I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 279: He is outdated

For the convenience of Shen Qi, the venue of this academic seminar on "The Proof of Riemann Conjecture Based on the "Twin Matching Method"" is located in the Princeton Department of Mathematics building.

On the last day of May, Shen Qi entered a conference room in the Department of Mathematics of General University. He arranged everything, wiped the blackboard, and connected the projector to the computer.

Shen Qi attaches great importance to this academic exchange meeting. Once the experts are satisfied, the "Proof of Riemann Conjecture Based on the "Twin Matching Method"" is officially recognized by IMU and the international mathematics community.

what does that mean?

Shen Qi can think of many small achievements and many small points with his eyes closed.

It is expected to reach level 13 in one wave.

The door of the meeting room was pushed open. Mary led the 11-digit theory expert into the meeting place. She made a cheering gesture to Shen Qi, then exited the meeting room and closed the door.

The big jury only asked Shen Qi by name. Shen Qi greeted the experts with a smile on his face. This is his home field: "Welcome to the above-all Princeton Department of Mathematics... Hey, Professor Maynard ?"

The British mathematician Maynard of Oxford University does not belong to the Princeton system and is not a Chinese. He is the world's top young master of number theory, and he meets the criteria for being selected by the jury.

"Hello, Shen, we meet again." Maynard shook hands with Shen Qi.

"Hello, Professor Maynard." Shen Qi has only now learned that Maynard is one of the reviewing experts.

The 11-digit theory experts of the Grand Jury come from 9 different countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe, America and Australia. The leader is a white old man. He introduces himself first and speaks English with a very strong accent: "I am Vladimir Kabrowski, from Moscow University."

"Professor Kabrovsky, hello, it is a great honor to meet you!" Shen Qi enthusiastically shook hands with Kabrovsky. This old Russian man is a personal character, and he has been famous in mathematics since the Soviet era.

Kabrowski is a student of Jimidovich and has participated in the revision of the new edition of "Jimidovich Exercises".

"Jimidovich Exercises Collection" is a set of numerology exercises. The head of the Russian little old man is quite comprehensive, and he is proficient in numerology and number theory.

Kabrowski introduced the members of the jury one by one: "Jerry Carrick, a Canadian mathematician from the University of Waterloo."

"Julio Rodriguez, Brazilian mathematician, from Berkeley."

"Tim Wilson, Australian mathematician, from Cambridge."

"Mia Alsim, an Egyptian mathematician from the École Normale Supérieure in Paris."

"Kenji Nakamura, Japanese ben mathematician, from the University of Tokyo."

"Roy Sabbasin, Indian mathematician, from the University of Manchester."

"James Maynard, it seems you know each other, I won't introduce it."


Eastern Europe, Western Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Oceania, except Antarctica, all other continents on the earth sent representatives. They came together from all over the world to test Shen Qi on behalf of the people of the earth.

Wow, the lineup of this big jury is too luxurious...Shen Qi is a little excited, IMU and the editorial department of "Journal of Mathematics" have done a good job of confidentiality beforehand. Shen Qi only knew at this moment that it was the eleven bosses. .

Except for Maynard, Shen Qi has not seen the other ten bosses before, but the names of these eleven bosses have long been heard, and they have also reviewed the problem sets they wrote and edited, cited their papers, and read their monographs.

The Princeton Department of Mathematics sent all the number theory elites and had to second a number theory master from the Institute of Advanced Studies to fight against this 11-member international number theory jury.

The review opinions of the big jury have the highest authority. If they approve it, then Shen Qi will be relieved.

After the greeting, go straight to the subject.

Shen Qi knew in his heart that the March Scientific Breakthrough Award report would be showcasing, and today is the real test.

"Professor Kabrowski, should I make a statement first, or should you ask questions directly?" Shen Qi asked.

Kabrowski said: "Shen, you state first. During your statement, we may interrupt you and ask questions at any time."

Shen Qi began to play the PPT of "The Proof of Riemann Conjecture Based on the "Twin Matching Method"". After just 5 minutes of presentation, someone asked questions.

The first question was Maynard: "Shen, according to your definition, R in this page is the residue of g(s) at the pole between two vertical lines σ=-2k-3/2 and σ=3/2. , This is also the basis for your first expression. According to our two consecutive months of research, we believe that your first expression cannot withstand scrutiny. It is contrary to Hardy’s system."

I knew you would ask!

Obviously, you guy, Maynard, has been working hard for two months and came prepared, right?

Shen Qi noticed a detail. When Maynard said "we", two of the other 10 experts shook their heads, two agreed, and the other six held a neutral attitude.

This shows that Maynard raised this issue, there may be differences within the jury.

The two experts who shook their heads were the head Kabrowski and the Brazilian mathematician Rodríguez. It seemed that they did not agree with Maynard's point of view~www.readwn.com~ On the contrary, Kabrovs Ji and Rodriguez should support Shen Qi on the issue of system theory.

The two who agree with Maynard are Australian mathematician Wilson and Indian mathematician Sabahsin, which means that they do not approve of Shen Qi's system setting and doubt Shen Qi's first expression.

The attitude of the other six is ​​not clear, they are waiting for Shen Qi's answer.

It is normal for Riemann to conjecture such a big thing, there are differences, disputes, and doubts.

This is why the number of members of the judging panel is set to an odd number. If it doesn't work, just vote.

It's kind of interesting. Maynard, Wilson, and Sabahsin are British, Australian, and Indian respectively. The three of them are teaching in prestigious schools in the UK. They won't be in the same group...Shen Qi smiled. The main contradiction is obvious. For the first question, the three of Maynard, Wilson, and Sabassin will be OK.

"Professor Maynard, I think the Hardy system is outdated." Shen Qi said.

"No, no, Hardy's classic system will never be outdated." Maynard was a little unhappy. Although he was from Oxford and Hardy was from Cambridge, he left the British Isles, whether Oxford, Cambridge or Manchester, it was Great Britain. of.

"I have great respect for Hardy himself. He is an outstanding British mathematician and the teacher of Hua Luogeng, the founder of modern Chinese mathematics. However, limited to Riemann's conjecture, I think the Hardy system is outdated."

Shen Qi insisted on his point of view. He walked to the blackboard, picked up a piece of chalk, and said: "Mathematics knows no borders, and truth always comes first. I will explain in detail below. Hardy's system does not apply to the proof of Riemann’s conjecture. He is outdated. Up."



Three shifts, basic exercises, sit down, do not 6.

Also, 5 days, monthly ticket, quick vote.

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