I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 412 Can't think, think is a foul

After making up his mind on the pigeon chapter, Du Caige felt relieved.

He called Duan Xiaochen and chatted.

Then, seeing that it was still early, he took out his mobile phone and opened the application market.

Although he is on the set, he is not deaf to what is going on outside the window.

Today is a big event for the Internet industry: the mobile version of LL is released today.

After opening the app market, Du Caige saw the LL icon almost immediately.

Downloads reached 700,000 times.

At first glance, the data of 700,000 times looks like some unknown small APP.

LL is a social tool used by the whole people. Even if the number of downloads on the first day does not reach 30 million times, there must be 10 million times, right?

It is said that in a certain application market, the number of downloads of QQ has reached 4 billion times.

And LL is the QQ of Azure Star.

700,000 times and 4 billion times... The difference between them is surprising.

But on second thought...

The Liujin mobile phone used by Du Caige has a very high market share in the domestic smartphone market, but don't forget, this is 2008.

On earth, it can be said that 2008 has just entered the era of smart phones, and the curtain of the era of mobile Internet has not yet opened.

In 2008, a famous app had only 60,000 downloads on its first day.

At Azure Star, although the time to enter the smartphone is a little earlier, it is not too far ahead.

The 700,000 downloads on the first day are already the top and most luxurious data.

Du Caige contributed a download to LL Mobile.

The speed of the hotel WIFI is quite decent, and the download is fast.

The size of 275M made Du Caige frown, and then laughed again.

On Earth, the Apple 3G mobile phone released in 2008 has a storage capacity of 8GB.

In fact, because the system needs to be pre-installed, the space available to users is less than 5GB.

Just download a few apps, install a game or two, take some photos and videos, and you’ll run out of storage space.

As for the smartphones on the Blue Star side, the current mainstream storage capacity is also 8GB, and the high-end version can reach 16GB.

But whether it is 8GB or 16GB, it is obviously too extravagant to take 275MB to install a social software.

Although LL is currently irreplaceable, everyone can only install it.

Then, what if there are other social software, which is convenient and easy to use, and only requires 40MB of installation space, and the maximum size does not exceed 60MB?

To be sure, that will definitely have an impact on the user's choice.

After the download is complete, install it.

Just installed, Du Caige opened the LL mobile version, and was about to log in when the door was gently knocked: Dude, tuk.

Du Caige put down his phone and sat quietly for a while.

The knock on the door was not loud or urgent, but there was perseverance.

Everyone has their own unique way of knocking on the door. At this time, it is undoubtedly Xu Qingya who is knocking on the door.

It's just, why is she here now?

Before she said she wanted to come over to chat, Du Caige had already rejected her.

Tude, tug.

It has the tenacity of I know you are inside, I won't leave if you don't open the door.

Du Caige got up helplessly, and looked at the cat's eyes, it was Xu Qingya.

Xiao Nizi should have just washed her hair, and her hair was dripping wetly. The skin on her face was a little fairer than usual, and there was a healthy blush.

She was wrapped in a thin turquoise down jacket. The style was very lively, and she did not highlight her figure very much, but she looked particularly youthful.

Opening the door, Du Caige said helplessly, What's wrong?

Xu Qingya pouted, unhappy: Uncle, you really are, people specially found a medicine for bruises to give you, you don't appreciate it.

Du Caige let her in reluctantly.

Reluctantly, not because I hate her.

But at this time, although she did not deliberately dress sexy,

He didn't make any charming and coquettish gestures or gestures, nor did he speak provocatively, but he naturally exuded an amazing allure.

That is the fatal temptation of an invincible pure girl to an old man.

Of course Du Caige couldn't do anything to her.

Can't even think about it.

Think it's a foul.

But human instinct is always at work. Even if he doesn't think about it and suppresses those thoughts, it doesn't mean that instinct doesn't exist anymore.

After she left, it was painful.

Du Caige didn't lock the door, left the door open, and came back and sat down.

Xu Qingya was already sitting in front of his computer, moving the mouse curiously.

Don't look, don't you know that men's computers can't be flipped through casually? Be careful to see things that you shouldn't look at with long needles. Du Caige joked.

Xu Qingya glanced at him, her expression was weird, and her tone was even weirder: Uncle, to be honest, I have a friend who has your whole set. I was asked by her to watch it together. So...

Rao is that Du Caige's face is not thin, and his cheeks are burning with shame.

The air was awkward for a moment.

The most terrible thing is that at this time, the air is still filled with the faint fragrance from Xu Qingya.

Then Du Caige's associative ability is also amazing.

Faint scent - emmm, it should not be body scent, but the scent of shampoo and shower gel - bathing - last time she took a bath - I accidentally saw it - WOW, I'm going to have a nosebleed. Stop and stop thinking.

Cough cough, Du Caige looked away, not daring to look directly at her, Did you just go to buy bruises?

I didn't buy it. I took a taxi to get it from Master's house, and took a bath at Master's house, Xu Qingya explained, Although we don't have many fighting scenes in Kunqu Opera, it's not as lively as Peking Opera. But the basic skills We still have to practice, so injuries from falls are inevitable. Master, she has a recipe handed down from the master, which is very effective. Fortunately, we didn’t go out and we were in the city, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to rush to get it.”

Saying that, she took off the small shoulder bag she was carrying, and took out a small transparent glass bottle from it, which contained half a bottle of amber-colored viscous liquid.

The capacity should be about 100ML, and the shape is a bit like a perfume bottle.

Xu Qingya twisted the cap of the bottle, but she didn't twist it, but she clenched her teeth and twisted it hard, looking very cute.

Come here, uncle. She pouted and handed it to Du Caige.

Du Caige unscrewed the bottle cap easily, and the pungent medicinal fragrance came out.

Xu Qingya grabbed it, took out a pack of medical cotton from her small shoulder bag, tore it off a little, poured a little potion carefully, and was about to rub it on Du Caige's face.

Wait! Du Caige ducked, Can this thing wipe my face? It's not allergic, right? My skin is broken in some places, can I wipe it?

Xu Qingya said angrily, I promise not to damage your peerless beauty, okay?

How do you guarantee it? Du Caige was still worried. Although he doesn't rely on his face to eat, who doesn't want to be handsome.

Aren't you just worried that you will become ugly and have no women? If you are out of shape, I will pay myself to you, okay! Xu Qingya's tone was joking, and her expression was also a playful, exaggerated smile, but After saying this, her cheeks quickly turned red to the base of her ears.

Although her skin was as moist as jade before, and her whiteness was rosy, it was too red now.

It's hard to answer this... After thinking about it, Du Caige sneered: That's not necessary, even if I become ugly, there will still be women who love me.

Uncle, just continue to feel good about yourself. Saying that, Xu Qingya rubbed the cotton wool on Du Caige's face, moving quickly and even recklessly.

This time Du Caige didn't hide.

When the cotton wool fell on his face, the expected pain didn't come.

Xu Qingya's movements suddenly became gentle, her slender fingers gripping the cotton wool and rubbing gently on the injured area, her eyes softened.

Du Caige suddenly remembered some novels and TV shows he had read.

There are quite a few episodes in which a woman rubs medicine for a man, and as soon as she rubs it, the fire is dry... Of course, conversely, there are also men rubbing medicine on a woman.

Du Caige reminded himself in his heart, don't make mistakes, don't make mistakes...

Fortunately, Xu Qingya didn't approach her intentionally, nor did she make any sultry moves. Although her eyes were gentle, they were also pure.

The potion rubbed on his face, and it was chilly.

It hurts a little bit, but it's bearable.

Du Caige did not speak.

Being so close, his breath could be heard. If he spoke in such a situation, he would feel too ambiguous, and it would be inappropriate to say anything.

Xu Qingya didn't make a sound, and concentrated on applying medicine to all the bruised parts of his face, rubbing each part for more than a minute.

When she was done, she stepped back a little, as if the painter was admiring her masterpiece, and said with a smile, Who the hell beat you so badly, can't you tell me?

She stayed away, which made Du Caige both relieved and seemed a little lost.

He also didn't know which feeling prevailed.

I can only tell you that the other party is more injured than me. He replied with a smile.

You guys, Xu Qingya said in an old-fashioned tone, I just like to brag in front of pretty girls.

Du Caige was a little embarrassed and forcibly concealed: Come on, you are a little girl in front of me. Even if you are beautiful, you are still a beautiful little girl! I have no interest in bragging in front of you.

Xu Qingya covered her mouth with the back of her hand and smiled softly for a while, wondering if she was laughing at Du Caige's desire to hide it?

By the way, you should be hurt too, right?

Yes, Du Caige gestured to take off his clothes, Will you wipe me too?

Xu Qingya smiled slyly: Uncle, you think too beautifully.

She pulled a few more balls of cotton wool, soaked it in the potion, and put it on the table. Come on when I'm gone.

I can't wipe the wound on my back myself. Du Caige swore that he didn't really want Xu Qingya to rub the medicine on his body, it was too unreasonable.

He was just... using the old saying in Shirai City, he wanted to adjust the taste and make a joke.

Unexpectedly, Xu Qingya tilted her head and thought for a while, and said, It's okay, you've seen me anyway, and I'll see you even if it's even. Get off!

Seeing Du Caige's stunned and stiff smile, Xu Qingya laughed and leaned back and forth: Uncle, you are so funny! Haha! You really believe it! It seems that my acting skills have improved a lot.

She stood up and walked out with a smile, her steps were as nimble as an antelope, Let your good brother take over the rest, uncle. I'll go back to my room first!

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