I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 449 Immortal, helpless flowers fall

Give me this juice, thank you.

It's done. Xu Qingya handed the juice to Du Caige's hand without disposable gloves.

Du Caige took a bite of the pizza and drank the juice, it was really fragrant.

This is not his room, but Xu Qingya's room.

He only said that Xu Qingya was not allowed to come to his room, there was nothing wrong.

Uncle, are you planning to release this movie during the Chinese New Year? Is there enough time for post-production? Xu Qingya stopped after eating two small pieces of pizza, not even drinking juice. The class is not to look at.

Du Caige sighed: Go for it. It's a bit difficult, but it's not impossible. Everyone, please work overtime! During the Chinese New Year, you should have a normal rest and start work in the fifth day of the first year. online.

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Xu Qingya, Why do you care so much, you are not the heroine of this movie.

Xu Qingya laughed mischievously, Uncle, don't think I didn't read the script, this movie is a man's drama, and it doesn't have a heroine at all! Sister Duan's role is not much more than mine.

Du Caige buried his head in the pizza.

After a long while, he stopped and said, Well. The theme of Those Years is love and choice. The theme of Old Boy is dreams and friendship.

Isn't there a place for girls in my dreams? Xu Qingya asked.

Du Caige looked up at her, but saw her smiling, her expression normal.

After deliberating for a moment, Du Caige said, A dream is a dream, it's very simple. Girls are part of life, they are not the same thing and cannot be confused.

Uncle, what is your dream? Xu Qingya asked curiously.

Du Caige put down the juice and slowly took off the disposable gloves and discarded them.

After pondering for a while, he slowly opened his mouth: The most precious thing in a person is life, and life belongs to a person only once. A person's life should be spent like this: when he looks back on the past, he will not waste his time because And remorse, he will not be ashamed of mediocrity; so, at the moment of death, he can say: My whole life and all my energy have been dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world to fight for the liberation of mankind. ].

Xu Qingya smiled and said, Uncle, who is this line for?

Du Caige chuckled: A certain role in the future.

After a pause, his expression became serious: Because I am especially afraid of death, but I also know that everyone dies. So, let's take the next step, I only want to be able to face my own life when I am dying? My past life. So I specifically wanted to do something? To make myself laugh at my own life when I was dying? Smile contentedly. What is my dream, you ask? I'm not sure. But I'm obsessed with thinking Make some films that can be passed down?

Xu Qingya showed a thoughtful look.

After a while, she looked up at Du Caige: Uncle, why is it a movie?

This question requires no thought. Because I like it.

Xu Qingya smiled? Uncle, are you particularly afraid of death? I think of the famous 'Three Immortals' in ancient times.

Du Caige is no stranger to this? He nodded and said with a smile: What Shusun Bao and Fan Xuanzi said, let's make meritorious deeds, make virtue, and make a statement. That's right, it's actually the same now. Although thousands of years have passed, in fact people Still chasing the old three.”

It's just me, right? My ability is limited. Can't make meritorious deeds? Lide...I don't have any virtues myself. Liyan? It's okay for me to write a few crooked books, but I can't write the serious and righteous words. So, I can only engage in artistic creation.

Although I'm not sure whether art can be immortal, I always feel that the beauty of art? It should be able to be passed down for a long time.

The universe was born more than 10 billion years ago, and the ancestors of human beings separated from apes millions of years ago. Modern Homo sapiens have only appeared for tens of thousands of years. Humans have established civilization? Created language symbols and know how to think about the meaning of life? Go It's only a few thousand years to think about the topics of immortality and eternity.

So for human beings? What can be passed down for hundreds or thousands of years is actually immortal.

Du Caige smiled? Fifty years of life? Compared to Huatian, it's like a dream.

Xu Qingya's eyes were blurred, and she lightly opened the sandalwood mouth, as if she was singing a harmony for Du Cai: How can one who once enjoyed this floating life live forever? If you don't want to know this bodhi seed, how can life and death be driven by the heart?

After speaking, the two fell silent together.

After a long time, Xu Qingya broke the silence, shook her head and smiled and said, Art. Uncle, spend your whole life pursuing art, can you guarantee that you won't regret it when you die?

Du Caige looked at her and smiled: Are you afraid?

Xu Qingya shook her head, nodded again, and said, Of course, I'm afraid that my pursuit of life will be empty, and I will regret it when I die. Although my master said that she dedicated her life to Kunqu Opera and never regretted it. But I am not her, I am I don't know if I will regret it.

If you regret it, you will regret it, Du Caige said lightly. A life without regret is not really lived.

Whose line is this?

Perhaps, let Wang Chao say this in the future? Du Caige laughed.

This sentence is actually what he heard from the dialogue in The Grand Master and understood it based on his own experience.

The original words were said by Gong Er to Ye Wen: Think about it, if you say that you have no regrets in life, you are just angry. If you have no regrets in life, how boring it would be.

A very classic sentence.

Why do you say that? Xu Qingya obviously didn't understand, Isn't it a good thing to not regret it?

Life is often faced with choices, and these choices are often difficult to achieve. If you choose one side, you will regret it later. Why didn't you choose the other side. I think, people who really live with their heart will definitely face these choices. Of course some People, he doesn't choose, he is always passive, letting others make choices for him, because he doesn't dare to bear the consequences of choosing the wrong one. Du Caige said slowly.

Actually, people don't have foresight. When making choices, they don't know whether they are right or wrong. There will be good results or bad results. Because they are afraid of taking bad consequences, they don't go. Make a choice, thinking that there will be no regrets, no regrets. Maybe it is true, such people may not regret until they die. But I don’t think such people have really lived.”

With that said, Du Caige got up from the chair and looked at the time on the phone, Okay, let's talk about it. You take a break and you're ready to start work. I'll go straight to the hospital.

Well, let's go. Xu Qingya said in a gentle tone, picking up the leftovers.

Du Caige couldn't help but look sideways.

He had almost never seen such a gentle side of Xu Qingya.

Sometimes she is like a flower on a high mountain, sometimes she is smiling but indifferent and distant, sometimes cunning and intelligent, sometimes lively and lovely like a girl next door.

Rarely is she so feminine and gentle.

Frankly, it feels very…


After getting into the car, Du Caige was still thinking about Xu Qingya's expression just now.

As soon as he started the car, he felt the phone in his pocket vibrate violently.

Du Caige took it out and saw that it was Chen Fan's number.

After the call was made, Du Caige smiled and said, Brother Chen Fan, what's the matter?

Wang Dongni's father's deep voice sounded, It's me, I'm Dongni's father.

A bad premonition suddenly rose in Du Caige's heart.

Uncle, what's the matter?

You... Wang Dongni's father choked, Don't come here. Go and do your job!


Doni has already left. We are still dealing with it. I will inform you when the body will say goodbye in a few days. At that time, if you want to come, come. If you don't want to come... forget it.

Du Caige only felt a buzzing sound in his head.

What did Wang Dongni's father say again, and when he hung up, he didn't remember at all.

In his camera memory, this is really a rare situation.

He stared blankly out of the car window.

It is already winter, and although the weather is not too cold, the flowers have already withered.

Helplessly, the flowers fall, and it seems familiar... Yan returns.

Life is always like this, in cycles.

Next spring, hundreds of flowers will bloom again, and swallows will come again, right?

It's just that the new life is no longer the same as the old life.

He and Wang Dongni didn't have any deep feelings.

After all, we have only known each other for a few days, and there are not many conversations.

They don't know each other at all.

Moreover, when I first met Wang Dongni, I already knew that she didn't have much time left, and she already had psychological construction.

Although she walked abruptly...but it was reasonable.

So, he didn't feel sad or anything.

He was just... a little melancholy.

Although he made up his mind, he wanted to be Wang Dongni's boyfriend and accompany her through the last period of his life.

But in fact, he has not entered the state at all.

Of course, Du Caige knew very well that he didn't have to blame himself, and neither Wang Dongni nor her parents could blame him.

Taking a deep breath, Du Caige turned off the car, sat in the car, and let himself go.

This wasn't the first time he'd experienced someone dying around him, and it wouldn't be the last.

One day, he himself will leave, leaving only his family and friends who miss him and sob.

All lives will pass away... only art will last forever.

Day 4: Watch the sunset together. Feed the monkeys in the park. And hugs!

Day 5: Candlelight dinner. Watch a movie. Then you can kiss my cheek! Only cheeks!

Day 6: Kissing~ Before that, I will tell my classmates how to kiss, don't worry, I won't knock your teeth.

Day 7: Come on a trip that you can just walk away. You don't have to go very far, just in the cities around the magic capital. Lin An is good, it's good to see the West Lake, although the West Lake is not very beautiful this season. I want to see the garden again. Where to go, let me think again.

Unfortunately, none of these can be done.

If only I could not remember so clearly.

The damn camera memory...

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