15-day production cycle.

One million cost.

Hastily launched propaganda.

Nothing hot.

To be honest, the original comics of Young and Dangerous can be regarded as a relatively popular serial comics. There is a certain amount of original powder.

But overall, the film had too many negative factors before it was released, and almost no one was optimistic.

However, it became an instant hit, and it received a box office of 21.1 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong.

Then in order to chase the popularity, the original team immediately filmed the second film of Young and Dangerous Boys.

Because the schedule for Yimian is too tight, I can only come for two days. As a result, screenwriter Wen Jun can only temporarily modify the story on the spot, pat his head while filming the movie, and pat his head to think of a plot.

Pat and pat, the pheasant played by Chen Xiaochun became the protagonist.

In order to make money and catch up with the popularity, the production cycle of Dragon Crossing the River is only a short 11 days.

Shooting, plus post-production, took 11 days in total.

And how much box office did it get? 22.5 million Hong Kong dollars.

Another scary rate of return.

After the release, I found out that I could pick up money, so I made the third film in the same year. It was also in a hurry. The script was written now, and the cost was very low. However, the third film, Young and Dangerous, also received 19.8 million Hong Kong dollars.

And these three films all entered the top ten of the Hong Kong Film Box Office in 1996.

From today's point of view, it's almost a myth.

If Du Caige was asked to make a movie in 11 days, of course he could do it. The fastest update PC ::/

But how the box office will be, I can't really guarantee it. After all, audiences are much more discerning these days.

But if it is to copy some small-budget movies on the earth that have proven themselves.

For example, Buried Alive, which must be copied by travelers, for example, Two Smoking Guns (Gai Ritchie), Crazy Stone, Invisible Guest (Auriol Paul), 10 Cloverfield Road, which relies on suspenseful reversal to win. (Trachettenberg) Kojima (Alessandro Amamba) The Insider (Spike Lee) The Girl on the Train (Tate Taylor) The Lost Lover (David Fincher)...or Is good at mobilizing people's emotions If the cat disappeared from the world (Nagai Satoshi)\

,"Sleepless Supermarket (Sean Ellis) Air Crisis (Robert Svenk)...all successful examples.

The cost of these films is very low, there are not many scenes, and the shooting is simple. For a director with solid basic skills like Du Caige to shoot, they can be shot in ten days.

And they do well at the box office.

But Du Caige has the pride of being a director, and will definitely not handle these, and would rather be thankful to make originals.

To be honest, he has no idea whether he can get good box office data when shooting this Dragon and Snake Romance, One of the Personal Martial Arts.

But the process of creating in this way, the process of letting his intelligence burst into flames, is what makes him really enjoy it.

Otherwise, why would he make a movie, sitting on the shares worth tens of billions of investment in Rouzhi, is it because the yacht is not good, or the party is not fun? Why do you need to be exposed to the sun and rain every day, sitting in the director's chair and suffering.

Du Caige planned to finish filming this Wulin before the Spring Festival, but he had no idea whether he could do it or not.

After all, there are only 80 days between now and the Spring Festival.

Time is really tight.

Du Caige filmed this Wulin, and the target is Iron Man.

Iron Man 1 on Earth was filmed in 2007, close to the point in time.

The investment of Iron Man 1 is 140 million US dollars, and if it is placed on Azure Star, its purchasing power is roughly equivalent to about 350 million US dollars.

And Shu Yihuan has spent nearly 200 million before, Du Caige plans to spend more than 100 million. The amount of investment is also a level.

Then the level of special effects, including the expected box office amount, etc., Wulin is also the standard Iron Man 1.

The global box office of Iron Man 1 is 585 million US dollars, and Du Caige hopes that Wulin will bring him a global box office of 1.4-1.5 billion yuan.

In terms of production cycle, the shooting of Iron Man 1 took three and a half months, and the post-production was almost six months.

Du Caige hopes that the shooting of Wulin will be completed in more than 80 days, and the post-production will not exceed 5 months, so that it can be released in time for the summer.

In order to complete the shooting plan on time, Du Caige had already done a lot of preparation work before the reunion of the crew.

For example, the script.

It is also a fact that Wen Jun completed the scripts of Young and Dangerous in Jianghu and Raptors crossing the river by himself. Although he is indeed talented, the scripts are also rough.

And Marvel movies like Iron Man are produced under the system of the Hollywood film industry, and the script is produced by dozens of screenwriters.

Someone is in charge of the outline framework and controls the succession and transformation. Someone has to fill in the specific plot details and make the story flesh and blood according to the pattern.

Someone is responsible for the dialogue of certain roles, and someone is responsible for checking some professional knowledge and determining the correctness of professional terms.

There are also people who specialize in making up jokes, adding humorous dialogue, or small details that are funny or sensational.

Du Caige's Wulin also adopted this model. He established the framework of the story, and then eight senior screenwriters borrowed from Dream Dream Entertainment were responsible for perfecting the script.

After writing it, show it to him, and he proposes revisions, and so on again and again.

After revising and tempering several times, the current script has made him very satisfied.

It costs a lot, but it's worth the money.

When many companies make movies, they are reluctant to spend money on screenwriting. The end result is that they have hired a good director, bought the copyright of a big IP, and spent huge sums of money to hire the best (or top-notch) actors, with no special effects at all. Don't be stingy.

But just because the script was so bad, in the end, a wonderful movie like Fortress at Sea was made. It was worthless, the word of mouth was broken, and the director and actors were criticized for nothing, and it was speechless.

Du Caige could not allow himself to make such a mistake.

Although for Wulin, his understanding is that this movie does not need to be too brilliant, and all the plots revolve around fighting services. This is a popcorn movie.

But that doesn't mean that the script can be hasty.

These Marvel movies are all popcorn movies, but which one is not particular about the script?

The words and deeds of each character are in line with the characters, and many hilarious or touching little details are the good intentions of the screenwriters.

Although Wulin is the benchmark for Iron Man 1, Du Caige can't guarantee that Wulin will definitely reach the level of Iron Man 1 in terms of quality, box office and word of mouth.

But what he can be sure of is that the script of Wulin is by no means inferior to that of Iron Man 1.

Then, it is up to him, the director, to make good use of the existing ingredients and kitchen utensils to cook a gluttonous feast.

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