I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 583 Your appearance is not suitable for this role

Shouldn't it be an actress?

Should not be ah.

Now this group of actresses know my style and know that I don't mess around on set.

Du Caige muttered, got up and opened the door.

Well, a pretty face appeared at the door.

Although he is in his 30s, he is well maintained, and his appearance is half higher than that of Jiang Youxi, the little fresh meat.

Luo Hengzuo.

Du Caige didn't expect that he would find himself in private.

After all, the relationship between the two is a bit awkward.

Barely can be regarded as one of the four irons of life.

Climbed the same peaks, fought in the same places.

It can be seen that Luo Hengzuo is also embarrassed, and he hesitates several times.

Is something wrong? Du Caige said after hesitating for a while.

Uh, I want to chat with Director Du, will I bother you?

Come in and sit. Du Caige made a gesture of invitation.

Luo Hengzuo came in cautiously, sat on the sofa beside the small round table, glanced at Du Caige's room secretly, and lowered his eyebrows.

Du Caige sat opposite him, with Erlang's legs crossed, the elbow of his left hand supported the assistant on the sofa, his fingers rested on his chin, and his fingertips touched the short beard he didn't have time to shave, feeling very uncomfortable.

Drinking tea? Du Caige asked insincerely.

In fact, he didn't even want to give Luo Hengzuo a glass of boiled water, he just wanted to finish the speech and send this guy away.

Luo Hengzuo probably also had self-knowledge, and quickly said, No, I'm not thirsty.

In fact, according to the etiquette of the Dahua people, even if the guest says not thirsty, the host should serve tea.

But Du Caige really didn't want to talk to Luo Hengzuo, so he ignored this basic etiquette and sat there lazily.

Luo Hengzuo pursed his lips,

The expression management is quite in place, without showing any anger.

Director Du, I'll cut to the chase. You've seen these two days that Liu Pengfei is not very suitable for playing Feng Yuxiu. You should leave this role to me, and I will definitely play it well.

Your appearance is not suitable for this role. Du Caige declined politely.

I can pretend to be ugly. I believe that the makeup artist's craftsmanship should be able to do it. Luo Hengzuo laughed.

Du Caige still shook his head. I said in my heart that I just didn't want to hit you. Actually, I was not optimistic about your acting skills. I felt that you couldn't control Feng Yuxiu, and it had nothing to do with your appearance.

You only have good looks to attract audiences. If you still act ugly, then I really don't know what else to use you for.

This Luo Hengzuo actually had some acting skills in the early years.

Du Caige specially selected several movies and TV series starring him to watch.

Back then, his acting skills should have been able to crush Jiang Youxi.

But probably in the past few years, he has spent all his mind on running variety shows, and his acting skills have regressed too much.

Run variety shows to make more money!

In fact, it's not that you get a lot of money for recording the show.

Hundreds of thousands of issues, in fact, that's it.

The key is the traffic brought by running variety shows, so that he can go from the ordinary line to the top, and can get the best endorsement.

Then I guess this guy forgot how to act.

When others act, they act like what they do.

Luo Hengzuo acts like himself in everything.

Like himself in variety shows.

Looking at Luo Hengzuo, Du Caige thought of an actor on Earth, Deng Chao.

Deng Chao's early works are actually quite good, playing several different types of roles.

For example, Zhao Erdou in the stunning big-screen debut Assembly, at that time, many people thought that this was the beginning of the rise of a talented actor, but they did not expect this to be his most glorious moment.

Then he performed well in Li Mi's Conjecture and in Empire of Tongtian.

But after running variety shows all the year round, the role he plays again will give people a sense of serious homogeneity.

Whatever he does is his own.

If you take one out and watch it alone, such as just watching The Mermaid, that's fine.

But if you watch a few more films, you will wonder: the original talented actor, this is it? That's it?

Of course, for a long time, he has frequently appeared in bad movies, the script of the movie has problems, and the characters are vague. These objective reasons also exist.

But it's also a fact that his own acting has stagnated.

Even in the later stage, in order to seek a breakthrough, he participated in the shadow, one person played two roles, in fact, it was like that.

To be honest, his acting skills are actually at the same level as the Assembly he played more than ten years ago, or even slightly inferior.

Even Deng Chao won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor in the scorching sun, fine-grained, in fact, the acting skills he showed in it were just like that.

It's not as amazing as it is in Assembly.

Not that he's bad at acting.

But people would have higher expectations for him.

For example, when Du Caige was on Earth, his evaluation of Deng Chao was: I thought he would become China's little plum, but I didn't expect his trajectory to turn a corner.

Of course, for Deng Chao himself, running variety shows, making bad movies, and making money easily may be a more ideal career trajectory.

Luo Hengzuo's situation is similar to this, only more serious.

Others Deng Chao was only stagnant, but his acting skills seriously deteriorated.

Maybe he is so used to the atmosphere of variety shows that he can't find the feeling of being in the play at all.

Now let him play a lighthearted and humorous role, and he may be fine.

Let him play a deep role, he can't handle it.

Let him play Tan Wendong, he will play like Luo Hengzuo.

Let him play Feng Yuxiu, and he will also play like Luo Hengzuo.

Let him play Jiang Hai, and he will still play like Luo Hengzuo.

So in order to ensure the quality of the film, Du Caige felt that let him play Jiang Hai.

Less scenes, less damage to the movie.

As for kicking Luo Hengzuo out... that's going to cost money.

The crew unilaterally broke the contract and had to lose a lot of money.

Rather than using waste.

The landlord's family has no surplus food. Others think that he is worth tens of billions, but it is true that he is indeed worth tens of billions, but he can't come up with cash.

For example, Yan Yingzhen, who is the richest man in Dahua, but in fact she is also the first loser in Dahua.

For the grand plan of Hongyuan Real Estate, she borrowed everywhere, and now the debt is tens of billions.

Even more than the GDP of some small countries.

Both the richest man and the first negative.

It's very difficult for you to ask her to take out 100 million in cash now.

So Du Caige is not qualified to release himself when he is making movies now.

Whatever resources you have at hand, you must use them well.

Others thought he could inject hundreds of millions more at any time.

In fact, his blood tank has long been empty!

Although his blood production is also fast, there will be basically no big money until the film is finished.

Therefore, Du Caige could not just kick Luo Hengzuo away.

Luo Hengzuo pleaded a few more words.

Du Caige's fingers subconsciously rubbed the short stubble of his chin back and forth.

After deliberating for a moment, he gave an ambiguous answer: Let's take a look at it first. You first prepare for Jiang Hai's role with peace of mind.

He got up as he spoke, not giving Luo Hengzuo a chance to say more.

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