I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter four hundred and thirteenth heart, but can not act

After Xu Qingya left, Du Caige regained his senses, shook his head, continued to play with his phone, and logged into the LL mobile version.

The scent of her body still lingered in the air, making Du Caige unable to calm down for a while.

It seems that I really should decide on a girlfriend and settle down for the time being...

Otherwise, there is no entanglement in my heart, I always feel that I am a free body, and frequently stand up and salute to Xu Qingya, a little girl who is not yet 20 years old, which is really not right.

Xu Qingya had a favorable impression of him, and Du Caige finally realized this. He wasn't so slow.

But he felt that it was because the little girl didn't know enough about him, maybe just because of her achievements, she had an ignorant goodwill towards herself. Or maybe it's just because he's handsome? Or because she had less contact with the opposite sex before?

But these are not the reasons for their own start.

Several women approached.

For Duan Xiaochen, he was moved, but he was worried; for Yan Yingzhen, it was the same; for Liu Zifei, he had never been moved; for Xu Qingya, although he didn't want to admit it, he did have a few heartbeats, but he was very determined and right. This girl, Xiao Xu, can't take action.

Shaking his head, Du Caige began to seriously look at the mobile version of LL.

It gave him the feeling that the LL software was copied and migrated to the mobile phone.

The interface, functions, etc., are almost unchanged.

Du Caige couldn't help laughing, and immediately called Fan Youqiao.

After being connected, Du Caige asked with a smile, Are you drinking?

Fan Youqiao said in a clear, neutral voice, Brother, it's not drinking. Everyone is brainstorming!

At this time, are you still working overtime?

That's for sure, this is not the case in this industry. Is there anything wrong with my brother?

Du Caige straight to the point: Today the LL mobile version is officially released, have you seen it?

Fan Youqiao said with a smile: Look, it's great. Such a product will not pose a big threat to our 'WeChat'. I really don't understand that such a big company and such an excellent team can actually make a a product like this.”

Don't take it lightly, they have strong technical force and can improve their products at any time to catch up, Du Caige urged. This version of LL mobile version feels like a compromise. I think, LL company has so many excellent talents. It's impossible that no one thinks of innovation. But their company is too big, making money for too long, and the executives are afraid of change, afraid of taking risks, and afraid that new features will not be popular with users, so they have become rigid. They would rather not make any adjustments and Change, and don’t want to make features that are not popular with users.”

Fan Youqiao also expressed a lot of emotion: Yeah. In the future, our company should pay special attention to this point. Once an Internet company loses its enterprising spirit and the courage to innovate, it is heading for a slow death.

When will our official WeChat version be released?

Fan Youqiao gave Du Caige a reassurance: It has been tested almost, in fact, it can be released at any time, but we have been waiting to see the mobile version of LL, and then make some targeted adjustments. Now it seems that there is no need to adjust, We can release it right away.

Du Caige is also concerned about another question: Before you had to go to Mr. Yan and ask if you could connect with LL and transfer the friend data on LL to our WeChat. How did Mr. Yan reply to you?

Fan Youqiao said, President Yan said: Stop dreaming. That's impossible.

I had expected that it would not be so easy to overthrow LL's dynasty, Du Caige was stunned for a moment, and then began to comfort Fan Youqiao, As long as we do our best, we can always reverse the situation step by step.

Actually, it's not completely impossible. President Yan told me something at the time. Brother, wait a moment, I'll find a convenient place to talk.

Du Caige was refreshed.

Yan Yingzhen is a rare business genius, she said there is a way,

That must be feasible.

On the opposite side of the phone, it was obviously quiet, and it was obvious that Fan Youqiao went to a secluded place.

Hello, brother?


Fan Youqiao is obviously in a good mood, his voice has become a little hoarse and low, very manly, Mr. Yan said, although she can't let LL share the data now, but she has a plan that can give us a chance Get LL's friend list.

Du Caige knew that this was his original voice, and the neutral voice he used to speak in falsetto.

what way?

Do you know the game 'Brave the Dungeon'? Fan Youqiao asked.

Talk about what the game does? Du Caige said, I've never heard of it.

It occupies the first place in the new game expectation list on many game portals. It is a horizontal version of the online game. Fan Youqiao restored his neutral and clear voice.

Speaking of the horizontal version of the online game, Du Caige immediately thought of a classic game on the earth.

That's right, it's the Drop City and the Weak.

What's wrong with this game?

This game was made by Bangziguo's 'Yinchan' company. It has invested many 100 million yuan, various leading, various gameplay innovations. It has won unanimous praise in the Bangziguo public beta, and netizens have been looking forward to it for a long time. Then the Yuanguang Group's The wholly-owned subsidiary 'Yuanguang Games' has obtained the agency rights.

Du Caige had already guessed a bit, and a deep interest arose in his heart: Then what?

About the game, you can check it yourself. It's all available online, so I won't repeat it. Then, for some games under Yuanguang, you can directly register and log in with your LL account, and the same is true for this game.

After a pause, Fan Youqiao threw a bombshell, And President Yan promised me that this game will be released on the mobile version simultaneously. Although the mobile version has many game contents that cannot be experienced, it can also be traded, auctioned, chatted with friends, and watched. Battles and other functions. The mobile version of 'Brave the Dungeon' can not only log in with LL, but also log in with one-click WeChat account registration. Do you understand?

Very good, this is one of the best promotion methods in the early days. The most popular game of this era can have tens of millions of registered users.

Take Dungeon and the Weak as an example. It was launched in 2008 and had 150 million registered users in 2010.

Of course, many of them are the trumpets of old players, or the accounts of studios.

But there are definitely millions of users.

If WeChat can gain 10 million users, it will not be far to grow to 100 million users with the diffusion and self-reproduction of social software.

This is not the end, Fan Youqiao gave another major benefit, And even better, the in-game friend list can be synchronized with LL's friend list. You can add all your LL friends as game friends with one click. ——If the other party registers for this game, cross-server chat can be realized. It is also possible to add the LL number of your friend in the game with one click.”

Du Caige said, You can also sync with your WeChat friend list, right?

Fan Youqiao said happily: Brother, you are amazing! That's right. Mr. Yan told me that this game will link the LL account with the WeChat account. Going forward, the same game account can be used to log in with the LL account, and also You can log in with your WeChat account.”

Fuck. Du Caige didn't know how to describe his feelings in words.

What is this conspiracy? Cross Chencang secretly? No, stealing the beam and changing the column? Li Daitao is stiff?

All in all, great.

With such a small method, WeChat users and LL users can achieve a certain degree of connection, and even the LL user friend list can be migrated.

Yeah, damn it. Fan Youqiao agreed.

Du Caige thought for a while and asked: This is a huge loss to LL. Although they are controlled by Yuanguang Group, they are the younger brothers of Yuanguang Group. But in this matter, they can choose not to participate.

Fan Youqiao said he didn't know either: Maybe it's because they don't take WeChat seriously at all. Maybe it's because Mr. Yan gave them some benefits. For example, he promised to deeply bind Yuanguang Games and LL in the future. .

Well, if it can be done, I think WeChat's chances of beating LL are increased by 40%.

Fan Youqiao asked, Then what was your hope of defeating LL?

Less than 10 percent.

... Fan Youqiao was speechless, You are also a major shareholder of our Tenda Network, are you so unconfident in your own products?

It's not that we don't have confidence in our products, but that once social software achieves its dominance, it will be difficult to shake. Let's just say that other social software has less than 1% chance of overturning LL's dominance in the social field. Du Caige explained seriously.

Okay... Having said that, Fan Youqiao said, although this game has a good reputation in Bangzi Country and Sakurajima when it was released, it still needs to be promoted in our country. And the faster it is promoted, the easier it will be for us on WeChat. Take the opportunity to grow big.”

Well, in terms of promotion ability, Yuanguang Group said that it is the second, who dares to say that it is the first? Du Caige has no doubt that this game will become a hit.

Even if the quality is a little lower, as long as Yuanguang Group pushes hard, there must be tens of millions of users.

Yes, speaking of this, bro, I have something I want to ask for your help. It's about promotion.

Du Caige asked curiously, How can I help?

Brother, don't underestimate your influence.

It's okay if you want me to post on Weibo, but I don't know anything else. Marketing is not my forte.

Weibo is definitely going to be posted, and there is one more thing: game-themed novels.

Du Caige was a little stunned. But he quickly reacted, soliciting essays and writing game-themed novels, which are indeed a good means of promotion.

I will let the founding Chinese website cooperate and organize a game-themed essay.

Brother, Fan Youqiao said with a smile, you have to write it yourself! The first person in online novels, with you taking the lead, this essay has become popular!

Genius for a second to remember the address of this site: . Zero-point reading mobile version reading website:

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