I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 581: It's time to consider retreating

Although the sun in late autumn is bright, it is a little less hot.

Enthusiasm and gentleness sprinkled from the gaps of the leaves, with spots and spots, which illuminated people warmly, and the whole body could not be lifted up.

Shen Jinsong finished reading the email, pressed the lock screen button of his phone, half-closed his eyes, and leaned comfortably against the small tree behind him.

Next to him is a family traveling with a family.

A young couple with a pair of children.

The naughty eldest son was crawling on the grass, constantly swooping at the grasshoppers, sweat dripping down to the tip of his nose and sticking to a few blades of grass.

The little daughter, who could only crawl, crawled around her brother curiously, but was pushed by her brother and turned her back to the sky.

She didn't cry, she just laughed and danced, and it took a while to turn over with difficulty.

The couple watched, scolding from time to time, and sometimes laughing with their children.

The laughter was a bit harsh, making Shen Jinsong a little disgusted.

After all, he didn't.

After a while, he opened his eyes again, and in front of him was a calm artificial lake. He looked at a green piece of jade like a large piece of jade, not clear but without any debris.

Occasionally a breeze blows and ripples.

From time to time, small red and golden fish burrowed out and kissed the surface of the water playfully, then burrowed into the bottom of the water and disappeared into the slow-moving dark green water plants.

Shen Jinsong lowered his head, looked at the vibrating phone, and pressed hang up.

He doesn't want to talk to anyone right now.

Just want to enjoy this quiet moment.

When did normality get lost?

It was when Yan Yingzhen posted on Weibo that he learned that Du Caige had a fortune of tens of billions, and it was difficult for him to shake him for a moment?

At the 3.6 concert, ten songs occupied the top ten of the chart, and the name of Hemingway was famous all over the world?

Or a little earlier, because of various misunderstandings, because of some decisions that seemed correct at the time but proved to be terribly wrong, when I failed to bet against the Duo Lai Mi music platform?

Or when you decide to take action against Du Caige?

Or... when Du Zhiqiu was bleeding?

He remembered the contents of the email he had just read.

If it is carefully planned and exposed at the right time, it can indeed cause certain damage to Du Caige.

But thinking about it, it doesn't really help.

In this life, it is impossible for him to get rid of Du Caige.

And how could Du Caige be unaware of his actions so many times before?

Even if Du Caige is really stupid enough to not realize it, would Du Caige not care about the blood feud?

Perhaps, Du Caige has already started planning, and in places that he can't see, he has already woven a net and is waiting for an opportunity.

When the opportunity comes, the net will quietly cover itself in it, and then start peeling the skin and dismantling the bones.

So, I don't really have much choice.

No, there is no choice at all.

Although these things in the email, even if they are released, they will basically have no effect.

But still to do.

Even if it's just purely to disgust Du Caige.

Because this is the only thing I can do.

In addition, we have to start planning for a retreat...

I can't really wait until Du Caige closes the net and sees it in a pinch, then it's too late to regret it.

At this time, the phone vibrated again.

Shen Jinsong looked down at the caller ID, but did not move.

The vibration continued. m

After a long time, he finally swiped his finger and answered. The voice was already polite and friendly: Director Shu, I'm sorry, I didn't put the phone on me just now. Have you returned to China?

Hearing Shu Yihuan's answer, his brows furrowed slightly.

Biting his lip, he still kept a smile and said cheerfully: Okay, I'm looking forward to Director Shu's work. Then I'll start preparing here.

Summer vacation? Do you need to be in such a hurry?

Don't want to fight in the ring? Of course, I understand.

Okay, I don't understand professional things. Since Director Shu thinks it's okay, then do it.

Okay, okay, that's it.

Hanging up the phone, Shen Jinsong shook his head mockingly.

Isn't it reconciled? Want to prove that you are better than Hemingway?


Now that Shu Yihuan is holding his breath, he will definitely make a masterpiece.

I don't expect Shu Yihuan's film to stop Hemingway's film.


What if Hemingway lost all his bottoms in this movie? It's just a drop in the bucket, it won't shake the fundamentals.

But if it can create a certain topicality, gather popularity for Shu Yihuan's new film, let Tianyi Entertainment, and let himself make a little more money, it would be good.

This time I agreed to invest 400 million yuan for Shu Yihuan. The estimated investment ratio is 150 million yuan from Tianyi Entertainment and 120 million yuan from Kyriad. Among them, Shen Jinsong personally contributed 50 million yuan, but in the name of Kyriad. .

50 million, which is almost all the funds he can mobilize personally.

Then the remaining 130 million is claimed by other companies.

Of course, major entertainment companies will actively subscribe to Shu Yihuan's films.

Even though Shu Yihuan has just cheated on Dreams and Entertainment, his three words Shu Yihuan are golden signs.

With his qualifications, with his achievements, even if he cheats investors a few more times and throws a few more movies, there will still be capital waving banknotes to ask for tickets.

In fact, since knowing that Du Caige has a net worth of tens of billions, Shen Jinsong has lost his interest.

At this time, he thought about it clearly and felt that he couldn't sit still, so he regained his spirits.

I hope to make a fortune through Shu Yihuan's film and make enough money for retirement.

Then, as required, take Kyriad to complete a few missions, and he can find an opportunity to return to the Star-Spangled Kingdom.

Even if Du Caige wanted to take revenge on him, he went to the Xingtiaoguo, what could Du Caige do to him?

At that time, he might buy a farm and become a free-flowing rich man.

He might also hang out with the people from the consortium, invest in the entertainment industry in the country of stars and stripes, and have nothing to do with little stars.

Although he has no chance to enter politics, he can have a son and nurture him well. Maybe he will become the father of the governor and the father of the senator in his lifetime.


Originally, I wanted to show off my skills in Dahua Kingdom.

It's a pity that the ambition has not been fulfilled, so I have to consider retreating, which is really sad.

It's all because of that person.

He looked into the distance and seemed to have crossed the space of hundreds of kilometers. He saw the Hengdian Film and Television Base, the Wulin crew being filmed, and Du Caige, who was sitting on the director's chair, with deep eyes and scolding Fang Qiu.


Du Caige looked at the monitor carefully, repeatedly watched the scene just taken twice, smacking his lips unconsciously.

Keep one. He finally said.

Hearing what he said, the work on site was relieved.

Since the restart of the crew, the atmosphere has been very dignified.

And two days before the shooting, Director Du also let everyone know what is called the tyrant on the set.

He didn't just throw a tantrum, but stared at you sternly, the muscles at the corners of his mouth tightened, and his eyes were deep, which made people panic.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he pointed directly at the key points, and there was no foul language, but every word made the scolded person wonder if he had entered the wrong profession, whether he really did not have the talent for this profession, and even began to doubt his life.

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