I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 450 The first person in Dahuaguo Music

Du Caige returned to the crew, looking as usual, and took over the shooting rights from Liu Zifei.

Only Xu Qingya understood something from his calm eyes.

She didn't say anything, just quietly, as usual, studying and observing.

The shooting mission is in progress.

Zou Guoyong and Dong Wenbin quickly realized something.

Including Tian Ying and the people who went to the ward to shoot that day, they all noticed something.

But no one said anything.

Work hard, work first.

With Du Caige's on-site control, the filming proceeded very steadily, and the plan was always completed ahead of schedule.

At the same time, the Golden Melody Awards are also continuing to ferment.

Originally, no matter how the netizens denounced it, the official media of the Golden Melody Awards seemed to be pretending to be dead, turning a blind eye and not making any comments.

Although there is a lot of noise on the Internet, the Golden Melody Award is like As long as I block my ears, there will be no criticism.

However, Huo Yanying took action.

The old man named the official media of the Golden Melody Award on Weibo, and then named several national treasure-level masters in the music circle, and then named the Musicians Association and other heavyweight associations.

Then his Weibo update only updated one sentence: Since the Golden Melody Award doesn't want to be done well, let's create a new award to replace it.

Huo Yanying's speech was like a cloud-piercing arrow, and many people in the music industry immediately responded.

Du Caige was moved when he heard the news.

Godfather is venting his anger for him!

The Golden Melody Awards have become very fast this time.

But the desire to survive is not very strong.

Its official media updated an article: The selection of the Golden Melody Award is not affected by any external forces.

Of course, they still have the most basic desire to survive. After posting this, they deleted it half an hour later. Otherwise I don't know what will happen.

But within half an hour, netizens have commented tens of thousands of times, and all kinds of take screenshots of names before deleting as proof haha, I'm waiting to see how the Golden Melody Awards slap my face.

Some netizens also stupidly discussed, Why did the Golden Melody Awards suddenly release such a message?

Others patiently gave them popular science: Because Mr. Huo, Aite and the others, were standing up for Hemingway, and then a group of old men and aunts came out to besiege the Golden Melody Awards.

Who is Mr. Huo? Why do you want to stand for Hemingway?

...then we can only continue the science. Including the past legendary experience of Mr. Huo, Mr. Huo's weight in the music circle, it is rumored that Mr. Huo and Hemingway's father are friends of life and so on.

When the Golden Melody Awards deleted this Weibo dynamic, netizens laughed even more.

I knew that the Golden Melody Awards would be timid.

You can't do it without counseling. Don't look at the uncles and aunts who besieged the Golden Melody Awards before.

Damn it, I just found out! I understand, I understand!

It is estimated that the Golden Melody Awards will send another message saying that the previous message was sent by temporary workers.

The Golden Melody Award says that it is not affected by any external forces, and this sentence is inexplicably happy.

In fact, I'm really looking forward to Mr. Huo and the others to come up with a more fair and authoritative award.

It's very difficult. After all, Mr. Huo and his group are not in pop music. They are in Zhengle and Yale. It's not realistic to ask them to do pop music awards.

Netizens were talking a lot, and Du Caige had already called his godfather and passed his anger.

Don't think too much, the fuse of this incident is you, but it's not just for you. The Golden Melody Awards have been so ridiculous these past few years, it should be cured. If it can't be cured, then start a new one. . Mr. Huo said at the time.

Speaking of which, Du Caige is of course not good at being hypocritical.

However, Mr. Huo immediately said: The old guys like you very much, you can choose this beam.

What do you mean? Du Caige was startled.

Huo Yanying smiled and said: How did the Golden Melody Award come from in the first place? He was just a music critic. He felt that our country lacked a fairer folk music award, so he ran around and finally made it. Why can't you do one?

Du Caige directly refused: No time.

I don't need you to do anything, just let you be a god, the god of the music industry in our country. I know you are busy, and it is impossible for you to be responsible for the preparations. It is not a waste of money to let you use the work of art for administration. What? Huo Yanying explained.

He added: Don't refuse, after all, among the people who play music, there are people who are more skilled than you, but they are not as famous as you; and those who are more famous than you are mostly idol singers who don't know much about music. So you are the most suitable, and many people will buy it if you come to be the main card of this god.

The old man Huo again urged: So you have to practice your internal skills diligently, understand? God's master card is not so easy to play, as long as there is a problem with music in the future, maybe the elders of the National Elders House and the regional officials from all over the country will come to find them. You inquire. When the big figures in the foreign music industry come to visit, they will invite you to welcome them. If there is any international music competition held in our country, your nameplate will definitely be on the jury.”

Although you are in the field of pop music, when you become the first person in pop music, I have to think carefully about your rock, folk music, classical, jazz and blues... It seems that you play electronic music too. It's good to play... well, when you become the first person in pop music, that is, the representative and symbol of our country's musicians, even if you don't want to be the representative and symbol yourself.

Du Caige said that I don't understand music either! If you look for me as a signboard, you are not afraid that I will smash the signboard?

But when he thought about it carefully, it really made him feel dark.

Huo Yanying said this, basically the older generation of musicians recognized him as the first person in contemporary music.

It can act as the face of Dahuaguo musicians.

I won't give him any awards in the future, but let him give awards to others.

Everyone has vanity, and Du Caige is no exception.

After finishing the call with Huo Yanying, he was happy for a few hours.

But after a few hours, it calmed down.

In fact, this is the disadvantage of a good memory.

Others say: Dongfeng Po written by you, boss, leads the trend.

No, Dongfengpo was composed by Jay Chou and written by Lao Fang.

Others said: Big Brother, your Swordsman is majestic and heroic to the extreme.

No, this Xiaoao Jianghu was originally A Laugh in the Sea, which was written and composed by Uncle Zhan.

Others said: congratulations, big guy, your Red High Heels won the Golden Melody Award for Best Original Song.

No, this song is composed by Cai Jianya.

So, think about it, what can you be proud of?

At least in music, no.

In the field of film, there is none for the time being, and I am still waiting for myself to create some works that are enough to be proud of.

So what a joy.

Go make a movie now!

The day after the call with Huo Yanying, Duan Xiaochen returned to China and arrived at the Modu Airport at noon.

Du Caige didn't pick her up, but just went back to the city at night, sat with her for a while, and chatted for a while.

Then he told her to take a good rest, raise her spirits, and join the crew the next day.

In fact, Du Caige also knew that one night was definitely not enough for Duan Xiaochen to recover.

This time Duan Xiaochen ran on Sakurajima for more than half a month, only sleeping three or four hours a day, and she was in good health without getting sick.

It's not that Du Caige doesn't feel sorry for her.

But everyone is waiting for her to join the crew, and after she finishes filming, she has other things to do: she has company affairs to deal with, she has to practice songs to prepare for the red and white song party, and she has to go to Sakurajima again to prepare for Once I Am Also I've thought about it for a hundred times.

If she can get a full night's rest, Du Caige is already taking care of her.

The next day, Duan Xiaochen appeared on the set full of energy and greeted every staff member kindly, whether they knew each other or not.

We all know that she is the major shareholder and the big boss of Dream Chasing Entertainment.

And she herself is a charming big beauty, a big star.

Seeing that she was so close to the people, the staff who cooperated for the first time could not wait to show 120% of their skills in front of her.

And Du Caige appeared a little later.

Early in the morning, he went to the city to attend the farewell of Wang Dongni's body.

He didn't want to recall every scene at that time, and now he just wants to focus all his attention on the movie and work hard to make classics.

When Du Caige arrived, Duan Xiaochen also officially entered the shooting.

On this day, her condition was also very good. She didn't NG a few times. Although her acting skills were not particularly outstanding, she was fortunately stable.

Seeing Duan Xiaochen intensively filming scenes related to her, Liu Zifei was expressionless beside her.

At some point, Ouyang Liyan came to the students.

Did you see it? Ouyang Liyan said.

Mr. Yang! I see, her acting is good. Liu Zifei said.

I'm not saying this, I'm telling you to pay attention to how Director Du made her build her self-confidence and how to guide her into a state quickly.

Liu Zifei was stunned: Huh?

Ouyang Liyan shook his head: Liu, you still have to learn.

Liu Zifei was silent.

She usually pays attention to learning from Du Caige.

Those little details, she should have noticed.

But as soon as Duan Xiaochen appeared...she was not calm.

She still remembered those scenes.

Although she saw the interaction between Xu Qingya and Du Caige, she felt that Xu Qingya had no role.

Because no matter what others say, at least she feels that Du Caige is nostalgic.

Clothes are not as good as new, and people are not as good as old.

So her biggest enemy is probably the queen of the music scene.

Of course, this is what she thought.


Several Duan Xiaochen scenes were filmed at night, so on the first day, while Duan Xiaochen was in good condition, he worked overtime.

After finishing the filming and going back to organize the materials, Du Caige made some statistics.

He was surprised to find that Duan Xiaochen had originally arranged a four-and-a-half-day shooting plan, but now nearly half of it has been completed.

Originally, when Du Caige made plans, he would try his best to take into account various unexpected factors and would not make plans too optimistically.

However, Duan Xiaochen's condition was so good that he abruptly accelerated the shooting speed to double what he originally expected.

This is of course a good thing. After the filming is over, she can go back and rest for two more days.

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