I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 414: Why Does Playing Injury Your Fingers?

After finishing the conversation with Fan Youqiao, Du Caige thought for a long time.

There is definitely no problem with the WeChat product itself.

But a good product does not necessarily win.

Especially social software.

If it is now a period of separatism, then Du Caige is confident that WeChat can win the favor of users.

But the current situation is that the social field of Dahuaguo has been completely occupied by LL.

Users are lazy and depend on social products.

When their interpersonal relationships are tied to LL, most people will not choose WeChat even if they give each of them 100 yuan.

Fortunately, Yan Yingzhen used a skillful method and planned to use a popular game to achieve corner overtaking, and finally let WeChat see a glimmer of light.

But even if WeChat gains some users through brave dungeon, it does not mean that WeChat will win.

It can only be said that WeChat can finally participate in the competition and can compete with the LL Chamber a little bit.

What kind of method must be taken to completely defeat the flourishing LL?

But thinking about it, thinking about it, Du Caige has to admit one thing - he really has no business talent.

Therefore, this problem should be left to Yan Yingzhen and Fan Youqiao to have a headache.

Just do what you can.

For example, write a custom article, a novel tailored to promote the game Brave the Dungeon.

For novels, Du Caige is too lazy to be original.

Anyway, there are ready-made ones, you can carry them yourself and learn from them.

Speaking of which, the most popular game-themed novel on earth until he crossed over happened to be based on The Dropped City and the Weak.

Although this Brave Dungeon is very different from Dropped City and Weak Man, it also has many similarities.

So, I just changed the novel called Full-time Master and moved it over.

And there is no need to move the full text.

Carry the first 200,000 words, then write the outline and characters, and leave the rest to the shooter.

As for the original plan to write Honghuang: The Legend of the Great Sage, let's postpone it.

Fan Youqiao said before that, according to the company's plan, WeChat will be officially launched in major application malls on December 1.

The PC version will also be launched simultaneously.

One thing to say, in this era when smartphones are not yet fully popularized, it is quite necessary to launch a WeChat version for computers, not superfluous.

The game Brave the Dungeon will also be open for public beta on December 1, and the mobile client will be launched before the New Year's Day.

In order to get WeChat traffic, it is best to start the game essay before New Year's Day, and Du Caige's new book is also best to be released before New Year's Day.

Well, at best, work harder on your own. Recently, I spend an hour every day carrying...

Du Caige was thinking, when suddenly the phone vibrated again, it was Zou Guoyong calling.

Du Caige swiped to answer, and Zou Guoyong said, Xiao Xu said he wanted me to help you wipe the medicine, right?

Du Caige did indeed have a little soreness in his lower back and contusions on his arms and back. In some places, it is not convenient for him to apply the medicine himself.

But he didn't want Zou Guoyong to wipe it.

Let the rough hands of a rude man touch his back, what does it look like? It's too pedantic.

Du Caige does not discriminate against homosexuals, but he himself is not.

But he still joked: Then you come and help me wipe it.

What are you thinking, why don't you let Xiao Xu wipe it for you?

Men and women don't give and receive.

Gan, come on, everyone can see that Xiao Xu is interested in you, so you can just eat her. I'll cover for you at Xiao Duan.

That's impossible, Du Caige said firmly, Don't make trouble, don't talk nonsense, I don't want her to misunderstand anything.

Why are you possessed by some monster? This is really not your style.

Du Caige responded with a smile: If you are in your thirties,

Just like the style of the twenties, isn't it too sad to be a man, without the slightest improvement?

Just quibble. Wait for me and come.

Damn it, get out of here, are you really here? I might as well endure the pain instead of letting you touch me.

You said it yourself.


Hanging up the phone, Du Caige continued to play the LL mobile version.

After experiencing various functions, he clicked on an alliance leader group and quietly peeked at the screen.

But I saw that he was @@ several times. After pigeon today, the fans were excited.

Which finger is it hurt? Dare to post a photo. I bet it's the middle finger.

Why are you focusing on strange places...

Is it really hurt while filming? Could it be that it was hurt while talking to an actress?

How can you hurt your fingers in a play?

Your thoughts are so dirty...

That's a good question. We can ask Director Shu Yihuan. He likes to teach actresses in hotel rooms.

This is true.

I saw the news a few days ago that someone can move only one finger, practice one-finger Zen magic, and write 6,000-word online novels every day.

Don't post things in this kind of street stall literature to the group...

When did Haida go to make a movie?

Is this little cutie above really cute or just here to fish? The bait is salty and the hook is straight.

There are also many people discussing the plot.

Although Du Caige has a chapter, the plot is very clear now, and most people can already guess the final ending.

The ending of the original Dragon and Snake is actually quite good, but because Du Caige has made a lot of adjustments to the characters and plot of this book, there is a big difference when it comes to the ending.

The final villain GOD in the original book did not appear in the Du version.

Instead, it was a master of a hidden family who ran away in anger because of a conflict with family members.

After experiencing many hardships outside, he achieved great success in martial arts, and then embarked on a similar path to Tang Zichen. It can be said that he is the male version of Tang Zichen.

The reason for this modification is that there are too many unreasonable places for the character of GOD in the original work.

Du Caige considered that Romance of the Dragon and Snake should be made into a film and filmed, and there are many places that need to be adjusted.

In fact, his version of Romance of the Dragon and Snake is not the best as an online novel.

Because there are too many plots and character settings for film and television services.

Online novels can be more unrestrained and unrestrained like a wild horse, but movies and TV cannot do this.

There is a huge difference between the audience's requirements for film and television and the readers' requirements for online novels.

For example, it can be abused a little in film and television, and the audience's ability to bear it is not bad.

But if online novels are abused, they are destined not to catch fire.

Du Caige saw that the readers in the group had a lot of dissatisfaction with The Romance of the Dragon and Snake.

Many readers said that the first third of this book was a masterpiece, and the more it was written, the worse it became.

Du Caige was also helpless.

In fact, he has tried his best, he did not perfunctory, but after considering the film and television, he had to make many compromises.

After peeking at the screen for a long time, Du Caige went online to look at the introduction of the game Brave the Dungeon and the comments made by players during the closed beta period.

He found that this game is indeed very similar to Drop City and Weak, so it is really suitable for him to carry Full Time Master, and there are not many places to modify.

Moreover, game novels do not have to be completely consistent with the game settings, and it is reasonable to do appropriate processing in some places.

There are so many official Warcraft novels, how many of them are set completely in line with the game?

Full-time Master is considered by many fans to be one of the best novels for group portrait description. Although its writing style is not innovative, its writing style is old and the rhythm is quite well grasped.

Du Caige used his camera to memorize and recall the novel, reading it with relish.

Seeing that it's still early, just open the laptop, create a new document, and tap the keyboard quickly.

Lines of writing appear on the document.

A pair of dexterous hands fluttered and manipulated the keyboard and mouse, and the rhythmic percussion sound was like a brisk movement. The brilliance flashed across the screen, and the opponent fell down with flying blood.


He Tiantian's secret potion worked well, and Du Caige felt much better the next day.

While washing, he looked in the mirror and found that the bruises and swelling had disappeared a lot.

At this rate, in another two or three days, it will be back to normal.

The speed of recovery is truly astonishing.

When he arrived at the shooting site, producer Chu Jixiang told him that the terms of the contract with Peng Sizhang had been finalized, but it had not been signed yet.

Peng Sizhang will join the crew in a week, and then sign off by the way.

The company has an important meeting to be held, which requires both you and Director Duan to participate. Director Duan will be back in a few days. I hope you can also spare a day.

Although Du Caige didn't want to affect the filming, the company's affairs could not be delayed, so he nodded hesitantly. What are you discussing?

There are a lot of things to discuss. I will send the expected meeting process and items to be discussed to your mailbox later. You can take a look when you have time.

Chu Jixiang looked at the busy staff and said with a smile, How much online box office is this movie going to take?

You have to break your own record. Du Caige laughed.

That's not bad. With 20 million box office, you can make a lot of money. After all, the share of broadcasting online is much higher.

Du Caige hasn't said that he plans to edit Those Years and Old Boy together and put them in theaters; and about the grimace band's concert, he has only talked to a limited number of people, and he has not received the company. Seriously discussed at the meeting.

In fact, his expectation for Old Boy is definitely more than 20 million box office.

If it only gets 20 million box office, it can even be said to be a tragic failure.

Du Caige called the heads of each group to hold a short meeting, and soon the crew was up and running and started a new day of shooting.

However, near noon, when the crew stopped to prepare for shooting, a group of unexpected people appeared at the shooting site.

Genius for a second to remember the address of this site: . Zero-point reading mobile version reading website:

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