I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 470 Are you going to be a fraction of him?

Xu Qingya didn't get an inch, she pressed hard.

It seems that just now she was only standing unsteadily and staggered accidentally, and only leaned over.

The bodies of the two were not facing each other, but there was a slight gap.

Du Caige maintained an awkward posture until the end of the song.

He stopped and withdrew the hand that had been placed on Xu Qingya's waist.

Xu Qingya lowered her head and didn't look at him, and he didn't dare to examine Xu Qingya's expression carefully.

Flirting with little girls or something is the favorite thing of old men, if they don't form a marriage and family.

Some people who lack a sense of morality, even if they have wives and children, like to tease little girls, and they also call it a red flag at home, and colorful flags fluttering outside.

But although Du Caige has not formed a family now, he is not clear about Yan Yingzhen and Duan Xiaochen.

It's really not suitable for flirting with little girls.

He doesn't think he has a strong sense of morality, but he still has the basic bottom line. Just no teeth.

So he held Xu Qingya's hand like this.

After a long while, he said, Don't jump, I'm tired.

Xu Qingya smiled lightly: Uncle, there is something wrong with your physical strength.

If it's a short paragraph or Xiaoyan is here, Du Caige will definitely blurt out a dirty joke, such as Why don't we find a place to try my physical strength and so on.

But at this time he just smiled, Go and sit for a while, rest for a while, and then go back early.

Yes. Xu Qingya nodded obediently, letting him take her hand to the outside of the dance floor and find a place to sit.

Only then did Du Caige realize that her pretty face was as red as a fiery cloud in the sky, beautiful and splendid.

Sitting quietly, neither of them spoke, and no one came to disturb them.

After a while, Du Caige realized that he had been holding Xu Qingya's hand.

He pretended to take out his phone to check the time, and let go of Xu Qingya's hand.

Then looked up at the girl,

He asked with a smile, What are your plans for tomorrow?

I have a few places I want to play, such as Shichahai, and I also want to walk around those old alleys. It's best if you have time to accompany me, uncle. If you don't have time, I'll go by myself.

Du Caige nodded: By the way, I will pay off your credit card immediately, lest you run out of quota for shopping tomorrow.

Xu Qingya wrapped a strand of blue silk around her fingers and smiled, I don't want to shop anymore, I just want to look around.

Du Caige didn't know what to say.

Xu Qingya didn't know what she was thinking, and smiled faintly from time to time. Suddenly she asked, Uncle, when are you going to shoot the next movie?

Du Caige said: It should be in May or June, when I joined director Shu Yihuan's crew and became his assistant director.

Is there a role for me?

You can have it if you want.

I want it, you make me so beautiful every time. Xu Qingya shook her hair lightly.

Du Caige said with a smile: That's what the character needs. If you need to be ugly next time you meet a character, I'll make you ugly too.

That's good too. You can experience a different taste. Hey, uncle, will you keep filming me?

If you want to shoot, I'll shoot.

Then what have I always wanted to do?

Then keep shooting.

Silence again.

After sitting for a while, Xu Qingya raised her head and smiled happily, but she was a little tired, Uncle, let's go back.

Du Caige stood up, walked out with her, and asked curiously, What are you thinking about, you think so happily.

Xu Qingya was indeed smiling, I'm not happy, I'm just bored, thinking about a very interesting thing.

What fun?

Xu Qingya rolled her eyes at him: What are you thinking? How can I tell you the girl's thoughts!

Well, the girl's mind...

Back at the hotel, Du Caige hurriedly said good night to her, and then hid in his room, for fear that one of them would be unable to control and say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing.

After taking a shower, he looked at his phone and saw several missed calls, one of which was from Wang Mo.

Du Caige went back to him, Wang Mo smiled and said, I didn't bother you, did you? You went back so early, I just got through, and I felt something was wrong. I thought it was too short, but I can't spoil your good deeds, so I hung up quickly.

Du Caige smiled and didn't answer, President Wang is looking for me, do you want to meet up tomorrow?


Want me to go to the Writers Association?

Don't go, that kind of place is not suitable for making friends, bragging. Let's find a teahouse! He reported an address.

It's 9 o'clock in the morning. The Cantonese dim sum in the teahouse is quite authentic. You must come here on an empty stomach.

Okay, see you tomorrow then.

Du Caige really wanted to get to know people in the cultural circle.

Always alone, it is easy to narrow the road.

Don't bring your little girlfriend, everyone doesn't bring family members.

Du Caige didn't explain that it was not his girlfriend. This kind of thing was getting worse and worse. understood.

The next day, Du Caige went to the appointment, and Xu Qingya went out to play by herself.

In the afternoon, the two met and found a long-established restaurant for a meal of mutton.

Make an appointment to go out for a walk in the evening, then return to the hotel to settle down and rest for a while.

Du Caige actually has a lot to do.

But when other girls accompany him to the North City, he can't always let them go alone, he has to accompany him.

Even if it is an ordinary friend, it is not the way to get along with other girls.

Before he left, Du Caige quickly carried a little Full-time Master.


Xu Qingya is dressing in the mirror. Her makeup skills are actually very good. When singing on stage, makeup is the basic skill.

While dressing herself up beautifully, she hummed the song Youth written to her by her uncle.

She didn't think the song was that good.

But this is what the uncle wrote to her, written to her alone, unless she agrees to sing, it will not be published.

Looking at herself in the mirror, the 28th beauty, Shaohua was just right, she pursed her lips and smiled.

Because she often performs on stage and sings, she wears too much makeup, so she doesn't like heavy makeup in her daily life.

And given her age and her skin, she doesn't need heavy makeup at all, just a few strokes of light, and she's already close to perfection.

She had just put away her eyebrow pencil when suddenly her phone rang.

The caller ID is Mother-in-law.

Xu Qingya frowned, quickly swiped to answer, and said firstly, Mom! I ate, slept well, and I wore a lot of clothes and definitely didn't freeze!

Xu's mother's voice was cold: You said you were traveling to the North. If a friend hadn't casually said something to your dad, we wouldn't know you were going to the party with Hemingway.

Xu Qingya pouted: Because he invited me sincerely...

Then you can't go either! Xu Ma's voice suddenly became severe, and the aura of a strong woman burst out, What kind of reputation is he? Get involved with him, what do you think in your heart!

His reputation? Xu Qingya said with a smile, The first person in pop music in Dahua, a once-in-a-century musical genius, a dazzling newcomer in the literary world, and the youngest winner of the Baiyang Literature Award in the past 20 years. By the way. , is still a very good director, 3 million investment in exchange for 24 million box office...

Xu's mother seemed a little helpless: You know I'm not talking about this. No one can deny his talent, and I like his works. Parents don't object to you making friends with such excellent people. But Xiaoya, if it involves When it comes to romance, that's another story. No parent wants their daughter to be mixed up with such a notorious playboy.

Xu Qingya said briskly, Don't worry, Mom, I didn't fall in love with him.

I can't worry about it, where are you staying now? The same hotel as him?

Xu Qingya did not lie. Yes.

It's not the same room, is it? Xu's mother increased her tone, looking like she was about to attack again.

Xu Qingya said coquettishly, Mom, who do you think your daughter is!

Hurry up and book a plane ticket and come back early tomorrow morning! Xu's mother said sternly, You haven't been in love since you grew up, but now that you are old, you start to look forward to the opposite sex. I can understand that when a good man appears in In front of you, you will have a good impression. Especially in front of such a master of love, you will be confused. But you can only stop there! You can't go further! I don't want your first love to be such a person! Come back quickly and give it to me Wake up!

Xu Qingya did not raise the volume, but smiled gently: Mom, I know your opinion, I will consider it carefully. But I won't be back tomorrow. According to the plan, I will play in the north for two days. If you have any dissatisfaction with me, I don't mind if you cut off my living expenses, what do you think?

Mother Xu was speechless.

This daughter has never let her worry since she was a child. She is very assertive. Since the second year of high school, she has been working to make money by herself, and she has not even asked her family for a penny of tuition for college.

Cut off daughter's living expenses? She never gave her daughter living expenses.

It's not that she doesn't want to give it, it's that her daughter never accepts it.

Such a man, you look at him and think he is bright, and he understands women very well, and he is generous. With him, you will be very comfortable and feel favored everywhere. However, you and him have no future! I don't want to now. You are forbidden to communicate with him, but you must take a step back and think soberly!

Seeing that she hadn't impressed her daughter, Xu's mother slowed down her tone and pleaded a little: Xiaoya, mother is selfish, mother is good-faced, please, don't be a mistress for this kind of man, be a mistress, I No matter how rich and talented the person you are looking for, if you find an ordinary boyfriend, your parents will accept it!

Xu Qingya smiled and said: Mom, don't worry, I can swear that I will not be his mistress. I will never destroy other people's families! If he gets married, I will turn around and leave immediately.

Xu's mother is not a fuel-efficient lamp, so she immediately seized the flaw and asked, What if he doesn't get married? He has several girlfriends like before, but he doesn't get married? Are you going to be a fraction of him? !

Xu Qingya chuckled: Mom, I made an appointment with my uncle to see the night view of Shichahai. If you don't go, it will be too late. Goodbye, Mom, we'll talk next time!

Xiaoya, Xiaoya... Remember the website address, www. biquxu. Com, it is convenient to read next time, or you can enter this site by entering in Baidu.

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