I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 471 The one who gets along the most... is you

Xu Qingya hung up the phone and put the phone into airplane mode, then heaved a sigh of relief and put away her smile.

She tilted her little head, not knowing what she was thinking, but her eyes were sharp.

After a while, she didn't know what she thought, the corners of her mouth curled up in a beautiful arc, and her eyes were curved like a crescent moon.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and the listening method was Du Caige.

Xu Qingya hurriedly jumped up and opened the door: Uncle, wait for me, I'll be fine right away!

Du Caige came in and closed the door.

Xu Qingya turned her back to him, took off her shirt, and started taking off her knitted sweater.

Du Caige was so frightened that he turned around quickly, What are you doing?

I'll change clothes, right now!

Du Caige complained: You are a girl, you have to be reserved, do you understand? You can't just change clothes in front of men. Is this common sense?

But I didn't change clothes in front of men casually, it was in front of you. Uncle, do you think I would change clothes in front of other men? Hmph.

Not even in front of me.

Xu Qingya laughed and said: Why not? You don't have any ideas that you shouldn't have, right? I know you won't peep!

Hearing the rustling of the clothes behind him, Du Caige had fantasies in his mind, but his mouth was dry.

If it wasn't for worry, if he opened the door at this time, Xu Qingya's spring light would leak out and be seen by unrelated people, he would definitely grab the door and go out immediately.

Okay, you can turn around now.

After Du Caige turned around, he saw a slim little fairy.

Wearing a cute thin down jacket, light blue slim-fit jeans, and a white knitted hat with a ball of wool.

A very ordinary dress, the clothes and accessories all over the body will not exceed 2,000 yuan.

However, the word youth is written in every expression of her ecstatic expression, written in her infinite vitality, and written in her picturesque demeanor even when she is standing normally.

The little fairy tilted her head slightly and applied a little powder, her skin was crystal clear and radiant.

Her left hand was on her waist,

The smile is a little naughty, and she smiles so brightly? Like flowers in full bloom in spring.

Unlike flowers? As long as the sun, rain, and temperature are right, the flowers will always bloom.

And she blooms only for one person.

Du Caige remembered the nicknames netizens gave her.

Angel Girl.

Although it seems tacky? But it is really appropriate.

It's pretty. Du Caige said sincerely.

Xu Qingya stepped forward? She took his arm unceremoniously, If you don't think it's ashamed to take me out? Then take me to the bombing street quickly.

Du Caige suddenly felt a tightness in his throat and panicked in his heart.

Wasn't he not held by Xu Qingya before? But at that time, I always felt that it was normal for a female star to walk the red carpet with a male director on his arm. You can't watch it with tinted glasses, so don't care, don't care.

But he's not the type who likes to deceive himself all the time.

I can't keep fooling myself any longer.

This is not the same thing.

It was just an excuse he made to make himself feel at ease.

In fact, the most real reality is that this 19-year-old girl has a good impression of him? Maybe there is also a little admiration and admiration, and she wants to have some intimate contact with him.

And he couldn't resist the temptation of this girl.

Think carefully.

Since the death of the sub-personality and the awakening of the main character.

The woman he contacts the most is neither Duan Xiaochen nor Yan Yingzhen.

With both of them, they are together less and more apart.

Not even his own sister, Du Rongqi. Du Yanqi spends most of his time at school.

It's... the girl next to me.

I don't know when it started? The girl's ever-changing temperament and smile, the elegance and calmness of classical beauty? The demeanor with youthful vitality has been deeply etched into his mind.

Of course? That doesn't mean he'll pursue her—or acquiesce to her approach.

Wait for yourself to figure it out.

Little girl, what do I say? When going down the elevator? Du Caige shook his head? He said, Aren't you afraid to go out and meet fans? You are also the heroine of a hit movie.

Xu Qingya laughed softly: Uncle, don't make fun of me. Those Years is indeed a very good movie. It's both interesting and artistic. But it's a big hit? It's strange.

This Du Caige disagreed, Although the box office is only more than 20 million, in terms of the number of moviegoers, this movie is comparable to a big movie with a box office of about 250 million.

Xu Qingya pouted: Uncle, is the hit movie in your mind only at this level? Can you only achieve this level?

Du Caige's inner competitive spirit was also aroused, and he smiled, Okay, I said something wrong.

Xu Qingya then smiled and crooked her eyes: That's right. And it's not a big deal to act in a few movies. It's too common for a celebrity to not be popular. And I just acted in a movie, I believe this Not many people on the street can recognize me.

After a pause, she added: If I often participate in variety shows, or go to some big company's advertisements, then maybe I can become a household name. But such a reputation is too vain, I'm not interested. Maybe I can. Help me make some quick money, but it doesn't make me grow.

Indeed. One thing Du Caige admires about Xu Qingya is that she sees things more thoroughly and farther than her peers.

Of course, because of her age, knowledge and life experience, she may not necessarily have any insights, and it is difficult to come up with some insights that can be deafening.

Many of her views are actually a little naive.

That is to say, she just sees through and sees farther than her peers; but she may not necessarily be able to draw the correct conclusions.

But she dares to think, can calmly look at things with dialectical thinking, and will not be blinded by arrogance and prejudice; she can seriously consider other people's opinions and constantly revise her own views.

That's hard to come by.

Many people in their late twenties and early thirties have difficulty doing it.

Of course I do, but I didn't think about making a lot of money. Although uncle, you said that life would be boring if there were no regrets. But I still want to have a life without regrets. Do what you want, and Work hard to be the best, so you can probably have no regrets! Xu Qingya turned her face slightly to look at Du Caige, her lips and face seemed to emit a beautiful light with her smile, I thought carefully about what I wanted to do. You don't need a lot of money for what you do. So, I now think that enough money is enough.

As she said that, she smiled mischievously: Even if I change my opinion in the future and feel that I need a lot of money~ It doesn't matter, my parents only have my daughter. My mother is working hard to make money! I will give it to me in the future. Well!

That's right, Du Caige chuckled, What do you want to do most?

Uncle, what do you think? A slyness flashed in Xu Qingya's eyes.

Du Caige didn't answer and asked, If I don't understand you, if I don't understand what you really need, will you be disappointed?

Xu Qingya smiled and said, Of course there will be a little bit. But there will only be a little bit, and it won't last long. Master taught me a long time ago, not to have expectations of others without authorization, and then when others can't meet their expectations , I am self-consciously disappointed and angry.”

Du Caige said from the bottom of his heart, Your master is quite amazing.

Of course. Even if she doesn't have the shining title of 'the first person in Kunqu Opera', she is still a respectable old lady. Xu Qingya's eyes were full of reverence.

How the name of Shichahai came from, Du Caige has not studied.

But what is certain is that it should have been passed down in the early Ming Dynasty.

But because of the difference in the history of the two worlds, the buildings around Shichahai have changed.

For example, the well-known Prince Gong's Mansion, Prince Qing Mansion, Guanyue Temple, Yantai Xiejie, Gu Beizi Mansion, etc., which are familiar to everyone on earth, naturally disappeared, replaced by the former residences of some other mansions.

But Guanghua Temple, Huitong Temple and Yinding Bridge are still there.

When playing, watching those familiar buildings and never-before-seen buildings intertwined, Du Caige has a feeling of being out of time.


IF Bar.

The middle-aged man behind the bar is the bartender/owner who owns 30% of the bar.

Today, instead of wearing a fluffy hat, he wears a very classic British-style cap. Many detectives in detective dramas like this style of hat.

Lazy pure music played, and the saxophone blew ecstatically.

There is no Christmas-themed decoration like other bars in the store, but a small 1-meter-high Christmas tree is placed in an inconspicuous corner.

And it was placed in a very perfunctory manner, not even hanging the lanterns.

In front of the bar, there was just a picture of Santa Claus.

The bar/owner glanced at the few customers in the bar, wiping down his glasses.

Welcome! When looking up, the bartender/shop owner's smile was even brighter, revealing eight broken teeth, Mr. Li, you are here again!

This guest came for several nights in a row, and his consumption was no less than 10,000 every night.

Li Minjun lowered his head and looked a little shy. He waved his hand and said, Don't call me President Li! I'm not a boss. I just eat with others!

I saw your car parked outside yesterday. The bartender/owner said briefly.

That car is not affordable for the average working class.

Li Minjun shook his head with a smile and looked around.

The bartender/owner knows who he is looking for. He didn't come.

Oh, Lee Min-joon didn't look disappointed, bring me a Macallan 18-year-old double sherry cask.

Okay. The bartender/shop owner doesn't dislike the low income from this order.

He poured the wine, pushed the glass in front of Li Minjun, and stared into the other's beautiful eyes, Mr. Li, he should be a tourist, he may not come again. If you want to meet him here again, I'm afraid it's unrealistic.

Li Minjun couldn't help laughing: How do you do business? Good business is pushed out. Isn't it good for me to come and take care of your business every day?

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