I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 404 You should be aware of it

What do I want to say? Hehe, hehe! You are looking for me everywhere, now you ask me what I want to say? Yao Qiyun's laughter seemed a little nervous.

stay strong. calm down. She's a patient, you have to understand that. Hold her steady. Chen Quan lowered the voice of the speaker and smiled: I do want to find you, because I want to communicate with you about something. I believe that when you call, you must not just want me to guess who you are. , you also want to communicate with me, maybe to have a heart-to-heart talk? Maybe to exchange views on some issues? I don't know. But I want you to know that I'd love to communicate with you.

Haha. Yao Qiyun continued to sneer.

Did you call me from a public phone? I heard it was very noisy next to me, Chen Quan said. Can you tell me the mobile phone number you are using now, and I will call you.

Haha! Yao Qiyun laughed frantically, Want to tell the police my number?

First of all, it's not difficult to find your phone number. Second, you know the ethics of consultants. Have I ever done anything unethical as a consultant since you've known me? Chen Quan said calmly.

Yao Qiyun snorted: You have always been hypocritical.

Can you tell me what I did that made you feel hypocritical? Chen Quan was not angry, his voice was as calm as ever.

Your breath is false.


Chen Quan was interrupted by Yao Qiyun as soon as he spoke: You are very hypocritical now. You obviously want to talk to me about Lin Ke, don't pretend, you are willing to talk to me. Bah.

Although I had guesses before, it was only recently that I was sure that Lingquan Studio was opened by you, Chen Quan's expression changed slightly, I have a lot of topics I want to talk to you about, yes, about Lin Ke, about your studio I'm not denying that. I just don't think the time is ripe to talk about that.

Immature? I think it's quite mature, hehehe, Yao Qiyun's laughter was low and hoarse, Do you like the gift I gave you?

What gift? I haven't received a gift from you recently.

Pretend! I just like how you pretend to be calm and innocent! Haha! Yao Qiyun laughed recklessly, He's the gift I gave you. How is this gift? It's a pity that he was so lucky. The dose was originally lethal. I don't know why he didn't die. But with such a large dose, he should have some sequelae.

Chen Quan felt his heart twitched. So, are you admitting that you intentionally led Lin Ke to commit suicide?

It's not quite right...but it can be said that.

Chen Quan's voice became firm: Since you have admitted your intention and behavior to harm others, then, according to the psychologist's code of ethics, I must report this matter to the police.

Yao Qiyun laughed: What are you pretending to be? I'm no longer your patient, so you don't need to think about the ethics of a bullshit consultant, just go to the police.

After a moment of silence, Chen Quan said, In my opinion, our consulting relationship is not over.

Yao Qiyun said mockingly: Don't you want to admit your failure? Admit it, you failed in a mess, and your counseling made me worse and worse.

If you want me to be shaken, I'm sorry, I've always known that psychological counseling can't guarantee 100% positive results. But... Am I really not shaken? Chen Quan felt that it was difficult for her to grasp her heart at this moment.

Unless there is plenty of time for introspection.

But now, she doesn't have time.

There was not much time for her to react and consider.

She didn't know when Yao Qiyun would hang up.

Must hurry to get some useful information.

Since you know that it's impossible to guarantee a 100% positive effect, why did you act so sure when you were consulting me, as if you would definitely be able to help me? Yao Qiyun seemed to have calmed down a bit, although she was questioning, But the tone is not strong.

Because, I have to give you confidence. Also give yourself confidence. But I told you when the consultation started that the effect of the consultation is limited.

Yes, you said it, and now I know it very well.

After a pause, Yao Qiyun repeated the previous question, Do you like the gift I gave you?

Must she want my answer to this question? Chen Quan pondered, what was her motive?

No, I don't like it. Lin is my patient, and his suicidal behavior makes me sad.

Really, hehe, Yao Qiyun smiled nervously, Unfortunately, I've always wanted to please you. Do you know that I've been trying to please you?

Chen Quan didn't say anything, but Yao Qiyun continued talking to herself, Before, every day, every day I was thinking about how to please that dead ghost and let him stop hitting me like that. But later, I went to your place to do it. After the consultation, what I think about every day is how to please you. Change the way to please you, and say something that may make you happy.

Chen Quan said in a low voice, Sorry, I didn't realize it at the time.

Yao Qiyun's tone seemed to hide madness in the calm, You are the best consultant, how could you not notice it? You must have noticed it, and I hope I will continue to do it. In fact, I only learned later when I started my own practice. . You probably didn't notice it at the time. Some of the reactions can't be faked. But how can you not notice? You shouldn't be unaware.

I'm sorry. Chen Quan could only say.

What's the use of sorry! You, a counselor, didn't notice my empathy, are you worthy? Are you worthy of being a counselor!

Every consultant has made mistakes in judgment, and I can't guarantee that all of my judgments are correct. Yes, I have mistakes, but I know that these mistakes are part of my career and I can't completely avoid them...

Shit! Yao Qiyun interrupted her roughly.

Yao Qiyun gasped and was very emotional, A consultant like you shouldn't make such a mistake!

But it has already happened. I know that this has hurt you, and I hope to help you and help you recover from these injuries, Chen Quan said calmly, please tell me why you did that to Lin Ke. Do? I don't think you would take the initiative to hurt others. You've always been kind, patient, and you have a lot of good qualities. Tell me, did someone tell you to hurt Lin Ke?

Hehe, hehe! Yao Qiyun smiled softly, Guess what?

This kind of thing shouldn't be judged by guesswork. I'd rather hear your confession.

Yao Qiyun sneered: I confessed to you, but you don't accept it.

Chen Quan was at a loss for words, and even a little embarrassed.

After thinking about it, she thought it was best to respond. [I'm not against homosexuality, but my own sexuality is quite ordinary], that's enough to respond. I……

But she was interrupted as soon as she spoke.

Forget it, I'm not interested in telling you these old things, Yao Qiyun said, I was just joking. That's it, I don't want to say more, I just called to ask if you're okay, very Sorry, it seems that you are doing well, I sincerely hope that you can suffer a little more, at least close to the pain I had at the beginning, pain to the point of death.

Chen Quan looked down at the ugly scars on his wrist.

I also committed suicide, but...

Enough, you're going to have another 'self-disclosure'? Forget it, I'm tired of hearing it. Yao Qiyun's tone was not good.

Chen Quan's voice was still calm, although she knew very well that her heart had already begun to chaotic, I have also committed suicide, so I have always hoped to help people in despair. At that time, I was too arrogant, I really thought I could help a lot of people. But I underestimated the power of despair.

Yao Qiyun's breathing became heavy, but she did not interrupt and listened quietly.

Xiao Yao, with you, I failed. With Lin Ke, I also failed for a time. But he is not dead, and now he has survived, although it is not my credit. You know, you and him, your church I have to learn to be more humble.

Xiao Yao, it's not terrible to do something wrong. Who hasn't made a mistake? But you must face up to your mistakes and turn around in time. I know you have a soft and kind side in your heart. Don't do things that go against your own heart.

Haha, hahaha! Yao Qiyun burst into a burst of crazy laughter. After laughing for a long time, she lowered her voice and said in a sinister tone, Do you know what my true heart is? Actually, this is my true heart. Killing people is so much fun!

Do you think you can bring back people who want to die with just a few words? No, I tell you, I can make people who want to live take the initiative to choose to die with just a few words.

I just wanted to tell you this.

The power of death far exceeds the power of life!

By the way, does the scar on your wrist still hurt?

After finishing speaking, before Chen Quan could answer, a beep, beep sound came from the receiver.

I don't know if Yao Qiyun hung up the phone actively, or if the signal was not good and interrupted.

Chen Quan put down his phone slowly, feeling heavy.

In fact, Yao Qiyun is irrelevant now.

She left Dahuaguo, and it would be difficult to cause any harm to Du Caige.

If she is willing to testify and prove that Shen Jinsong asked her to induce Du Caige to commit suicide, it may play a certain role in bringing down Shen Jinsong.

But it's not very useful either.

So, now she's an irrelevant person.

But ah... such a poor person has been tormented all the time. [Murder, it's so fun]?

It's not you.

Chen Quan gently stroked the ugly scar on his wrist.

Your mind is not twisted to that extent.

As far as I know, apart from Du Caige, none of the people you received in your studio chose to commit suicide.

You don't really think killing people is fun...just trying to stimulate me.

At first, I did not perceive your empathy.

I really didn't notice it.

How could I possibly have thought of that?

But... I'm really sorry. I really should have noticed.

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