to rush in!"

Having said that, his tone turned cold, "People in other places are not as easy-talking as I am!"

When the words fell, Tianyi's body gradually became transparent, and when the last word was spoken, his person disappeared.


Chen Tianxing was naturally upset that he had never been threatened like this.

"Old Xiao, who is that guy, he is very arrogant!"

Xiao Mohe took a deep breath, and solemnly said: "Nine heavens and eight earths, that man is one of the twenty-seven envoys from the nine-star foreign land!"

Then he gave a wry smile, "Tianyi is the number one among the twenty-seven envoys."

He stepped forward and said sincerely: "Master, we are not causing trouble when we go to Nine Stars, I think it's better to..."

"Nest first."

Chen Tianxing said with a smile: "Don't worry, the leader of this sect is not an unreasonable person, and he will not mess around."

As soon as these words came out, Huang Quan and Xiao Mohe looked at each other, and the other disciples became even more nervous.

It's okay if you don't talk about it, the more you talk about it, the more they have a bad feeling.

Old Mo Chen from the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm... When did he become a reasonable person?

"By the way, that..."

Chen Tianxing looked around, hesitated to speak.

Xiao Mohe didn't know what he was thinking, and immediately said: "Xiao Ling'er, she has another place to go, so I won't bother the leader."

Chen Tianxing has black lines all over his head.

If you want to understand me, you have to be Lao Xiao!

"Okay, let's take a look first, what kind of geomantic treasure Tianyi has arranged for us."

Reluctantly, he had no choice but to stretch and look into the sky island.

This road is also tiring enough.

His cultivation base is profound, but the realm of those dozens of disciples is not good

far away.

Hearing what he said, he finally relaxed.

Several people even wanted to fall to the ground and take a deep sleep on the spot.

After this delay, Chen Tianxing, accompanied by Huang Quan, rushed into the island to investigate first.


Only then did Xiao Mohe lower his voice, and solemnly said to the disciples: "Don't tell the leader what happened in the receiving space before, do you understand?"

The disciples were startled.

In my memory, Elder Xiao had always been kind to them, but when was he ever so strict?

And if it wasn't for Elder Xiao at that time, the leader and the great elder might still be floating.

Elder Xiao, this is a great service to the leader!

If you want to put them on them, don't you have to scramble for the first?

Why not?

Seeing everyone's hesitation, Xiao Mohe said sternly: "If you want to live here with peace of mind, you'd better keep your mouths shut, understand?"

All the disciples trembled, and they didn't dare to say more, they nodded repeatedly in agreement.

Can't live in peace?

The nine-star foreign land is their only place to go, if they can't live here, they will be finished.

But they don't understand, Xiao Mohe is very clear in his heart.

Don't look at Chen Tianxing's nonchalant expression, but being forced into such a situation, would he not be angry?

In this way, I heard that Xiao Mohe even went so far as to fight with Tianyi in order to let him and Huang Quan enter the Nine Stars Exotic Land.

If Chen Tianxing finds out about this matter, he still doesn't know what will happen to the nine-star foreign land.

In the final analysis, Chen Tianxing is still the old demon Chen of the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm!

If he finds out that his last foothold is all due to the sacrifice of his subordinates, what face does he have?

What dignity?

It would be a strange thing not to go all out with Tianyi.

Xiao Mohe didn't follow Chen Tianxing in vain during this time, and he has a deeper understanding of this "big devil" in everyone's mouth.

In short... let's live first.

Xiao Mohe sighed, staring blankly into the distance, not knowing what he was thinking for a while.

In fact, until now, Chen Tianxing and others have ignored one thing.

That is, when Xiao Mohe encountered a catastrophe, he was also desperate.

Then why would he rather go to the Extreme Heaven Demon Territory than come to the Nine Stars Exotic Territory?

Here, at least he still has the great grace of saving Tianyi's life, so it should be a better choice.

Why bother to endure seven years in the Extreme Heaven Demon Realm?

Xiao Mohe, who was in a trance, had a complex look in his eyes. Biqu library

at the same time.

When the disappeared Tianyi figure reappeared, it was in front of a palace.

He stood there, down to earth.

Earlier, he had just told Chen Tianxing and others that the entire Nine Stars Alien Land where people could live was in the sky, and they were those floating islands in the sky.

But right now, he is indeed stepping on the ground.

There is no flame, and there is no power of the five elements such as gold and wood.

Apart from him, this towering and majestic palace is also rooted in the ground.

Tianyi looked up, but saw that above the huge palace gate, five mysterious imprints were all lit up.

No one knew better than him what that meant.

And that's why he deliberately stopped in front of the palace.

I can't remember the last time I saw the five-element imprint all lit up, when was it!

Tianyi sighed slightly, but still stepped into the palace.

There is no one in this palace.

Even though his footsteps were light, there was still a clear echo.

Tianyi just walked in silence.

The strange thing is that although he walked slowly, he never stopped for a moment.

Although the palace is huge, if he walks straight like this, he should be able to walk through it.

However, Tianyi also seemed to be caught in a certain cycle, no matter how he walked, he could never reach the end.

Occasionally he would look up, then keep silent, and then continue to walk forward with his head down.

I don't know how long he walked, every time he took a step down and up, he could see clear footprints on the ground.

It's just that the footprints are blood red.

His feet were worn out, without the protection of the soles, the soles of his feet were already bloody.

At this time, I saw that the seemingly smooth and flat floor actually had countless tiny blades.

As Tianyi walked, he walked on the tip of the knife.

After walking for a while, the bloody footprints had already turned into a whole line of bloodstains, and Tianyi's footsteps gradually became faltering.

His eyes suddenly lit up, and the five-color light shone on his pure white mask, reflecting a strange cold light.

"You also know that you can't use your skills to resist. It seems that you know that you are wrong."

When the light was shining, a deep voice came to the ear.

Tianyi finally stopped, and respectfully said to the ray of light: "Tianyi knows his mistakes, and may be punished by the Lord!"

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