"By the way, "Proof of Riemann's Conjecture Based on the'Twin Matching Method'", do you want to publish it in the conference proceedings or a special mathematics journal? Ringer organizes and publishes." Wieser asked.

The first public report at an academic conference is usually included in the conference proceedings of that conference.

The organizing committee has relatively little influence on the conference proceedings, and people in the circle generally value the name of the publisher or publishing group of the conference proceedings.

Publishing conference proceedings is one of Springer’s main businesses. The conference proceedings published by Springer are 100% included by EI.

Shen Qi has not considered the conference proceedings, even the conference proceedings published by Springer does not have an IF value.

The IF value is an important bonus factor for the scoring of Xueba points, which is several times the bonus benefit.

Shen Qi said: "The Proof of Riemann's Conjecture Based on the'Twin Matching Method' I plan to submit to the journal, and the conference proceedings have not been considered."

Wieser asked: "The Annals of Mathematics, the Invention of Mathematics, the Journal of the American Mathematical Society, and the Acta Mathematica, which one do you vote for? These four major journals are all published and distributed by Springer."

Shen Qi thought for a while and said: "I published the proof of the Walsh conjecture in the Journal of the American Mathematical Society. The Mueller-Shen theorem and Shen's approximation theorem were published in the Annals of Mathematics and Mathematical Inventions, respectively. . So for this paper on Riemann’s conjecture, I would like to choose "Acta Mathematica"."

Wieser made an expression of "Oh awkward to buy": "Shen, you may be about to break the record. There has never been a mathematician who can publish an article in each of the four major journals."

Shen Qi responded with a smiled expression: "Let's go with the flow, I never deliberately thought about breaking records or anything."

After finishing the meeting with Weize, Shen Qi submitted the paper of "The Proof of Riemann Conjecture Based on the "Twin Matching Method"" to the online submission system of "Acta Mathematica" according to the normal procedure.

Wiize is just in charge of organizing number theory experts to review Shen Qi's paper on Riemann's conjecture, which is the review of IMU.

As the publisher of Acta Mathematica, Springer Group is very familiar with the editorial department of Acta Mathematica. Wiize fully integrates resources and connects the two teams of number theory experts hired by IMU and reviewer contacted by Acta Mathematica. Merge into a big team.

This big team is composed of 11 world-renowned number theory experts. For reasons of avoiding suspicion, mathematicians and Chinese mathematicians from the Princeton system were not selected for this big jury.

If the "Proof of Riemann's Conjecture Based on the "Twin Matching Method" is verified by an 11-member jury, it means that Shen Qi's research results have been widely recognized by the international mathematics community, and he will truly achieve "half-to-godness".

To put it simply, the day when the "Acta Mathematica" published "The Proof of Riemann's Conjecture Based on the "Twin Matching Method"" was the day when Shen Qi became a god.

One month later, by the end of April, Shen Qi got the news that the 11-digit theoreticians of the big jury were arranged in a secret place in Sweden, and the verification of his Riemann conjecture proof is still in progress. in conclusion.

The editorial office of Acta Mathematica is in Sweden. Shen Qi could not fly to Sweden to check the progress or anything, and he was not invited to go.

Besides, Shen Qi has important work to do, and the second half of the proof of Riemann's conjecture has not yet been completed.

Shen Qi's team encountered obstacles, and the third expression of ζ(s) could not be pushed out.

Ou Ye formally joined Shen Qi's team. The current team members are Shen Qi, Mary, Jonas, Ou Ye and Muller, and the technical consultants are Faltings, Linden Strauss, and Gong Changwei.

The Department of Mathematics of Princeton and the Department of Mathematics of Columbia University have reached a consensus that the two sides will cooperate on this project. Both of them are allies of the Ivy League, and cooperation always ranks first.

This inter-university collaborative project is under the name of Professor Mueller, and the actual person in charge is Shen Qi.

Shen Qi is the default project host within the research group. The host of his project is rich and resourceful. University of General Studies, Columbia University, and mathematics circles all over the world are paying attention to the latest research progress of Shen Qi's team.

After all, it has been established. The verification of the second half of Li Guai will directly lead to the solution of Ge Guai. The ultimate meaning of the prime number distribution law cracked by Li Guai + Ge Guai may rewrite the rules of the application field.

"I found that it is more difficult to derive the third expression of ζ(s) than the first plus the second."

At the Princeton Department of Mathematics on Wednesday coffee time, Shen Qi, Muller, Mary, Faltings, Linden Strauss and others sat together, and Shen Qi expressed his views.

Mueller nodded and said: "Theoretically predict that the third expression is a support for the first and the second. It is always difficult to get a supportive result."

Jonas said he was too tired. The first half of Riemann's conjecture proved exhausted. He was out on vacation and needed a period of rest and recuperation. The two women who really helped Shen Qi during this time were Mary and Ou Ye.

Muller, Faltings, Linden Strauss, and Gong Changwei are all professors. Among them, there are two Philippine prize winners. These four mainly provide technical support from the general direction. The specific tasks are carried out by Shen Qi and Mary. , Ou Ye, Jonas completed.

Jonas went on vacation, so according to the latest contribution, the team rankings are Shen Qi, Mary, Ou Ye, Jonas, and Mueller.

In the final formally published papers or published academic monographs, there is always a ranking of the author's name, and the ranking basis is simple: contribution.

The names of three technical consultants, Faltings, Linden Strauss, and Gong Changwei, will not appear in the list of authors. They will be thanked in the concluding remarks of the paper or the preface of the academic monograph.

In the second half of the proof of Riemann’s conjecture, the main battlefield is the cafe on the third floor of the Princeton Department of Mathematics, and the main battlefield is the Department of Mathematics of Columbia University.

There are still more than five months to hold the International Conference of Mathematicians. Whether or not to complete the second half of the Riemann Conjecture Proof before October, Shen Qi has no idea. The team lineup has been strengthened, but the difficulty of the subject is facing Geometric growth.

The deeper we study the third expression of ζ(s)~www.readwn.com~ Shen Qi finds that this thing is more difficult to deal with.

Another month passed, and by the end of May, the research work of Shen Qi's team on the second half of Riemann's conjecture was slowly advancing, although slow, but planned. According to this kind of planned project progress, it is estimated that it will be uncertain before October this year.

At the same time, Shen Qi also received good news. Regarding the first half of Riemann’s conjecture, a large jury jointly organized by IMU and Acta Mathematica will arrive in the United States in the near future.

Shen Qi will accept face-to-face questions from 11 well-known number theory experts in the big review pattern.

"Finally waited until this day." Shen Qi waited for this special defense for two months, and he was ready for this international defense.

Under normal circumstances, an author submits a paper to an academic journal, and the journal finds several reviewers to review the manuscript. After that, the paper will be included, but the paper will be rejected.

Authors and journal editorial staff and reviewers will not meet.

But Shen Qi is an exception to this situation. The "Proof of Riemann's Conjecture Based on the'Twin Matching Method'", which is known as "Half-Matching Method", is too much dynamic, and the double-blind or single-blind review system is no longer applicable to Shen Qi. This atypical case.

In the paper "Proof of Riemann's Conjecture Based on the "Twin Matching Method"", the large jury quietly studied Mimi for two months, and no news was released.

Shen Qi predicts that the big jury must have made some research progress and have many questions to ask himself.

At the Scientific Breakthrough Award conference in March, Shen Qi did not participate in the Q&A session because no one could ask questions at that time.

11 number theorists who have nothing to do with Shen Qi have worked hard for two months, and now they come to the United States with questions to torture Shen Qi.

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