I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 411 Has Director Du's old problem been committed?

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In the morning, when Du Caige appeared on the set, everyone who saw him immediately fell silent, and only dared to whisper when he walked away.

What's the matter? Was it robbed?

No, if you were robbed, you must go to the police.

Then what are you talking about?

If you want me to guess, Director Du must have committed the same old problem again.

An old problem?

Yeah. It must have made some girl's belly bigger, she refused to admit it when she lifted her pants, and then she was beaten up by her father.

Then why can't it be someone else's wife who was caught and raped in bed by someone else's husband?

You're stupid. Although Director Du is romantic, he never provokes married women with boyfriends. Don't you know that?

So he's not that bad.


When Xu Qingya saw Du Caige, she was obviously stunned for a few seconds, and then laughed Puchi: Uncle, are you trying to steal incense and jade, and you fell downstairs?

Miss Xu. Du Caige stopped.

Hey, what's the matter, uncle.

As an actor, you still have a lot of homework to do. Tonight, copy pages 177 to 184 of the book The Self-Cultivation of Actors twice.

Xu Qingya's scalp tightened and she instinctively acted like a spoiled child: Uncle, you can't do this!

Three times.

...Okay, Seeing Du Caige's expressionless face and his cold gaze, Xu Qingya's desire to survive was still quite strong, she asked dejectedly, Where can I buy this book?

Can't buy it.


Because I haven't written it yet.

Only then did Xu Qingya understand that Du Caige was joking.

And she was really relieved.

Being able to make a joke shows that Du Caige is not in a bad mood.

She said those words before because she was worried that Du Caige's mentality would be affected. In order to make Du Caige smile, let Du Caige not be depressed.

By the way, uncle, how did you get hurt?

Don't mention it, anyway, the process and the ending are very second. He sat in the director's seat, ready to start today's work.

Liu Zifei looked at him, and it was very hard to hold back a smile.

Du Caige didn't say If you want to laugh, just laugh it out, is he shameless? As a tyrant on the set, he must not allow it.

The leaders of each group came to meet, and the rest began to prepare.

After calling several important people in the crew, Du Caige took out a stack of thin bound printing paper and handed it to Liu Zifei, I made some adjustments to the script, and the shooting plan needs to be revised accordingly.

No one objected. During the shooting process, the script was temporarily adjusted. This is something that happens to almost every crew. It is not normal if it does not happen.

Director Liu, take a look at it, and pass it on when the time comes. Today's shooting, there are several areas that need to be revised, first...

After giving the order in one breath, Du Caige said, Next week, Peng Sizhang will join our crew and play a new role, the third lead singer of Grimace.

Peng Si Zhang, which Peng Si Zhang? Many people asked suspiciously.

Only Liu Zifei, who had witnessed Du Caige teach Peng Sizhang a lesson, knew that they were childish.

Oh, you should know that Peng Sizhang who sang. Du Caige's tone was flat.

Calling the singer Peng Sizhang that singing Peng Sizhang is diao and domineering.

If Du Caige is still handsome as before, this beep will let him pretend.

But seeing his funny face with a bruised nose... Everyone just wanted to hide and laugh.

The smile can be held back, but the smile in his eyes cannot be held back.

These people are all kinds of staff, not actors, but they don't know how to cover up.

Du Caige waved his hand helplessly, out of sight for the sake of clarity: Hurry up and disappear in front of me, and take your place!

Everyone scattered as birds and beasts.

Xu Qingya also ran two steps,

He turned around and came back, Hey, what am I running after?

Du Caige glared at her.

Xu Qingya was not afraid of him at all, and smiled slyly: Uncle, today I want to study by your side, and look at the movement of actors from your point of view.

Du Caige ignored her, but did not object.

Not only Xu Qingya didn't leave, Liu Zifei didn't leave either.

She stood behind Du Caige, carefully read his revised script for a while, bent down and pointed to a place in the script, and discussed with Du Caige.

Xu Qingya listened beside him.

I feel a little inaudible.

Every word entered through my ears, but couldn't get into my heart, so it slipped away silently.

When she remembered and recalled what she had just heard, there was no trace left.

Seeing the bruises on Du Caige's face and the corners of her eyes that were swollen purple, she felt amused and a little distressed.

Such a handsome uncle... Why was he beaten like this?

The person who started is really cruel.

In other words, shouldn't the uncle really be caught stealing incense and jade?

Of course, Xu Qingya also knew that this thought was just a joke.

Having known her uncle for so long, she knew very well what kind of person he was.

As in the rumors, some places are similar and some are not.


Because Du Caige adjusted a lot of shots, today's shooting did not go very smoothly.

The lines that the actors had already memorized were temporarily changed.

After the originally arranged scene and the planned route are adjusted, everyone needs to get used to it again.

But it's not a big deal that things aren't going well.

Among the directors Du Caige knows, no one can guarantee that the daily shooting can be done according to the schedule.

There are always actors who are not in the state and NG many times; there are makeup mistakes, which cause a large number of shots to be invalid; there are scenes that go wrong, and most of the time is spent on rebuilding the scene; there are careless props. Wearing clothes while shooting, all day's effort was in vain.

The list goes on and on.

Relatively speaking, although the progress of filming is a little behind today, the quality of the completion is still good, and Du Caige is very satisfied.

The photographer named Tian Ying is indeed a rare talent. Du Caige has made up his mind to recruit him at any cost and become a core member of his team.

In the evening, Xu Qingya wanted to come over to chat with him, but was chased away by Du Caige.

He has a lot of things to do, and he has no time to chat.

And he didn't want to be alone with Xu Qingya with this bruised face. I don't know why, but I just don't want to.

After transporting Dragon and Snake for a while, Du Caige was a little restless.

It was supposed to be the finale for today, but I was not in the mood to continue moving.

He updated a chapter: I accidentally hurt my finger during the filming today, and the finale has been postponed.

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The taste of putting pigeons...it's really cool.

Du Caige felt that he had taken the wrong pen name.

It should be called Pigeon Unparalleled.

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