I Just Want to Copy Books in Peace

Chapter 595 Hemingway Pop Music Awards

After the Wulin crew returned to China, Liu Pengfei had not left the customs yet.

Du Caige was also patient and was going to wait for him for two more days.

I hope Liu Pengfei is worth the wait.

After a rest day in Yangcheng, the crew flew directly to the location, joined the rest of the crew, and continued filming.

After getting off the plane, before the equipment and luggage were sorted out, Du Shuang called.

Reported a few words about the company's financial situation, and said a few words of homework, saying that Long Jiumei was in a bad mood recently, and she was in a nameless fire every day. Du Qiqi hid in school and did not dare to go home. Long Jiumei's mood swings too much, causing her old illness to relapse.

I'll take time to go back and see her. I can't do it now. I'll have a video chat with her at night. Du Caige was a little helpless, but not unhappy.

How could he be unhappy when he was missed by his family.

This year's Golden Melody Awards are going to be a joke. Du Shuang said again.

What's the joke? What's wrong?

Several people can't talk about it. For example, what Yu Fei is, it is said that he is also quite powerful, right?

It's great.

But not as good as you.

This... Du Caige was speechless. Brother, I can't answer this.

After hanging up the phone, Du Caige was busy for a while.

After resting, he went to the Internet to find out the situation.

Sure enough, it was discovered that Yu Fei's Weibo announced that he would not go to the Golden Melody Awards ceremony this year. He would understand if the Golden Melody Awards would not be awarded to him.

In fact, he also has several works shortlisted this year, and the possibility of winning one or two awards is very high.

The following group of people who eat melons will discuss what kind of stimulation Yu Fei has received. He doesn't even want the Golden Melody Award, and whether he has taken refuge in the new Pop Music Awards.

And Yu Fei replied, The Pop Music Awards and the Golden Melody Awards are not opposites, they are just two different awards.

Then someone asked him,

Yu Fei didn't say anything about whether he would go to the scene at the Pop Music Awards, but only said, Let's see the situation at that time, and I won't go if I'm too busy.

At least on the surface, there is still a three-point leeway for the Golden Melody Award.

After reading Weibo for a while, Du Caige found that not only Fei, but several songwriters also announced that they would not go to the Golden Melody Awards.

This made Du Caige a little puzzled.

He called Huo Yanying and asked if there was any action on the Pop Music Awards.

No. Huo Yanying told him with certainty.

Then he asked: The jury of the Pop Music Awards is having a headache right now.


It's not because of you.

Du Caige called out, I didn't do anything!

You did it, Huo Yanying said quietly. In March this year, you occupied the top ten of the hot song list and new song list on almost all music platforms.


If it's just this year, it's fine, but the jury thinks that since you still have hundreds of songs unpublished, it's inevitable that you will dominate the charts next year, the year after, and every year in the future. What should we do, the best lyricist, The Best Composer is awarded to you every year? Does anyone else want to play it? Not to you? That's too unfair. In fact, the Golden Melody Awards were also very embarrassing a few years ago, until you announced your withdrawal from the entertainment industry. Take a breath.

Du Caige felt that what he said made sense.

Then what?

Two solutions.

Godfather, say it.

The first is to let you join the jury and be a judge every year, and then in order to avoid suspicion, your works will not participate in the awards.

Du Caige was noncommittal, What about the second?

Huo Yanying smiled: Lifetime Achievement Award, or something like that, in short, I will give you a very big award, and then this award will not be awarded for many years in the future, you are the scorpion Baba, the only one. Then announce, because of you It's too awesome, and they've already won the Lifetime Achievement Award. In the future, they won't participate in the Best Lyricist and Best Composer awards, and give others some opportunities. Which do you prefer?

I'll think it over.

Huo Yanying naturally heard his perfunctory: You don't like it? Then tell me what you have in mind.

Du Caige hesitated: Forget it, I have no idea.

You have. Come on, what's wrong with me? What can't you say in front of me!

Du Caige still didn't say: I thought about it and it's still not very good.

You say it first, it's up to me to judge whether it's good or not.

Rename the Dahuaguo Pop Music Award to the Hemingway Pop Music Award. I'm just talking nonsense, it's inappropriate. Du Caige felt a little embarrassed.

My own people are still alive, how can I use my own name to name an award.

Although in terms of status, he is indeed the number one person in the pop music scene in Dahua.

It can even be said to be the first person in an Asian pop group.

Singers from Bangzi Country and Sakurajima, men's and women's groups come to Dahua for business performances, and songwriters come here to pan for gold, and they must worship the wharf in a proper manner.

Whether he sees or not is one thing, but people have to have this attitude.

Otherwise, it is disrespecting the elders.

Huo Yanying pondered for a while, and suddenly there was a muffled sound from the phone. It seemed that he slapped his thigh hard: Okay, that's a good idea.

No, I'm joking, godfather, this can't be done.

I think it's fine.

It's too shameless.

It doesn't matter, you have never been shameless anyway. This plan is really good and can solve the problem. In the future, you will be able to follow suit without participating in the awards. That's it, I'll discuss it with them first. Huo Yanying really thinks about this idea very attentive.

To be honest, with the quantity and quality of Du Caige's works and his status in the pop music world, it is worthy to use his name to set up an award.

The only downside is his age.

He is not yet 36 years old.

If the numbers were reversed and he was 63 years old, no one would have an opinion.

Even if it is 53 years old, even if it is more than 40 years old, the voices of doubt will be much less.

But now, it is estimated that some people still think that he is too young and not qualified enough.

A young man in his thirties, although he has created some high-quality works, why use his name to set up an award? Well, you can use his name to set up awards, but this award is not authoritative enough, you can only play behind closed doors.

Du Caige is concerned about these.

However, Huo Yanying was in high spirits and seemed not to worry at all.

After hanging up the phone, Du Caige thought for a while, and called Tang Yezhi again to ask about Yu Fei.

Tang Yezhi was very familiar with Yu Fei, maybe he knew something.

He, the reason he announced not to go is actually yours.

I'm going, what's the matter with me? Du Caige was very aggrieved. People sit at home, and the pot comes from the sky.

It's really because of you. Madd, are you pretending to be confused? Last year, he happily went to win the award, and he was madly spammed under his Weibo, you know?


That's it. A lot of people are sneering and sneering, saying that Hemingway accounted for six of the top ten hits and did not win the best lyricist and best composer. How many faces do you have to win the best lyricist? Are you fit for a haircut?

Du Caige didn't feel anything, I didn't go to the awards ceremony myself, so it's normal that the Golden Melody Awards don't give me the award.

Of course we know it's normal. But Yu Fei is also shameful, so I heard that you probably won't go this year, so he won't go at all, lest the Golden Melody Award award him the best lyricist again. He can't afford to lose this. people.

Du Caige understood. What about the others who announced they won't go?

Oh, that's following the heat, a few dogs and a few hands, don't pay attention. They won't get the prize anyway, so there's nothing to lose.

Du Caige didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

After thinking for a while, he asked tactfully: Old Tang, ask you one thing, and answer me honestly. Suppose I set up a Hemingway Foundation in my own name to reward those who make contributions to the field of pop music every year. Musician, do you think it's appropriate? Do you think I'm too arrogant, too narcissistic?

Tang Yezhi's tone was very relaxed, what's the matter, you have this qualification.


Really. Do you want to rename the Pop Awards to the Hemingway Awards?


Yo, I guessed it right. It's okay, you kid! Now you can use your name to set up awards. Tang Yezhi laughed, and Du Caige's eardrums hurt.

By the way, this year is almost over, let's get Xiao Jiang to your company as soon as possible. That goddamn day just wants to run after your ass, and it's annoying to see him, let him go to your place.

Okay, I'll do it in a few days when I'm free.

This year, Jiang Youxi has also made a lot of money for Huayu Entertainment, and it is time to dig him into Dream Chasing Entertainment.

However, Du Caige does not plan to let him sign an artist contract with Dream Dream Entertainment.

Instead, let him set up a studio by himself, and then share in his studio. Similar to the pattern of Suman.

At the level of Jiang Youxi, a proper first-line star, the company will lie on him to suck blood again. Out of gratitude, he may not say anything in the short term, and it will definitely be uncomfortable after a long time.

It is better to position the two sides as a partnership from the beginning.

Respect each other like a guest, and the days will last long.

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