I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 405 Your acting skills are great

Okay, I see. I will tell my police officer friend about this situation. Teacher Chen Quan, thank you. Then, let's talk in detail when I go there next time. After hanging up the phone, Du Caige checked the time. Clap your hands vigorously, Everyone, get ready to start work!

Is it okay? Liu Zifei was a little worried. Du Caige's expression changed when she answered the phone just now, and she saw it all.

Du Caige gave her a relieved smile: It's not a big deal.

After a pause, he added: In front of me, this is the big deal. Seriously, when you were filming Those Years, did you ever think that the micro-movie we made could get more than 20 million online box office?

Liu Zifei smiled very proudly: That must have never been thought of.

Yes, it has been a month since Du's version of Those Years landed on major video platforms.

Its online box office was not well-received at first, but it soon sparked heated discussions, and then it became amazing, not only the major entertainment media, but also the mainstream media rushed to report.

When the box office of Those Years exceeded 14 million and surpassed last year's best-selling micro-movie, everyone began to expect Those Years to reach a new high.

And Those Years has not lived up to people's expectations. Although the growth rate has slowed down now, the number has been rising steadily and is refreshed every day.

20.84 million yuan, this is the answer sheet handed over by Those Years so far.

This number is still being rewritten every day.

Countless people are staring at this number.

Because, this represents a new box office record for Dahuaguo's online movies.

The existence of records is to be broken.

And people have always been mentally prepared. With the growth of social wealth, people's disposable income has increased; with the acceleration of network bandwidth, as the production of online movies has become more and more sophisticated...

The box office of online movies is bound to rise steadily.

But what everyone did not expect was that Those Years increased the box office record by 5 million yuan (the previous box office record was 15.5 million yuan).

This is a situation that no one could have expected when Those Years was launched.

Although the production cost of Those Years can be ranked in the top 5 in the history of online movies.

The cost of 3 million yuan is beyond the reach of most online movies.

And there is Jiang Youxi, a quasi-first-line big-name star to join.

But Those Years also has a lot of downsides.

Crucially, Hemingway was just a rookie director.

However, Those Years has been so unscientific, it has been rushing to the position of the total box office champion of online movies, and it is still pushing this record to a higher level.

Not only did it break records at the box office, but the reputation of Those Years has always been very good. The ratings on major video sites are all above 8.

On the more rigorous and authoritative Blue Star Douban.com, Movie Time gave Du's version of Those Years a score of 7.4 points.

For comparison, Shu Yihuan's work Three Heroes of Tianjin, which has swept more than 2.8 billion box office worldwide, scored 6.9 points.

This Those Years was able to achieve such results, Du Caige was naturally admired in the film circle in the name of Hemingway and left a deep impression on people.

And being able to assist Du Caige in making this film, assistant director Liu Zifei also made his name successfully remembered by some people.

In fact, someone has already sent an invitation to her, asking her to be an assistant director.

It's just that Liu Zifei is thinking about Du Caige's promise - she will cooperate with Du Caige to make a micro-movie, and then Du Caige will write a script for her, invest in her, and let her direct it independently.

Of course, it is impossible for her to start making a big movie right away, and it will most likely be a micro-movie or a TV series.

Be quick, get moving, don't waste time! The motivated Liu Zifei roared loudly.

Now she has more and more director's demeanor, and the previous temperament of workplace beauty and Xiaojiabiyu has disappeared.

And her unrealistic feelings for Du Caige were also blown away a lot.

But Liu Zifei has no regrets.

It was exactly what she had always wanted to do.


The 144th game, 2 mirrors, 2nd time.

Get dressed up! Liu Zifei gave orders in a crisp voice.

After shouting, she stared at the big monitor closely.

Because the funds of the Old Boy crew are relatively abundant, Du Caige called 4 cameras from the company, of course, most of the time was shot with 3 cameras.

At this time, in addition to Liu Zifei, there were three cameras monitoring, two lighting engineers, and a focus monitoring monitor watching the monitors in front of them at the same time.

An investment of 7 million yuan in a movie is equivalent to an investment of about 20 million soft sister coins on earth, which is already a medium-scale investment.

So Du Caige once again expanded the scale of the crew this time.

In the shot, it is a small restaurant, compact and very small, with only a few tables, but it is cleaned very well.

There were only two tables occupied at this time.

The camera advances along the slide rail to the back kitchen.

Zou Guoyong was waving a spatula in sweat, and the flames of the gas stove swayed and swayed, heating the nearby air to a twist.

The camera gave Zou Guoyong a close-up.

Although this close-up may not be used in the later stage, it is likely to be cut off, but it must be there.

Under the camera, Zou Guoyong's expressions and movements are very natural.

He kept in mind Du Caige's admonition: do what you usually do, do what you do now, and forget that he is acting.

For him, wielding a spatula is routine, and he doesn't need to use his brain at all.

So at this time, he skillfully flips the pot and stir-fries, just like he usually does in his own shop.


Liu Zifei shouted to stop, read the shot just now, and said loudly, It's over. I'll take the next shot right away, camera 2, camera 3, get ready.

The 144th game, 3 shots, the first time.!

The screen of Unit 2 appears on the monitor.

In the camera, Du Caige appeared and stopped at the door of the hotel.

He was wearing very old-fashioned khaki trousers and dark blue turtleneck wool. Although they were all genuine big-name products, they didn't match him.

The makeup is also specially made to look ugly, making him look haggard and tired. At first glance, he looks like a middle-aged man whose economic conditions are not bad, but his life is not very satisfactory.

His expression seemed a little hesitant, he looked at the sign of the small shop, and then looked at the back kitchen.

The chubby proprietress with the menu walked over quickly, and said enthusiastically first, How many? Come in and sit and take a look.

Du Caige shrank uneasily.

The proprietress's eyes were fixed for a moment, and she asked tentatively, Are you... Lin He?

Du Caige hesitantly nodded twice. Sister-in-law, long time no see.

The proprietress smiled, her enthusiasm disappeared, and she just smiled politely and said, Come to see Guoyong?

Well, I'm looking for Yongzi. Du Caige lowered his head, not daring to meet the boss's eyes, and said softly.

He's in the kitchen. You sit down and drink a glass of water, and I'll let him come over and talk to you when he's done cooking.

Du Caige followed the proprietress into the restaurant, sat down crampedly, looked at the table a little uneasily, as if to see if there were any grease stains; and moved the chair, as if the chair made him uncomfortable.


After Liu Zifei finished shouting, she re-watched what she just filmed.

Du Caige also came over, put her head together with hers, and looked at it carefully.

I think it's okay to pass, Liu Zifei raised her head and smiled, Director Du, your acting skills are superb!

Du Caige smacked his lips, thinking about it, but didn't speak.

Xu Qingya, who was watching and studying next to her, said, Uncle, your acting skills are too scary. You are a director, not an actor! You are foul, you know!

Du Caige was still looking at the screen without raising his head: What's so strange about the director being able to act. If you don't know how to act, how can you teach the actors?

Having said that, in fact, the entire crew was a little shocked by his acting skills.

It's not that he has the acting skills of a movie king, but it's just that people didn't expect it.

You can write books, you can write songs, you can draw comics, you can be a director, and now you can act on the stage yourself? What can't you do?

You said yes, what's so good about it? Du Caige wanted to instruct Xu Qingya to teach on the spot.

Xu Qingya bit her lip and thought for a while, then played the video again, pointing with her finger, Here, here, and here. And this part, you go here and sit down, that look, this part is absolutely perfect. That's it. Lin He should be like this, well, that's how I feel.

You still haven't made it clear, what's so good about it. Du Caige was inspiring her to think independently.

Xu Qingya's beautiful eyebrows twitched, I can't tell you either. I feel that you are very familiar with Lin He's character and understand him very well. At that moment, you are Lin He. But you are not an experientialist. The performance just now should be a method school.

Yes, it can be regarded as a method school, Du Caige smiled, You can go back and think about it.

Hey, uncle, when will I be able to have this level of acting skills?

Du Caige encouraged her: Your talent is better than mine, but in fact, you have performed well now. The key is that you are inexperienced in life now, so you don't know what people will do in specific situations. Responses. These need to accumulate and require careful observation of the details of life.”

Xu Qingya was lost in thought.

Du Caige looked at the content just filmed again, and finally nodded: Okay, this is over. Go on!

When he started acting again, several actors were trying to figure it out.

In particular, several actors from Dream Chasing Entertainment, including Liu Yuxi, including the two little fresh meat recently signed by the company, all cheered up.

Most of them have poor education, but that doesn't mean they are stupid.

The big boss of the company will act in person.

If the BOSS is in high spirits at that time, I would like to chat with you about the performance.

Then I called your name and asked you to talk about your opinion, but you couldn't say anything, and it was over.

Genius for a second to remember the address of this site: . Zero-point reading mobile version reading website:

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