I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 584 It turns out that you have really changed

In fact, Du Caige also felt that if Liu Pengfei could not enter the state for a long time, before finding another actor to put out the fire, he could consider letting Luo Hengzuo try it.

After all, Luo Hengzuo is more familiar with the plot and characters, and the running-in time may be shorter.

What the crew lacks the most right now is time.

Check Liu Pengfei for two more days. If it doesn't work, let Luo Hengzuo try it.

After sending Luo Hengzuo away, Du Caige continued to carry A Song of Ice and Fire with peace of mind.

Recently, there will be less material to be sorted out at night, and there will be more time to move.

In addition to carrying a few scripts for the company, he plans to get the second volume of A Song of Ice and Fire out, and strive to deliver it to the publishing house after the new year.

On the morning of the third day, Liu Pengfei's performance was still very worrying.

Du Caige sighed secretly, but on the surface he still seemed very calm, close to ruthless, and continued to maintain the image of a tyrant on the set that would not be easily shaken.

But near noon, his expression finally collapsed.

Not because of Liu Pengfei or other actors' performances, nor because of the staff's mistakes.

It was the girl who appeared on the filming site of the crew, intimately interacted with Luo Hengzuo, who had no shooting assignment, and then jumped in front of him.

Ai Ying? Long time no see... Uh, are you okay? Du Caige greeted the petite beauty in front of her awkwardly.

Ai Ying is one year older than Duan Xiaochen and is 29 years old this year.

She wore very light plain makeup and looked very young, looking like a girl who had just graduated from college and started working.

In her early years, she debuted as an idol singer, taking the pure and lovely route.

Lin Ke has written two good songs for her, and her career is booming.

After she broke up with Lin Ke, she soon met Luo Hengzuo, and it was almost a flash marriage.

Soon after the Lin Ke photography scandal broke out, after her and Lin Ke's hoods were leaked, their careers suffered a devastating blow, and it was no longer possible to become a pure and lovely idol.

However, Luo Hengzuo brought her back on variety shows two years ago.

When asked about the photos and videos of that year, Luo Hengzuo was very generous, saying that his wife was also a victim, and he could understand that the relationship between the two was not affected.

Therefore, the two are considered as one of the model couples in the entertainment industry and have experienced the test of wind and rain.

At present, she is focusing on variety shows, and she can be regarded as a variety show.

At this moment, Ai Ying lowered her head and smiled sweetly, even a little shyly, like an innocent girl in front of her sweetheart, who dared not look her lover in the eyes, and said softly, Director Du, we haven't moved for a long time. . Do you miss me?

Du Caige was speechless.

Do you want to act so ambiguous? Your husband is right next to you.

Even if you can live with him, I'm not afraid that he will rush over and beat you, but I'm afraid that he will beat me with a sap!

Therefore, he said in a light tone with a sense of alienation: I have to go through the material I just shot again. Go and talk to Ronaldinho, I will not accompany you.

Ai Ying smiled sweetly, nodded at him, and returned to Luo Hengzuo's side, the bird hugged Luo Hengzuo's arm.

Du Caige looked at her in confusion.

What is she here for?

She should know that at least half of the men in this crew rushed over to the passionate video of her and her deputy Greenke.

How could she appear as if nothing had happened, and still speak to herself with such an ambiguous expression and tone?

Aren't you afraid of being misunderstood?

In the afternoon, Liu Pengfei's condition still did not improve.

Du Caige simply adjusted the shooting plan and filmed other people's scenes first.

Then he secretly calculated that he really wanted to give Luo Hengzuo a chance.

In the evening, Du Caige was sorting materials in the room.

A soft knock sounded on the door.

He absently went over to open the door, and just as he opened it, a fragrant fragrance wafted out, and it was slightly seductive.

The petite and delicate Ai Ying pushed his hand open and walked in, and closed the door, Director Du! Hey, I'm really not used to this name. I used to call you brother.

There are at least 100 women in the entertainment industry who call me brother... Du Caige thought bitterly.

Seeing Ai Ying's posture, he felt that he was in trouble.

This is not a blessing.

Among the memory fragments he retrieved, none of them had anything to do with Ai Ying.

It means that he and Ai Ying were just playing together at the time and had no relationship.

But when it comes to human relationships, he does owe Ai Ying something.

This made him unable to express himself freely in front of Ai Ying.

Is something wrong with me? Du Caige asked in a deep voice.

Ai Ying smiled lightly, sat directly on his bed, then raised her head to look at him with charming eyes, and said softly, Can't I find you if I have nothing to do?

Du Caige's mouth twitched: You're already married, it's best not to look for me at all, it's not suitable, it's not good for you, and it's not good for me either.

Ai Yingjiao laughed: My good brother, are you still afraid of this? When did you care about your reputation and when did you care about others?

Du Caige's scalp was numb when she called Lei, and he bowed his head a little embarrassedly: This time is different from the past. If you have anything to say, go back as soon as possible.

What can I do? As she spoke, Ai Ying untied the ponytail at the back of her head and tossed her long hair. The originally pure temperament immediately became sexy and flirtatious.

She licked her lips, I just missed you...I want to chat with you, catch up, hee hee, and then review what we used to do.

Du Caige walked quickly to the door and opened the door, I don't have anything to talk to you about. Even if you want to catch up, it's not like this. You go back first!

Ai Ying glanced at him in astonishment, Everyone says you've changed, but I still don't believe it. It seems that you're a little different!

As he spoke, his voice grew tired again, Come on, let me see what has changed in you. Do you like to leave the door open? This is indeed more exciting.

Du Caige just felt his head was as big as a fight, Are you not understanding, or are you pretending not to understand? I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore. Please go out!

Ai Ying's eyes were dim, as if she had been stung by a needle, Why are you so fierce! When you were good with others, you were not like this.

What's the meaning of the past to you now? If you have any purpose, just say it directly, don't do these tricks. In fact, Du Caige also thought that if Ai Ying refused to leave, she would leave by herself.

But there are still many things in the room that must be kept secret, such as manuscripts, such as some materials. Do you still pack your notebook or something with you?

Moreover, if Ai Ying didn't leave, she would eventually be found in her room, and it would be very troublesome to explain.

what on earth do you want?

People just miss you... Ai Ying said pitifully, and began to take off her coat.

At this moment, there were footsteps in the corridor, Du Caige was still worried about being seen, and quickly closed the door.

He took a deep breath and said, I'll call Luo Hengzuo and ask him to take you back.

Going to the table to get the phone.

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